A few days ago, whilst admiring my beloved Playmobil Victorian Series collection, I was extremely astonished to discover that one of the figures looks extremely like the renowned Comedy actor and director "Charlie Chaplin"!!!
In fact, this figure actually appears in two different Victorian 1900 sets, which are 5350 and 5955!!
I had always loved this figure for its old-style gentlemen suit and his curly mustache; now that I found out he looks like Chaplin, I just can't stop admiring it :P (here we go again =.=)!!
Now comes the key point---------> Just exactly who is Charlie Chaplin??
Now, now, calm down!! Don't be too dramatic! You don't have to do more research, cos I've kindly done them for you!!! (applause :P)
『查爾斯·斯賓賽·「查理」·卓別林爵士,KBE(英語:Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin,1889年4月16日-1977年12月25日)是一位英國喜劇演員及反戰人士,後來也成為一名非常出色的導演[2],尤其在好萊塢電影的早期和中期他非常成功和活躍。他奠定了現代喜劇電影的基礎,與巴斯特·基頓、哈羅德·勞埃德並稱為「世界三大喜劇演員」,卓別林戴著圓頂硬禮帽和禮服的模樣幾乎成了喜劇電影的重要代表,往後不少藝人都以他的方式表演。
From Wikipedia: "Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin, KBE (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977) was a British comic actor and filmmaker who rose to fame in the silent era. Chaplin became a worldwide icon through his screen persona "the Tramp" and is considered one of the most important figures of the film industry. His career spanned more than 75 years, from a child in the Victorian era to close to his death at the age of 88, and encompassed both adulation and controversy.
Chaplin wrote, directed, produced, edited, scored, and starred in most of his films. He was a perfectionist, and his financial independence meant he often spent years on the development and production of a picture. His films are characterised by slapstick combined with pathos, and often feature the Tramp struggling against adversity. Many contain social and political themes, as well as autobiographical elements. In 1972, as part of a renewed appreciation for his work, Chaplin received an Honorary Academy Award for "the incalculable effect he has had in making motion pictures the art form of this century". He continues to be held in high regard, with The Gold Rush, City Lights, Modern Times, and The Great Dictator often ranked among the greatest films of all time."
For those of you hard-workers out there (if there is any!? :P)---------------->Click me for extensive reading!!
Ooops, I "accidentally" talked too much again! :P
Anyway, I'd better release the suspense and put some comparison pictures before any of you explode from curiosity! XD
Wow, they really do look alike, don't they?? The bowler hat, suit, collar, walking-stick and curly mustache are all similarities!! Hmmmm, I would say........95% similar!!!! >.<
Due to their similarity, I officially name this Playmobil figure "Charlie Mobilin"!!! (applause)
He is the Chaplin of the Playmobil World!!! :D
I also did some further research on some freeze-frames from his famous films, and I used Playmobil to produce some reenactments!! So you can see Mobilin from all perspectives! :P
I doubt that their close resemblance is a coincidence, maybe it isn't at all and Playmobil produced this figure for Chaplin's whichever birthday anniversary!!! Hmmmmm, who knows??? We never know!!!
But we do know that regardless of the answer, we will continue to like this adorable (and discontinued :P) Playmobil Victorian 1900 figure!!! Right???? :P
Wikipedia Charlie Chaplin Page
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