Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Prince in the Tower VI (Final Ending) 摩比童話之塔裏的王子-6(完結篇)

The Queen was so disappointed that she told Leznupar’s family to go back to their own country and decided not to let her marry Alleredinc anymore. 


Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Prince in the Tower V 摩比童話之塔裏的王子-5

Eventually, it’s time for the party, however, Alleredinc was nowhere to be found. 


The elf godfather had a sense of foreboding as he climbed up the steep staircase. 


Monday, 18 August 2014

Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Prince in the Tower IV 摩比童話之塔裏的王子-4

Alleredinc whistled merrily as he arrived back in the tower but was extremely astonished to perceive his godfather packing things. 


“I have something to tell you!” his elf godfather said as he entered. "You are actually a prince of the neighbouring country and we are to return to your own country tonight,  because tomorrow is your sixteenth birthday.” 


“ must be joking!” exclaimed Alleredinc, who had been oblivious of everything about his past until then.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Prince in the Tower III 摩比童話之塔裏的王子-3

During the years Alleredinc never cut his hair, so it became very very long.


His godfather put him in a tall tower without any doors, so he could be thoroughly protected. There were only several big windows at the top of the tower. 


Saturday, 16 August 2014

Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Prince in the Tower II 摩比童話之塔裏的王子-2

“How dare you break your promise to me!” The old wizard roared aggressively as he pointed his bony finger at the terrified Queen.


The villagers were horrified, some fell on the floor, others fainted and food was scattered all over the place. The party soon became a complete chaos!


Friday, 15 August 2014

Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Prince in the Tower I 摩比童話之塔裏的王子-1

Once upon a time, there were a benevolent King and Queen who longed for anything in the world to have a child of their own.


Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Playmobil Spies: Vacation Fright VI (Final Ending) 摩比嬌娃之渡假驚魂記-6(完結篇)

Eliza 突然看到 Stevenson 的手上拿著一個藍色的瓶子,便說:「妳手上那瓶是解藥吧?別再執迷不悟了,快把解藥給我,你現在去自首說不定能減輕罪行!」

Eliza suddenly perceived a blue bottle in Stevenson's hand, so she said: "Is that the antidote you are holding in your hand? Don't be so obstinate, give me the antidote and confess your crime, maybe it could be extenuated because of this!"

Stevenson 說:「哈哈哈哈哈,太好笑了!我的計劃眼看就快達成了,妳說我怎麼可能會把解藥給妳?你少在那自作多情、癡人說夢話了!」

Stevenson smirked: "Hahahaha, very funny! My plan is so close to success, why would you think that I will give you the antidote now? Be practical and give up on your daydreaming!"

這時,Eliza 突然走到 Stevenson 前面,當場甩了她一個耳光,站在一旁的 Freddy 嚇了一大跳,不知 Eliza 會做出如此驚人的舉動。甩完了耳光,Eliza 便含著眼淚大罵道:「妳這個自私自利、心狠手辣的女人,妳的良心是被狗吃了嗎?你知道你把這些人困在這裡這麼多年,他們的家人、朋友以及周遭所有的人有多麼想念他們嗎?你只想到你自己的前途和財富,卻完全忽略了別人的感受!你竟敢把別人的感受當作垃圾一般在地上踐踏,你......你還算是人嗎?」

Without warning, Eliza walked in front of Stevenson and slapped her on the face. Freddy, who was standing beside them, was very shocked that Eliza will perform such a daring move. After the slap, Eliza scolded with tears in her eyes: "You selfish, wicked woman! Has your conscience been eaten by dogs? Do you know that whilst you kept these people here to be your slaves, how much their relatives, family and friends have missed them? You have only thought about your own future and wealth but completely ignored the feelings of others! How dare you treat the feelings of others like rubbish and step on them, monster!"

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Playmobil Spies: Vacation Fright V 摩比嬌娃之渡假驚魂記-5

不知過了多久,Eliza 和 Freddy 醒了過來。他們從籃子裏爬出來發現他們又到了另一個暗暗的小型儲藏室。

Eliza and Freddy finally woke up after an uncountable amount of time has elapsed. They climbed out of their baskets to discover that they were in another small, dim storage room.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Playmobil Spies: Vacation Fright IV 摩比嬌娃之渡假驚魂記-4

Eliza 和 Freddy 掉進大洞裏後,便進入了一個彎曲的隧道。在隧道了轉了好久,終於有一個小門打開了,Eliza 和 Freddy 掉入了一個暗暗的小房間。

After Eliza and Freddy were pulled into the hole, they began sliding down a twisting tunnel. After falling for some time, eventually, a small trapdoor opened beneath them and they fell through it into a small, dark room.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Playmobil Spies: Vacation Fright III 摩比嬌娃之渡假驚魂記-3

Eliza 和湯姆通完視訊不久後,就聽到有人敲門。

Not long after Eliza's video-call with Tom has ended, someone knocked on the door.


When Eliza went to open the door, she was astonished to discover a handsome boy standing behind the door!

突然,帥哥開口說:「妳好,我叫 Freddy,我是總部派來協助妳的探員!」

The handsome boy said: "Hi! My name's Freddy, I was sent from the headquarters to aid you!"

Eliza 心想:「哼~我和 Claire 一向都是一起合作的,從來也不需要其他人協助,雖然這次 Claire 失蹤了,我相信依我的能力也能自行偵破此案,根本不需要甚麼協助。湯姆太看不起我了!不過,既然他派了個帥哥給我,我這次就暫時不和他計較,呵呵!」

Eliza thought to herself: "Huh! Claire and I have always been partners and we never needed anyone to aid us! Although Claire has disappeared, I believe that I could solve this mystery all by myself, without any help. Tom must have underestimated my ability hugely! However, since he sent a cute guy to help me, I would forgive him for once, hehehehe!"

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Playmobil Spies: Vacation Fright II 摩比嬌娃之渡假驚魂記-2

Eliza 睡完午叫起床後,還是不見 Claire 的蹤影。

After Eliza woke up from her nap, Claire still hasn't returned.

「那個 Claire 買個冰淇淋需要買那麼久嗎?她一定是自己一個人偷偷跑去逛街了!哼,竟然沒等我!」Eliza 一邊自言自語,一邊拿起電話打到 Claire 的手機去。

"How long does it take Claire to buy an ice-cream? She must have went off shopping by herself without waiting for me! Huh!" Eliza muttered to herself whilst calling Claire's mobile phone from the hotel room telephone.

可是,Eliza 赫然發現 Claire 竟然沒有帶手機,因為她的手機還放在旅館房間裏!

However, she was astounded to discover that Claire did not take her mobile phone with her, as she left it in the room!

這時,Eliza 便開始感到有些著急了!因為,她知道 Claire 是個名符其實的【低頭族】,出門是絕對不可能不帶手機的。

Eliza suddenly began to feel anxious, as she knew that Claire literally cannot live without her phone, so it is quite impossible for her to go anywhere without it!

Friday, 8 August 2014

Playmobil Spies: Vacation Fright I 摩比嬌娃之渡假驚魂記-1

Claire 和 Eliza 趁著暑假還沒結束前,相約去夏威夷渡假!兩人搭飛機抵達夏威夷,將行李放在旅館裏,就迫不及待地衝到旅館旁的海邊去玩嘍!

Claire and Eliza would like to finish their summer holidays with a nice trip, so they decided to travel to Hawaii and take a vacation together! After arriving at Hawaii and leaving their luggage in the hotel room, they quickly dashed to the nearby beach to have some fun!