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Wednesday, 12 March 2025



「天啊!這些人是誰?他們在這裡做什麼?」Eliza 試圖叫醒躺在一旁床位上的女子,然而,她毫無反應。

「她們應該就是那些失蹤的人!」Claire 喃喃自語道。「我們得趕緊時間通知湯姆!」

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Playmobil Spies: Oh My Game-3

After secretly entering the OMG! headquarters through the air-conditioning outlet of the building's ventilation system, the spies discovered themselves to be inside a large room in which there were a row of beds. Lying on the beds were all sorts of people from across the globe with varying ages. Their heads were covered by a helmet-like gadget with wires and chords attached to it.

"OMG! Who're these people and what're they doing here?" exclaimed Eliza as she tried to wake up a woman, but to no avail as these people appeared to be totally unconscious.

"I guess we've discovered where those missing people have gone!" murmured Claire. "We have to tell Tom!"