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Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Playmobil Spies: Oh My Game-2

 After receiving Tom's message on the address of OMG!'s headquarters, Claire and Eliza pressed a button on the app developed by the PMSSO. In the blink of an eye, the spies changed into their spies outfit, ready to embark on their new mission.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025


一個風和日麗的星期六早晨,兩名大學同學~Claire 和 Eliza 正在和租屋的客廳裡。這週輪到 Claire 打掃,她正在吸地;Eliza 則是坐在沙發上玩著現在最流行的手遊。

「Eliza,你怎麼一直沉迷於那無聊的遊戲啊?」Claire 說。

「哎唷,你沒玩,你不懂啦!這遊戲超療癒的!」Eliza 眼睛盯著螢幕說。

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Playmobil Spies: Oh My Game-1

 One Saturday morning, Claire and Eliza, two university students, were in the communal area of their shared flat. It was Claire's turn to do the cleaning this week, so she was vacuuming the floor whilst Eliza was sitting on the sofa, playing a famous online game "Sweet Squash" on her phone. 

"Seriously, Eliza! You're spending more and more time on that stupid game. It seems like you're addicted to it," said Claire. 

"OMG, I swear this game is so addictive and therapeutic at the same time!" exclaimed Eliza, without taking her eyes off her phone. "You should really try it!"