Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Playmobil Buildings Custom: Robin Hood's House 摩比建築物改造:羅賓漢的家

After the marriage of Maid Marian (now Mrs Hood) and Robin Hood in my last story (, they lived happily ever after in a royal palace......erm....only if you call a little cottage in the woods in the middle of nowhere a palace.....


The front of the cottage 小木屋正面

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-10 (Final Ending) 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-10(大結局)

No sooner had the spies and detectives settled behind the screen in the dressing room of the attic, three figures appeared, they heard a feminine voice and two masculine voices. 


"Do take care of her, do you understand?" the feminine voice spoke, "My wish is not to hurt her, but I only wanted to teach her a lesson. I have to admit that I am not completely indifferent to her, having been her star broker for more than ten years. Always loyal and by her side when she most needed me, I have seen her rise and fall in her performing career; sharing her joy in her successes and enduring her suffer in her failures, never had I any slight thought of abandoning her. 
"But how dare she! Once she has conquered the local market, she aimed higher into the international market; therefore, abandoning me, the old companion, for that ugly, appalling Dutch woman. If that's how she repaid my loyalty, why should I endure that? And what's worse, she never informed me of her abandonment, but was about to abruptly break the news to me in order to break my heart. If it wasn't for my intelligence, I won't find out until the day she rips the contract in half in front of my face, the very face of her only friend, for she has no true friends at all. In whose bosom could she cry in when she was rejected from an audition other than mine? 
"Anyhow, there's no point in telling you fools anything, as you won't understand. Your jobs, as staffs in the restaurant, are to take care that those meddling kids don't get any clues whatsoever. Talking about clues, you've reminded me that yesterday, you forgot to store away the ladder leading up to this room, you clumsy-heads! It's a good thing that those kids aren't clever enough to figure anything out yet. Just do your work properly, then you'll not be ill-paid, do you understand?"


Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-9 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-9

After the spies and detectives have read the webpage with Shaun have shown them, they decided to return to the haunted restaurant the following morning to get to the bottom of the mystery. 


Monday, 17 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-8 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-8

After their discovery of the strange dressing room the in attic, the spies and detectives resolved to investigate into this case further by inquiring the restaurant staff about the particulars of the case. 


Firstly, they went to inquire a waitress at the door leading into the main building, as the actress would have to pass this door in order to enter or leave the restaurant. After their inquiry of whether the waitress saw the actress leave from this door, the reply they received was in the negative. "I saw her walk in about an hour ago, and I didn't see her leave. Surely, she's still in there?" the puzzled waitress responded.  


Sunday, 16 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-7 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-7

After hearing about the abrupt disappearance of the actress, the group, who had long been ready for this moment, rushed out of the room and started looking frantically everywhere for any traces of the missing victim. 


As they got onto the stone bridge Shaun suddenly pointed above and shouted, "Look! It's the phantom!"


As the rest of the group raised their eyes, they did, indeed, see that behind a window one storey above them stood the pale figure of the phantom. With that ghastly smile hanging on her snow-white face, she waved at the spies and detectives before disappearing into thin air right in front of their eyes. 


Saturday, 15 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-6 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-6

The moment Mademoiselle Laverte perceived Saunders' entrance, she dashed towards her and began explaining in French about the case of the 'thirteen chairs'. Then, Saunders turned around towards the waitress standing behind her and said, "Excuse me, could you please remove the extra chair? As we have only twelve people."


Friday, 14 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-5 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-5

After the formal greetings were over, Ms Smith directed them across a stone arch-bridge into another part of the restaurant building. 


Thursday, 13 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-4 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-4

As they entered the room, the spies and detectives began to make their salutations. 


They first perceived a lady dressed all in green, who was standing closest to the door, wearing a Parisian hat, and saluted to Jeffrey first.


"Bonsoir monsieur," said the woman in green, who was, in fact, French, "Very nice to meet yooo, as yooo can see, eh, I am, eh, from France, and eh, my Anglais ees not very good. Please pardon mon Anglais."

"Bonsoir monsieur," 的確是法國人的綠衣女說。「很搞星忍濕泥!妮克能也聽得除賴,我詩發過人。我嘚中文不失很好。」

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-3 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-3

Soon, they approached the place where they were to board the gondola to the little island where the restaurant was situated.


"Wow! This is magnificent! To be able to get so close to the waters of Venice is my dream!" Eliza marveled as Jeffrey helped her into the gondola.

「哇!太棒了!能在威尼斯坐船,穿梭在水裏是我的夢想!」Eliza 邊上船,邊感嘆道。

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-2 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-2

That afternoon, Claire and Eliza immediately boarded the next flight to the Marco Polo Airport in Venice, Italy from London; as for Shaun and his friend- Jeffrey, they flew from Edinburgh, where the two boys were having a holiday. 

那天下午,Claire 和 Eliza 立馬從倫敦搭了下一班前往威尼斯馬可波羅機場的班機。孝恩和他的朋友傑佛瑞則是從愛丁堡飛去的。

On arrival at the destination, Claire and Eliza both exclaimed in appraisal, "This is like a dream!" the former marveled. 

到達了目的地,Claire 不禁贊嘆道:「真像是置身夢境一般!」

"Look at all the water surrounding us, fancy we're in the city in the setting of the famous classic: 'The Phantom of the Opera'!" Eliza replied. 

「你看那些環繞著我們的水。你能想像我們就在古典文學小說:『歌劇魅影』所寫的城市裏嗎?」Eliza 答道。

Monday, 10 August 2015

Playmobil Spies & Detectives: The Phantom of the Restaurant-1 摩比嬌娃&神探之餐廳魅影-1

It was near the end of the blissful summer holidays, and as both Claire and Eliza were busy occupying themselves with something else, such as going on family vacations, visiting relatives, etc, it was some time ago since they had last met. Therefore, Claire called Eliza and they arranged to meet in the former's house. 

快樂的暑假逐漸進入了尾聲,Claire 和 Eliza 整個暑假都非常的忙碌,一直都沒有時間見面。於是,便相約在 Claire 家相會。

Oh, what a hug they gave each other after such a long time of not seeing each other!


"You've got a new haircut!" exclaimed Eliza.

「哇!新髮型喔!」Eliza 說。

"Indeed, and I think it makes me look excessively stupid." Claire replied, "On the contrary, I quite like your long, wavy hair!"

Sunday, 2 August 2015

A Sequel to the Real Tale of Cinderella-7 (Final Ending) 灰姑娘真實版後傳-7(完結篇)

On the following morning, Gabriella and her mother, who were banished from their country by Prince Henry, arrived at the train station with minimal luggage and boarded the earliest train of the day to Paris, where they have decided to start over a new life. 


As for the house where they previously lived in, Gabriella's mother left it, with all the furniture, to Cindy, since it was originally the property of Cindy's deceased father anyway. 


"Phew! At least we've finally gotten rid of Cindy and will never have the obligation to see her ever again!" Cindy's stepmother quietly thought to herself on their way to their new home. 


Saturday, 1 August 2015

A Sequel to the Real Tale of Cinderella-6 灰姑娘真實版後傳-6

Just when the oblivious Gabriella, after perceiving the footman to be holding her shoe, was about to exclaim in astonishment, when suddenly, someone walked out of Cindy's room wearing Cindy's clothes, but was far prettier than Cindy. No, wait, she looked exactly like the mysterious lady who danced with the Prince the entire time and fled abruptly during the Grand Ball of the previous evening. In fact, it was just Cindy standing in front of them, but her make-up skills were just so talented that one could hardly recognise this fairy-like lady to be her old ugly self. 


After Cindy has appeared, the Prince immediately recognised her to be the Mysterious Lady of the previous evening, and could not take his eyes off her. 
