Friday, 30 January 2015

Playmobil Fi?ures Series 9 5598 5599 摩比抽抽樂第九彈 5598 5599

Playmobil Fi?ures Series 9 will be launched in the next half semester of 2015 around August. Let's take a look at the contents!


Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Playmobil Fi?ures Series 8 5596 5597 摩比抽抽樂第八彈 5596 5597

Playmobil fi?ures series 8 will be launching worldwide soon in March 2015! Let's take a look at what characters are in it!


Sunday, 18 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-11 (Final Ending) 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-11 (完結篇)

After discovering the door to exit the room was locked from the outside, the future spies started to panic. Just then, the new spies of the P.M. Organisation came forward and said, "Don't worry! Leave this to us!" Then, they moved backwards and charged at the door together.


Eventually, the door opened and the spies led everyone out of the room, just in time before it exploded.


Saturday, 17 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-10 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-10

After hearing from Golding's image in the mirror that the underground room was going to explode, the future spies quickly found the antidote to the girls' hypnosis on a shelf and fed it to them. 


All this time, the countdown was still going on: "4 minutes 15"


Friday, 16 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-9 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-9

Just when the future spies were starting to panic about their situation, Eliza had an ingenious plan. She bent down and used her foot to move her handbag towards her. 

正當未來的嬌娃們開始感到緊張時,Eliza 突然有了一個計畫。她彎下腰來,用腳把她的包包勾到自己拿得到的地方。

"I have a stun rod in my handbag, maybe we can use it to defeat that annoying little robot!" Eliza said.

「我的包包裏有一根電擊棒,說不定我們可以用它來打敗那個討厭的小機器人!」Eliza 說。

"Brilliant idea!" Claire replied hopefully. 

「好主意!」Claire 充滿希望的回答道。

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-8 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-8

After some shouting, Claire slapped Kimberley Golding on the face. Golding, who was furious after the insult, stamped on Claire's foot using her super high heels.

經過一番對罵後,Claire 狠狠地賞了Kimberley Golding一記耳光。Golding 受了侮辱,恨得牙癢癢的,於是也不甘示弱,用她那超高的高跟鞋用力地踩在Claire的腳上。

"Ouch!" Claire screamed.

「好痛喔!」Claire 大叫道。

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-7 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-7

"Mr. McKeeper!" Eliza exclaimed after seeing the new owner of the boutique walking towards them, "So, you're part of this as well! I knew you were up to no good when I heard you muttering under your breath!"

「McKeeper先生!」Eliza 看到服飾店的新老闆走向他們後說。「所以,你也是跟她一伙的啊?我聽到你在那兒碎碎念時就知道你一定有鬼!」

"Yes! Indeed, he is my boyfriend! Do you have a problem with that?" the mad woman demanded as she held onto Mr. McKeeper's hand.


"We don't care who your boyfriend is as long as you let us, and all these poor girls out of here!" Claire said, "Who are you anyways? And why do you especially want pretty girls to be your cloth-making slaves? Why are you so obsessed with them? What exactly is your problem?"

「我們不管你的男友是誰~只要你放了這些可憐的女孩就好!」Claire 說。「你到底是誰呀?還有你為什麼特別喜歡漂亮美眉呀?你到底是哪裡有問題啊?」

Monday, 12 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-6 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-6

Just when Claire and Eliza were starting to figure out that something was horribly wrong with these young girls, suddenly, they heard a high-pitched laugh: "Hahahaha! Work, girls, work! Make me those pretty dresses, but you can't wear any of 'em! Hahahaha!"

正當 Claire 和 Eliza 開始察覺到似乎有哪裡不對勁兒時,突然,他們聽到了一個尖銳的笑聲:「哈哈哈哈!工作吧,女孩們!幫我製作這些美麗的洋裝,但是你們一件也不能穿!哈哈哈哈!」

They looked in the direction of the voice and perceived a woman in her mid-twenties wearing a colourful dress, a mini skirt, a pink hat with fake flowers on top and pink high heels.


Sunday, 11 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-5 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-5

"I've heard that this boutique has recently changed a new owner, and he's quite a cute guy, too!" the future Claire whispered to the future Eliza.

「我聽說這間服飾店最近換了一個新老闆,而且好像還長得很帥喲!」未來的 Claire 小聲地和未來的 Eliza 說。

Then, they perceived a man coming towards them.


"Good morning, ladies! Welcome to the boutique! I am Brian McKeeper, the new owner of the boutique, nice to meet you!!" the new owner smiled at them as he extended his hand.

「女士們早安啊!歡迎光臨本服飾店!我是這間店的新老闆~Brian McKeeper,很高興認識你們!」新老闆一邊微笑著一邊伸出手來和他們握手。

"This is him!" the future Claire whispered to the future Eliza as she nudged her gently. 

「就是他!」未來的 Claire 小聲的和未來的 Eliza 說。

"Hi! Nice to meet you!" Eliza said as she shook hands with him.

「你好!很高興認識你!」Eliza 和老闆握手。

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-4 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-4

The future Eliza and Tiffany walked into the boutique together, chatting about past memories. 

未來的 Eliza 和 Tiffany 一起走進服飾店,開心的聊著往事。

Suddenly, the future Eliza spotted a pretty dress on display, just when she was about to remove it from the display, so she could try it on, a dark-haired woman came from the other side, who also wanted to try it on. 

突然,未來的 Eliza 看見展示的假人模特兒身上有一件很美的洋裝,正要將它取下來試穿時,有一位迎面而來的黑髮女子也要試穿這件洋裝。

Friday, 9 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-3 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-3

After Claire and Eliza walked through the Door to Time, they found themselves on the street near their homes. 

Claire 和 Eliza 穿越時空之門後,他們來到了家裏附近的一條街道上。

At first, they didn't quite notice any difference, and indeed, they thought they had just arrived back home. Only when they perceived a weird-looking green robot, and a man driving a strange vehicle that looks like a something we used to land on the moon, did they realise that they had arrived in the future.


Thursday, 8 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-2 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-2

Then, afterwards, the screen switched back to show the familiar face of their boss- Tom.


"Tom!" Claire and Eliza exclaimed in one voice after they perceived the familiar face, "What has happened? Are you okay? Have you been kidnapped by your evil and insane brother or something? It's okay, don't worry, we'll save ya!"

「湯姆!」Claire 和 Eliza 異口同聲地大叫:「發生了甚麼事兒?你還好吧?你是不是被你邪惡的瘋哥哥綁架了?別擔心,我們會拯救你的!」

"Hehehe," Tom chuckled as he replied calmly to the spies overflowing questions, "As you have just heard, no, that was not my evil, insane brother, but that was the future me calling myself from the future, in the year 2030. As you can see, I am totally fine, and you have no need to worry about me! And, indeed, this time your mission is to go forward in time to the future, precisely speaking, to the year 2030. As there has been a severe case of people, especially teenage girls, missing; after the headquarter's detailed analysis, there was only one similarity between each case, and that is: all of them has been to a local boutique to go shopping."


"But why do we have to investigate a case that will happen in the future?" Claire inquired, "Isn't that for the future us to figure it out?"

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Playmobil Spies: Future Adventure-1 摩比嬌娃之未來危機-1

One Sunday morning, Claire and Eliza went shopping in the newly opened boutique downtown. 

某個星期天早上,Claire 和 Eliza 在一家新開的服飾店裏逛街。

"Wow, such beautiful clothes!" Eliza admired as they walked down the aisle surround by colourful dresses of different sizes and styles.

「哇!好美的衣服啊!」Eliza 一邊看著琳琅滿目、五顏六色的服飾,一邊讚美道。

"That black dress looks pretty, let's try it on!" Claire said as she pointed to a black dress in front of them. 

「你看那件黑色的洋裝多美啊!我們去試穿看看吧!」Claire 指著眼前的一件黑色洋裝說道。

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Playmobil Princess Castle Diorama 摩比皇宮場景

Recently, I have 'combined' the 5142 Princess Fantasy Castle with the 5474 Unicorn Jewel Castle into one grand princess castle diorama. Now that it's combined into a bigger castle, I have more space to put the royal furniture. Hooray!

最近,我【合併】了摩比 5142 夢幻公主城堡 和 5474 獨角獸寶石城堡,成為一個皇宮場景。現在皇宮變大了,我又可以擺更多皇家傢俱喽!噢耶!

Here are some pictures of the diorama:


Saturday, 3 January 2015

Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Frog Prince-9 (Final Ending) 摩比童話之青蛙王子-9 (完結篇)

Fatima, who pitied the old man with the long, grey beard, brought him back to the palace along with the mirror. 


"Your highness, I've found this old man near the market, holding this mirror." Fatima explained, "But there are several things that is very strange with him, not only did he seem to be unable to talk, but also, his reflection from the mirror is that of an orange frog!"


Princess Ahglee (who was actually Prince Handesum) exclaimed after she has seen the old man with the long, grey beard, "He's the sorcerer that switched souls with me, I saw his soul when our bodies swapped! In fact, he was actually the National Wizard of our country during my father's time as a prince. However, he was caught performing black magic, therefore, he was banished forever from our country. He must have came to cast the spell on me for revenge!"


Friday, 2 January 2015

Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Frog Prince-8 摩比童話之青蛙王子-8

After their plan to let the evil sorcerer drink the soup boiled from hair, nails and the frog's bath water has totally failed, the princess, now in the form of the frog, joined in the research. 


Everyday, Fatima put the frog princess in the basket and took her to the royal library. The princess would point to the book she wanted to read and Fatima would get it for her from the shelf. 


The frog princess and the prince that turned into the princess read through pages and pages of different types of books in search of a new method to get their bodies back, as now that the sorcerer might have suspected something from the 'soup with impurities', they had to be more prudent, and this time, the plan had to work!


Thursday, 1 January 2015

Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Frog Prince-7 摩比童話之青蛙王子-7

After Prince Handesum's soul has gone into Princess Ahglee's body, he decided that it's time for him to do something in order to solve this mystery and turn them all back to their old selves. Therefore, he spent a lot of time in the royal library, accompanied by Fatima, who still hadn't quite recovered yet from her shock after hearing Prince Handesum and Princess Ahglee's souls have exchanged. Fatima became even more anxious than before, and she was often caught staring into blank space, as for whether she was actually pondering about something, or not, we would never know.


"There must be a problem with the previous method," the prince, now the princess concluded, "It is indeed plausible, however, the risk is way too high. There is no definite way of ensuring that our souls would change back to its rightful place. Therefore, another method must be discovered."
