Friday, 5 February 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Switching Hour-4 摩比神探之換魂記-4

"What should we do with the old lady who claimed herself to be Ms Foster?" Shaun whispered to Jeffrey quietly as they brought the old lady back home, "She seems to think now she is Claire! Do you think she's a bit out of her mind. The story she told us could've all been her imaginations."

「我們該怎麼處理這位瘋老太太啊?」他們把老太太送回自己家裏後,孝恩小聲地對傑佛瑞說。「她覺得自己是 Claire 啊!我覺得她好像精神有些失常。她告訴我們的故事可能都只是她的幻想。」

"Very true! She does seem to be a bit around the bend and the story seemed quite extraordinary." Jeffrey replied in a low voice, "However, she seemed to be completely sane, and there was nothing peculiar in her speech to indicate her insanity. We should investigate this further."


"But what if she's really mad?" Shaun glanced at the old lady and responded, "We don't want to have a crazy old nanny in our house. We don't know what she might do! It's best if we contact someone from the asylum."


"My instinct tells me that there's something peculiar going around here," Jeffrey concluded, "Okay, how about this: we'll let her stay in our house for a few days in order to observe her. And if she proves to be really Claire in the old lady's body, we'll investigate. And if she proves to be insane, we'll contact an asylum."

「我的直覺告訴我其中必有蹊蹺。」傑佛瑞說。「那這樣如和:我們讓她待個幾天,好觀察她。如果她是 Claire,我們就深入調查。如果她真的是瘋子,我們就只好把她送去瘋人院。」 

A few days have elapsed and the old lady proved herself to be completely sane. Except when she was asked who she was, she insisted that she was Claire Lee, Shaun's younger sister. In fact, she had a sound knowledge about Shaun and their childhood, which made Shaun starting to doubt his rational reasoning about the affair.


One day, when Shaun and Jeffrey was discussing about how to deal with this strange old lady whilst she was taking a shower, Jeffrey received a video-call from his cousin- Eliza, who is Claire's friend.

有天,當孝恩和傑佛瑞趁著老太太去洗澡時,討論該如何處理這件事情時,傑佛瑞收到了他的表妹~ Eliza 打來的視訊電話。

"Jeffrey, do you possibly know what happened to Claire after she left your place on Christmas Eve? Everything seemed to be so weird and different about her." Eliza said through the video call, "First of all, her habits have all changed, when she used to be quite messy, she's now as tidy as anyone. Also, she suddenly became so good at Maths, and she doesn't even take Maths! She was able to help Jennifer with her Maths homework, and helped her get a hundred percent, which is the least likely thing that will ever happen. However, this was not all! Yesterday, I saw this cute stray kitten on the road and took it home. When Claire returned home and saw the kitten, she literally screamed her head off whilst trembling violently in a corner. I don't know what's with her, but the Claire I know was an animal lover. She wasn't afraid of ravens, or even cockroaches; but why would she suddenly be so scared of a kitten. Jeffrey, tell me: what has happened to her?"

「傑佛瑞,你知道 Claire 是發生了什麼事兒了嗎?自從平安夜那天她從你那兒回來後,就整個人怪怪的。」Eliza 說。「首先,她的習慣都改變了,以前亂亂的她,現在比誰都整齊。還有,她突然數學變得好厲害呀!她又沒修數學,還可以教 Jennifer 寫數學功課,幫她拿到了滿分,這根本是不可能的事兒!還不只如此咧!昨天,我在路上看到一隻可憐的流浪小貓,於是決定把牠撿回來飼養。想不到,Claire回來後看到了小貓竟大聲尖叫,還躲在牆角直發抖。這不是我所認識的Claire,我所熟悉的Claire是動物愛好者。她連烏鴉、蟑螂都不怕,怎麼可能會怕一隻可愛的小貓咪呢?傑佛瑞,告訴我:到底是出了什麼事兒?」

Shaun and Jeffrey exchanged a knowing look, then Jeffrey said, "Eliza, please come over here this instant!"


Not long after, Eliza turned up at their place.

不久後,Eliza 來到了孝恩和傑佛瑞的家。

Suddenly, the old lady walked out of the bathroom after her shower, on seeing Eliza, she dashed towards her and embraced her. "Oh Eliza, do you know how much I've missed you? I thought I would never see you again!"

突然,老太太洗完澡,從浴室裡走了出來。她看見了 Eliza 趕緊衝過去給她一個大大的擁抱。「噢 Eliza!你知道我有多思念你嗎?我還以為我再也不會見到你了?」

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Eliza looked at the wrinkled old lady in front of her in bewilderment and glanced at Shaun and Jeffrey for help.


"I'm Claire, don't you recognise me?" the old lady exclaimed. "I'm Claire Lee, the Chinese girl, whom you had been BFFs with since year 2! Don't you remember?"


"What is going on here?" Eliza cried.

「現在是什麼情形?」Eliza 說。

"Okay, I know you accidentally pooped in your skirt in year 2 when you had diarrhoea that day, but was scared that people will laugh at you so you deliberately dropped your chocolate sandwich on yourself so people'll think that it's chocolate. And in year 3, you had a crush on our classmate Joseph Litimer, and on Valentine's day, you wrote a secret card to him, but you spelt 'love' as 'l-u-v' so he found out and rejected you in front of the whole class. In year 4....."


"Stop!" Eliza screamed, "How do you know all this? There's only one person in this world that could've known all this, and it's Claire. OMG, Claire, it's you!"

「停!」 Eliza 尖叫道。「你怎麼會知道這些?這些事情這世上只有一個人知道,那就是Claire。噢買尬,Claire,是你!?」

~To be Continued~


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