Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Playmobil Spies: Vacation Fright V 摩比嬌娃之渡假驚魂記-5

不知過了多久,Eliza 和 Freddy 醒了過來。他們從籃子裏爬出來發現他們又到了另一個暗暗的小型儲藏室。

Eliza and Freddy finally woke up after an uncountable amount of time has elapsed. They climbed out of their baskets to discover that they were in another small, dim storage room.


It took them a while before they groped their way out, what met their eyes when they arrived outside was a vast piece of barren wasteland. Except for some bushes here and there, all they could perceive was sand everywhere!


They have been strolling aimlessly around the area for a while before they heard noises of machines. They walked towards the direction of the sound and they discovered a group of people working in a construction site. There were young, old, male and female; some wore pyjamas, others wore dresses. They definitely do not look like construction workers at all but they all have a spade in their hands and were all digging for something.

突然,Eliza 大叫:「那不是 Claire 嗎?」

Suddenly, Eliza exclaimed: "Isn't that Claire over there?"

Eliza 和 Freddy 趕緊跑向 Claire。Eliza 說:「Claire,你怎麼會在這裡?你在挖什麼呀?你知道大家都多擔心你嗎?」

Eliza and Freddy quickly dashed towards Claire. Eliza said: "Claire, why are you here? What are you digging? Do you know how worried everyone is because of you?"

可是,令人吃驚的是,Claire 絲毫沒有認出 Eliza 的樣子。她兩眼無神的直視著前方,彷彿像機器人一般,毫無思考及感覺。

However, to their astonishment, Claire did not seem to recognise Eliza at all. She just stared blankly in front of her, like a robot without any thoughts or emotions whatsoever.


At this instance, they heard a high-pitched laugh coming from behind. They turned around and perceived a woman wearing a pink party dress walking towards them.

身穿粉紅色禮服的女人開口說:「啊哈哈哈哈!你們不用白費力氣了!Claire 是不會認出你們的!」

The woman said: "Ahahahaha! There's no need to waste your energy! Claire will not recognise you no matter how hard you try!"

「你是誰?你對 Claire 做了甚麼?」Eliza 氣憤地問。

"Who are you and what have you done to Claire?" Eliza inquired furiously.

「哎喲喂呀,又來了個壞脾氣又性子急的女人呀!」那個女人回答道:「你很想知道是吧?好,既然你們也即將成為我的奴隸,我就告訴你們吧!我就是鼎鼎大名的澳洲地質學家 - Janet Stevenson,根據我十幾年的研究,這個位在太平洋海域的小島曾經是沉在海底的,它大約在3百萬年前因地殼變動浮出了海面,所以非常有可能在地底下埋了很多的稀有金屬。我需要很多人來幫我挖出這些稀有金屬,所以,我在五年前以重金買下了歷史悠久的【瑪德琳旅館】,並且精心打造了一個秘密通道,從旅館的201號房通往旅館的倉庫。我在每年的這個時候,便會啟動機關,讓住在201號房的人掉入通道然後掉進倉庫的大籃子裏。我再派人把他們載去港口,運送到這兒來當奴隸。所有過程都非常保密,因為我在籃子裡放了迷魂香氣,聞了自然就會昏昏欲睡,所以連搬運工人都不會察覺有任何異狀。等到運送到這裡後,我便讓他們喝下藥水,讓他們遺忘之前的一切,乖乖地聽從我的命令幫我挖寶物。哈哈哈哈!」

"Oh my.....another bad-tempered and desperate woman!" Exclaimed the woman in the pink dress, "You really want to know, don't you? Fine, I will tell you, since it would not be long before you become one of my slaves too! I am the famous Australian geologist- Janet Stevenson. According to my study that took me more than ten years, this piece of island that is situated in the Pacific Ocean was once submerged in the sea; it only surfaced from the ocean around 3 million years ago. Therefore, there is a very high possibility that there are precious metals buried deep underneath the ground. I need lots of people to help me to dig up those precious metals, so, I bought the 'Madeleine Hotel' five years ago and constructed a secret tunnel leading from Room 201 to the hotel storage room. Every year, at this time, I will activate this passage and let the guests staying in Room 201 to travel down the tunnel and fall into the large basket. Afterwards, I pay people to transport them off to the port and then they are brought here to be my slaves. All the processes are kept secret, as I placed a fragrant smell in the baskets that encourages sleep, even the transportation workers will not detect anything wrong with it. After they are transported here, I let them drink a potion which will make them forget everything of their past and follow my orders to dig those treasures up for me without complaint. Hahahahaha!"

Eliza 和 Freddy 聽完後嚇得都不知所措了。他們這次能夠順利救出 Claire 以及其他的受害者嗎?

After listening to her speech, Eliza and Freddy were made speechless due to shock. Will they be able to successfully rescue Claire and the other captives before it's too late?


~To be Continued~

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