Thursday, 11 February 2016

Monday, 8 February 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Switching Hour-7 (Final Ending) 摩比神探之換魂記-7(大結局)

To everyone's utter astonishment, the figure of Claire in front of them suddenly transformed into that of an Indian woman, wearing a strange hat.

突然間,大家眼前的 Claire 變身成一位戴著奇怪帽子的印度少女。

"Oh, really? Is the world really fair? Will it ever be fair?" the Indian girl spoke in a trembling voice. "It's easy for you to say, as a privileged girl, growing up in a presumably rich family, your only worry being what to wear to go to school, or whether you are invited to prom. But it was very different for me. As a daughter of a servant to a wealthy British merchant living in India, my family may appear to be very privileged, having a decent monthly income, being taught to speak English, and seemed to be above others in the Indian society. However, that was all just an illusion. In reality, we were not only looked down upon by our masters, but were also secretly despised by our native relatives. On the surface, they seemed to respect us, but, deep down, they regard us as traitors to our motherland.


Sunday, 7 February 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Switching Hour-6 摩比神探之換魂記-6

The moment the false Claire stepped out of the house, Eliza immediately began searching the entire house for the legendary necklace, starting from Claire's room. However, after hours of searching, everything turned out to be in vain. 

Claire 前腳才踏出家門,Eliza 便開始努力地尋找傳說中的項鍊,從 Claire 的房間開始。然而,經過了好幾個小時的搜尋,仍然毫無結果。

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Switching Hour-5 摩比神探之換魂記-5

After confirming the fact that the old lady was, in fact, not insane, but was indeed Claire. They sat down and began to discuss the affair together. 


"Okay, Claire." Shaun said, "Tell us exactly what happened on the night when your body and the old lady's switched. Do not miss any detail."


"It was all very blurry, maybe because the old woman's memory isn't very sharp, but thank God memory follows the soul, so I still remember a little." Claire, in the form of the old lady continued, "When Shaun and Jeffrey were lured outside on a wrong scent, I was left alone in the house with the old lady. I was tapping on my when she came close to me and asked me if I wanted to take a walk with her. I agreed, and near the park area, she suddenly claimed to be dizzy and grabbed hold of my arm. Then I became very dizzy, felt unable to breath and everything swirled around me. Then I lost consciousness."

「整個記憶的模模糊糊的,不知道是不是因為那個老太太的記性已經不太好了,但是幸好記憶是跟著靈魂的,所以我多少還記得一些。」Claire 從老太太的身體說。「當孝恩和傑佛瑞被騙出去後,我便獨自和老太太在客廳裡。我在滑手機時,她突然靠過來問我要不要跟她一起出去走走兒。我同意了。在公園時,她突然間說她頭暈,便抓著我的手臂。結果我就開始覺得整個暈眩,而且無法呼吸,整個公園在我眼前不停地旋轉。然後,我就失去意識了。」

"Did the old lady say or do anything that appeared to be weird at the time?" Shaun inquired.


"Hum, oh yes, when she came closer to me in this living room, she said I had very fair skin, looks pretty and has beautiful hair. I was quite taken aback by her sudden compliments." 


"Anything else?"


"No, not that I can remember."


Friday, 5 February 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Switching Hour-4 摩比神探之換魂記-4

"What should we do with the old lady who claimed herself to be Ms Foster?" Shaun whispered to Jeffrey quietly as they brought the old lady back home, "She seems to think now she is Claire! Do you think she's a bit out of her mind. The story she told us could've all been her imaginations."

「我們該怎麼處理這位瘋老太太啊?」他們把老太太送回自己家裏後,孝恩小聲地對傑佛瑞說。「她覺得自己是 Claire 啊!我覺得她好像精神有些失常。她告訴我們的故事可能都只是她的幻想。」

"Very true! She does seem to be a bit around the bend and the story seemed quite extraordinary." Jeffrey replied in a low voice, "However, she seemed to be completely sane, and there was nothing peculiar in her speech to indicate her insanity. We should investigate this further."


"But what if she's really mad?" Shaun glanced at the old lady and responded, "We don't want to have a crazy old nanny in our house. We don't know what she might do! It's best if we contact someone from the asylum."


Thursday, 4 February 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Switching Hour-3 摩比神探之換魂記-3

After a long time of searching for the address, which the old lady Ms Foster gave it to them, of the house, they had no success. Suddenly, Jeffrey had an idea, he took out his phone and searched the address. To his astonishment, he discovered that such a place doesn't even exist. 


"We'd better return home," Shaun concluded, "It's either that the old lady had forgotten her previous address, or that what she had been telling us had all been her imagination."


"Either, there's nothing worse than leaving an insane lady in your home," Jeffrey exclaimed as they hurried home.


Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Switching Hour-2 摩比神探之換魂記-2

"Having confirmed her to be the owner, I courteously welcomed her in. After I have prepared two cups of warm herbal tea for us both, the old lady commenced the topic of conversation on the necklace, requesting to see it in order to verify its identity. Until then, I hadn’t noticed that all this time, I was gripping the necklace firmly in my hand, as if protecting something precious. Gradually, I drew it out as the old lady extended her hand. To my distress and amazement, my hand swiftly retreated and a feeling of extreme reluctance to return it empowered me, until my senses snapped back and I maladroitly dropped the necklace on the table. Then, everything returned to normal.


Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Playmobil Detectives: The Switching Hour-1 摩比神探之換魂記-1

"Driving home on the deafeningly noiseless road, the feeble ray of my headlight was alive with dust as it chased away layers of darkness. Overhead, the sky was half crystalline, half misty, and the atmosphere was chill and vibrant with rich tension. High above, ringed all about with a sickly yellow glare, the sinking moon struggled in vain to escape from a pursuing cloud.
