Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: The Fairy Godmother's Wish VII (Final Ending) 摩比嬌娃之神仙教母的心願-7 (完結篇)


After the spies have figured out the mystery of the murder, they hastily arrived at the Fairy Godmother's place.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: The Fairy Godmother's Wish VI 摩比嬌娃之神仙教母的心願-6


After everyone has left the conference hall, the spies quickly took out their Contact Mirror, pressed a button on the touchscreen and in a blink of an eye, they've changed into their Spies Outfit!

Monday, 28 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: The Fairy Godmother's Wish V 摩比嬌娃之神仙教母的心願-5


Suddenly, an old gentleman from the audience shouted: "Stop making up nonsense, you old witch! Huh! The Water of Judgement? Very funny indeed! Did you ask who would like to try? Alright, I'll try and see what you're up to!"


After he has finished, he stood up, raised both his hands and shouted towards the audience: "Look carefully, God will certainly judge me to be a good person! I think that indeed this Water of Judgement will judge everyone to be good! Ahahahaha!"

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: The Fairy Godmother's Wish IV 摩比嬌娃之神仙教母的心願-4


On the following morning, the spies received a video-call from their boss- Tom.


Tom said: "Good morning, ladies! I hope I have not disturbed you by calling you so early. The headquarters have just received some news that the fortune-teller Fairy Godmother will be calling a public press conference this morning at 9 am in order to announce something. As all of her believers are expected to attend, I hope you can reach there in time to find a good seat and investigate what exactly she is up to. In case of any news, please contact the headquarters as soon as possible. Good luck!"

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: The Fairy Godmother's Wish III 摩比嬌娃之神仙教母的心願-3

當 Claire 抵達二樓時,已經沒看見黑衣女子的身影,她不知在何時消失了!

When Claire arrived on the second floor, nothing could be seen of the woman in black as she has disappeared!


The light upstairs was even darker than that in the first floor, only a dim, red light illuminated the room.

過了一陣子後,Claire 的眼睛漸漸適應新的光線,看到在不遠處有一張桌子,桌子後面坐著一個穿著打扮像是吉普賽人的女人,桌上有一塊石頭;原來,紅色的燈光就是從那個石頭發出來的!

After a while, when Claire's eyes gradually became more accustomed to the dark, she perceived a table not far from her, sitting behind the table was a woman who dressed like a gypsy, and on top of the table was a stone, which was the source of the dim, red light!

突然,那個打扮像是吉普賽人的女人開口了,她用著她低沉卻宏亮的聲音說:「Claire, 妳好呀!我就是神仙教母,我已經等妳很久了!趕快坐下~别浪費時間!」並指著桌子前方的椅子。

Suddenly, the woman who dressed like a gypsy said with a deep but clear voice: "Hello Claire, I am the Fairy Godmother. I have been expecting you for a long time. Sit down quickly, don't waste my time!" She pointed at a chair in front of the table.

Friday, 25 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: The Fairy Godmother's Wish II 摩比嬌娃之神仙教母的心願-2

Claire, Eliza 和 Selena 正準備上前敲門時,門就打開了。從門後走出一名女子,全身穿著黑色的衣服,頭上還戴著黑色的斗篷。

Claire, Eliza and Selena were about to go up to the door and knock when the door opened. A woman dressed all in black with a black cloak over her head emerged from inside.


Suddenly, the woman in black said in a monotonous voice: "We've been expecting you for a long time already, come in quickly!"

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: The Fairy Godmother's Wish I 摩比嬌娃之神仙教母的心願-1

某天放學回家的路上,Claire, Eliza 和她們的朋友 Selena 正在聊天。

One afternoon, Claire, Eliza and their friend Selena were chatting on their way home from school.


The popular talk at their school recently has been about fortune-telling, therefore, naturally, their topic of conversation was not far from it.


Selena suddenly said: "Speaking about fortune-telling, do you want to come with me to the fortune-teller that became famous recently to have your fortunes told? I have heard that she has many followers who calls her "Fairy Godmother", hmmmm, seems like she is very skillful!"

「神仙教母?Eliza,妳有聽說過嗎?」Claire 趕緊問她博學多聞的朋友。

"Fairy Godmother? Eliza, have you heard of her?" Claire inquired her knowledgeable friend- Eliza.

Eliza 正準備回答說她也没有聽說過時,她們聽到一個聲音~【叮叮噹、叮叮噹】。

Eliza was about to reply in the negative when they heard a ringing sound.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost of Norwinger Manor VI (Final Ending) 摩比嬌娃之諾威格莊園的鬼魂-6(完結篇)


After the Spies opened the wooden door, they went into another tunnel.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost of Norwinger Manor V 摩比嬌娃之諾威格莊園的鬼魂-5

隔天一大早,Claire 和 Eliza 就趕緊拿著那張紙條給 Jennifer 看,和她一起討論該怎麼辦。Jennifer 看完臉色也頓時變得慘白,驚慌失色,不知所措。

On the following morning, Claire and Eliza showed Jennifer the note so they could discuss the case together. After she read it, Jennifer's face immediately turned as pale as paper, she was so frightened that she didn't know what to do.

Eliza 看著 Jennifer 又準備要開始哽咽了,便趕緊說:「我看,我們還是趕緊回房間巡視一番,看看能不能找到什麼線索。」

Eliza, after seeing Jennifer about to weep again, quickly said: "I think we should go back to our bedroom to try and search for any clues."

Monday, 14 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost of Norwinger Manor IV 摩比嬌娃之諾威格莊園的鬼魂-4

那天晚上,Claire 和 Eliza 都睡得不好。一方面是因為想著這次的案子,愈想愈離奇;另一方面則是一直聽到『叩叩叩』,像是有人在敲東西的聲音。

That night, both Claire and Eliza couldn't sleep. On one hand, they were trying to figure out this case, which was getting weirder every second; on the other hand, they kept hearing a noise like someone is knocking.

事實上,這個奇怪的聲音已經持續許久了,甚至在 Claire 和 Eliza 在莊園住的第一個晚上就有了,可是因為那天晚上他們兩都很很累了,一躺上床便呼呼大睡,所以絲毫沒有去注意到這個聲音。

In fact, this strange noise has been going on for quite a long time already, and has even been there in the first night of Claire and Eliza's stay in the Manor. However, both of them were extremely exhausted on their first night, they slept soundly and didn't take much notice of it.

而且,並不是只有她們有聽到這個聲音,Jennifer 的媽媽以及所有的僕人們都說:這個聲音在每晚的午夜時便會開始;甚至還有女僕被吵得整晚睡不著,所以注意到這個聲音在每天凌晨三點便會停止。

Furthermore, they weren't the only ones to take notice of this noise, Mrs. Jennings and all of the servants of the house claimed that the noise always began at midnight, and a maid also said that one night she couldn't sleep at all and noticed it ended at three in the morning.

過了好久,Claire 和 Eliza 才漸漸睡著了。

After a long time, Claire and Eliza finally dozed off.

可是,沒過多久,Eliza 便忽然驚醒了,因為她做了一個很恐怖的噩夢,她夢見她們在睡覺時,黑影來到了她們的房間。於是,她趕緊把睡在一旁的 Claire 搖醒。

But, not long afterwards, Eliza woke suddenly after having had a frightening nightmare, she dreamt that the 'Dark Shadow' has intruded into their bedroom. Therefore, Eliza quickly woke Claire, who was sleeping beside her.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost of Norwinger Manor III 摩比嬌娃之諾威格莊園的鬼魂-3


Many days after the event, everything was normal and nothing more was heard about the 'dark shadow'.


In the evening of a week after the event, the three friends were in the library of the Manor, reading books and chatting away happily.

Claire, Eliza 和 Jennifer 皆是愛書人,Claire 和 Eliza 超級羨慕 Jennifer 家裏的圖書室藏書那麼的豐富,她們愈聊愈開心。

Claire, Eliza and Jennifer are all book-lovers, Claire and Eliza envied greatly the amount of book collections in the library of Jennifer's home.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost of Norwinger Manor II 摩比嬌娃之諾威格莊園的鬼魂-2

那天晚上,Claire 和 Eliza 睡得很好,隔天起床後感覺精神奕奕。

That night, Claire and Eliza slept soundly and they woke up in the next morning feeling refreshed and in very good spirits.


They enjoyed breakfast with Jennifer in the terrace balcony of the Manor whilst the warm rays of the morning sun shone gently on them. There was also a maid to serve them, which made it seem exactly like the scenes in Jane Austen's novels.

突然間,從屋內傳來了一陣尖叫聲,以及疑似碗盤掉在地上打破了的聲音,Jennifer, Claire 和 Eliza 趕緊放下吃到一半的早餐,前去一探究竟。

Suddenly, a high-pitched, feminine scream came from inside the manor, and a loud clanging of dishes followed. Jennifer, Claire and Eliza hastily left their unfinished breakfast on the dining table and rushed inside to find out what exactly has happened.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: the Ghost of Norwinger Manor I 摩比嬌娃之諾威格莊園的鬼魂-1

某天,Claire、Eliza 正在和最近從英國轉到她們學校的新轉學生~Jennifer Jennings 聊天。

One day, Claire and Eliza were chatting with the new student- Jennifer Jennings, who has recently came to their school to study from England.

Jennifer 邀請 Claire 和 Eliza 暑假到她家在英國北部新買的渡假別墅- 【諾威格莊園】去住幾晚。

Jennifer invited Claire and Eliza to spend some of their summer holidays with her and her family in their new holiday home- Norwinger Manor, which is situated in the countryside in the North of England.

Claire 和 Eliza 都感到非常的興奮,因為 Jennifer 說那個渡假莊園的歷史悠久,在 Claire 和 Eliza 看來,簡直就像她們最愛看的恐怖小說裏的場景一模一樣!

Claire and Eliza were both extremely excited, as according to Jennifer, Norwinger Manor has a very ancient history that dates back to the 18th Century, it seems to be exactly like the settings in their favourite genre of literature- Gothic stories!