Saturday, 6 February 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Switching Hour-5 摩比神探之換魂記-5

After confirming the fact that the old lady was, in fact, not insane, but was indeed Claire. They sat down and began to discuss the affair together. 


"Okay, Claire." Shaun said, "Tell us exactly what happened on the night when your body and the old lady's switched. Do not miss any detail."


"It was all very blurry, maybe because the old woman's memory isn't very sharp, but thank God memory follows the soul, so I still remember a little." Claire, in the form of the old lady continued, "When Shaun and Jeffrey were lured outside on a wrong scent, I was left alone in the house with the old lady. I was tapping on my when she came close to me and asked me if I wanted to take a walk with her. I agreed, and near the park area, she suddenly claimed to be dizzy and grabbed hold of my arm. Then I became very dizzy, felt unable to breath and everything swirled around me. Then I lost consciousness."

「整個記憶的模模糊糊的,不知道是不是因為那個老太太的記性已經不太好了,但是幸好記憶是跟著靈魂的,所以我多少還記得一些。」Claire 從老太太的身體說。「當孝恩和傑佛瑞被騙出去後,我便獨自和老太太在客廳裡。我在滑手機時,她突然靠過來問我要不要跟她一起出去走走兒。我同意了。在公園時,她突然間說她頭暈,便抓著我的手臂。結果我就開始覺得整個暈眩,而且無法呼吸,整個公園在我眼前不停地旋轉。然後,我就失去意識了。」

"Did the old lady say or do anything that appeared to be weird at the time?" Shaun inquired.


"Hum, oh yes, when she came closer to me in this living room, she said I had very fair skin, looks pretty and has beautiful hair. I was quite taken aback by her sudden compliments." 


"Anything else?"


"No, not that I can remember."


"You said you felt unable to breathe, did the old woman slip a necklace or anything on you?" Jeffrey inquired.


"I don't remember having seen a necklace, but I did remember that her hand was also touching my neck," Claire replied, "It's quite possible that there might be a necklace involved."


"Perhaps, the made-up story which she told us might not be completely false, and it might give us some clues to our mystery." Jeffrey inferred, "Eliza, we need your help! When you get back to the flat that you share with Claire, search everywhere to see if you can find a necklace of any sort. If we can get our hands on this necklace, we might have more hope in changing Claire back. Remember, do not make her realise that we have discovered something, or else she might try and hide the necklace."

「或許,老太太跟我們說的故事並不是完全虛構的。有可能它能給我們什麼線索。」傑佛瑞推理道。「Eliza,我們需要你的幫助!你回到你和 Claire 共同居住的公寓時,仔細得找看有沒有什麼特別的項鍊。如果我們能拿到項鍊,說不定我們還有希望能將 Claire 換回來。切記,絕對不能打草驚蛇,讓她知道我們察覺到了什麼;不然,他有可能會試圖藏項鍊。」

Next morning, Eliza walked with her pyjamas to Claire (which was actually the old lady)'s room.

隔天早上,Eliza 穿著睡衣走到 Claire(其實是邪惡的老太太)的房間。

"Claire, I don't feel very well today, I think I won't be able to go to school." Eliza said, "Will you be alright going alone?"

「Claire,我今天人不太舒服,可能不能去上學了。」Eliza 說。「你一個人去可以嗎?」

When there was no reply, Eliza walked into Claire's room only to discover Claire dressed in an old-fashioned dress with a long skirt.

Eliza 沒聽見答覆後,走進 Claire 的房間,發現 Claire 正穿著一件老式的長裙。

"OMG! What are you wearing Claire, is it a 'go-vintage day' today or something?" Eliza exclaimed.

「噢買尬!今天是『復古日』嘛?不然你為什麼穿這樣去上學?」Eliza 驚叫道。

"Oh um, is it really queer to wear this to school?" the wicked old woman in Claire's body inquired. "Um, I discovered that I am suddenly into vintage style......"

「嗯,這樣很奇怪嗎?」假 Claire 說。「我....我突然發現我挺喜歡復古風的呀!」

"Oh um, it's fine!" Eliza lied, "In fact, it suits you very well. Oops, you'd better hurry, cos registration starts at half past eight!"

「嗯,不...不會啦!」Eliza 說。「這樣跟你也挺搭的。噢,你最好趕快了,八點半就要上課了!」

"Um, bye Elizabeth!" the false Claire said as she waved good-bye, "Get well soon!"

「Elizabeth 再見!」假 Claire 一邊揮手一邊說再見。「要趕快好起來喔!」

Eliza's opportunity is here, now, she has the whole day to begin searching for the legendary necklace.

Eliza 的機會來的,她現在有一整天的時間可以開始尋找傳說中的項鍊。

~To be Continued~


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