Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Playmobil Spies: Vacation Fright VI (Final Ending) 摩比嬌娃之渡假驚魂記-6(完結篇)

Eliza 突然看到 Stevenson 的手上拿著一個藍色的瓶子,便說:「妳手上那瓶是解藥吧?別再執迷不悟了,快把解藥給我,你現在去自首說不定能減輕罪行!」

Eliza suddenly perceived a blue bottle in Stevenson's hand, so she said: "Is that the antidote you are holding in your hand? Don't be so obstinate, give me the antidote and confess your crime, maybe it could be extenuated because of this!"

Stevenson 說:「哈哈哈哈哈,太好笑了!我的計劃眼看就快達成了,妳說我怎麼可能會把解藥給妳?你少在那自作多情、癡人說夢話了!」

Stevenson smirked: "Hahahaha, very funny! My plan is so close to success, why would you think that I will give you the antidote now? Be practical and give up on your daydreaming!"

這時,Eliza 突然走到 Stevenson 前面,當場甩了她一個耳光,站在一旁的 Freddy 嚇了一大跳,不知 Eliza 會做出如此驚人的舉動。甩完了耳光,Eliza 便含著眼淚大罵道:「妳這個自私自利、心狠手辣的女人,妳的良心是被狗吃了嗎?你知道你把這些人困在這裡這麼多年,他們的家人、朋友以及周遭所有的人有多麼想念他們嗎?你只想到你自己的前途和財富,卻完全忽略了別人的感受!你竟敢把別人的感受當作垃圾一般在地上踐踏,你......你還算是人嗎?」

Without warning, Eliza walked in front of Stevenson and slapped her on the face. Freddy, who was standing beside them, was very shocked that Eliza will perform such a daring move. After the slap, Eliza scolded with tears in her eyes: "You selfish, wicked woman! Has your conscience been eaten by dogs? Do you know that whilst you kept these people here to be your slaves, how much their relatives, family and friends have missed them? You have only thought about your own future and wealth but completely ignored the feelings of others! How dare you treat the feelings of others like rubbish and step on them, monster!"

Stevenson 被甩了一個耳光又被辱罵了一番也氣得牙癢癢的,大喊:「你好大的膽子呀!竟敢打我的臉!我今天就跟你拼了!」說完,便來個飛踢,試圖襲擊還沉浸在剛剛的氣氛的 Eliza。

Stevenson was furious after she was slapped and scolded by Eliza, she shouted: "How dare you slap me on the face?! Game on!" and she finished with a kick, trying to take Eliza by surprise.

幸好 Eliza 身手矯健,馬上反應過來,躲過了 Stevenson 的偷襲。

Fortunately Eliza was extremely agile and was able to duck just in time.

「快把解藥交出來!」Eliza 怒喊道。說完,他們便大戰了好幾回合,可是始終無法分出勝負。

"Give me the antidote!" Eliza exclaimed and they started fighting for a long time, but was still unable to announce the winner.

突然,Stevenson 跳到了後面的樹幹上,大喊:「奴隸們,把這兩個不速之客給我拿下!你們很快就會有新同伴了!哈哈哈哈!」

Abruptly, Stevenson jumped onto a branch behind her and cried: "Slaves, capture the two unwelcome visitors! You will have new friends soon! Hahahaha!"

在 Stevenson 的一聲令下,俘虜們紛紛拿起手上的鏟子當成武器,朝著 Eliza 和 Freddy 的方向逼近。

The captives, after hearing Stevenson's command, used their spades and tools as weapons, slowly advanced towards Eliza and Freddy.

眼看 Eliza 和 Freddy 已經退到沒有路了,他們該怎麼辦呢?

Eliza and Freddy soon ran out of place to move backwards, what could they do?

這時,聰明的 Freddy 靈機一動,拿出一條前頭有掛鉤的繩子,朝著前方挖土機抛去。確定繩子已經固定好後,便抓著繩子一起和 Eliza 朝著 Stevenson 的方向蕩過去,敏捷的 Eliza 順利把 Stevenson 手中的解藥硬搶了過來。

At this instance, the intelligent Freddy had an idea, he took out a rope with a hook attached to its end and swung it towards the excavator in the near distance. After making sure it is secure, he and Eliza grabbed hold of the rope and swung themselves in the direction of Stevenson. The agile Eliza successfully snatched the bottle containing the antidote away from her. 

之後,Eliza 和 Freddy 餵大家喝了解藥,大家都恢復了記憶,並且幫助她們抓住準備逃跑的 Stevenson。

Afterwards, Eliza and Freddy fed everyone a portion of the antidote, they all recovered their memories and helped Freddy and Eliza catch Stevenson, who was planning an escape.

警察也隨後趕到了現場,將 Stevenson 逮捕歸案。

The police soon arrived as well and arrested Stevenson.


Another mission accomplished!


~The End~

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