Claire and Eliza were chatting about some school affairs whilst walking home after their lessons.



」拿著物理檔案夾的 Claire 大聲抱怨到。
"You can't believe how ridiculous our Physics teacher is, he gave us so much homework to do over the weekends. Doesn't he know that Physics is not the only subject we take? Hello!? we take other subjects and have other homework as well!" Claire, clutching tighter on her Physics folder, rolled her eyes and complained to Eliza loudly.
旁邊的 Eliza 不知如何回應才好,只是心裡暗暗的高興自己沒選物理這門科目

Eliza was made speechless, she didn't know how to respond to the complaints of her friend as she did not choose Physics herself, she only quietly laughed to herself of being fortunate enough of not taking it.

Suddenly, they heard a ringing sound, they quickly took out their "contact mirrors" to discover they have another mission to do again.
原來她們不是普通的高中女學生~她們是間諜,幫祕密組織 P.M. 摩比 工作

In fact, they aren't just any ordinary High School girls, but are spies working for the P.M. Spies Organisation.

What mission is waiting for them this time?

The image they see from their "Contact Mirrors"
她們的老闆~Tom 透過筆電和她們進行視訊。
Their boss- Tom video called them using their laptop.


He said: "Afternoon ladies! The headquarter has just received some most updated news that there are some thieves planning to steal exhibits in the Antiques Exhibition situated in a mansion in London. According to our professional predictions, they are aiming at the most expensive exhibit inside the exhibition- the crown of King Henry VII. Your mission is to stop them. In case of any news, please contact the Headquarters as soon as possible, thank you! I give you my best regards for your mission."


The Playmobil Spies quickly selected their outfits from their "Contact Mirror", before you can say "Abracadabra", they are already changed into them!


They quickly proceeded to their destination, and started to observe their surroundings.
Eliza 說:「來參觀的人都盛裝出席耶!我們也得變套禮服,才不會顯得可疑

Eliza said: "Everyone seems to be wearing their best clothes! This means we have to change as well, so we don't seem fishy."


They each selected a dress in their "Contact Mirror" again and quickly changed into beautiful dresses.


They strolled towards the entrance, discovering that Royal Guards of England were standing outside to ensure the security of the exhibition.



After entering the exhibition, they looked on in astonishment. One would think that an "Antiques Exhibition" will at least have some "antiques", but no, there are no antiques in sight; only pots of rare species of flowers.


Have they gone to the wrong exhibition? Or has the Headquarter got the destination wrong again?



Before making sure, they walked around the exhibition, glancing around desperately in case they have missed some important clues.

When they reached the last pot, a brown-haired woman walked towards them.
她說:「你好,我叫 Natasha。我是這個展覽的員工,有什麼事可以請教我唷

She saluted: "Hello, I am Natasha. I am a worker in the exhibition, if you have any inquiries please do not hesitate to ask me."
Claire 趕緊問到:「不好意思,請問一下,這裡是不是有古文物展覽館呢


Claire, determined not to miss this perfect opportunity, rapidly inquired: "Is there an Antiques Exhibition situated in this building? Since we're not from here we are afraid that we might be lost!"
Natasha 回應到:「在這二樓就有個古文物展覽場,通往會場的樓梯在那兒

Natasha replied: "Yes, indeed there is an Antiques Exhibition in this building; in fact it is situated on the second storey, the stairs are this way."
Eliza 聽到了消息非常高興


Eliza was delighted to receive this pleasant news, so she quickly dashed towards the stairs after showing her appreciation.



When they reached the foot of the stairs, they began to feel extremely anxious, they can even hear their own heart thumping like a stampede of buffaloes. What kind of adventure and challenge is waiting for them at the top of the stairs?

~To be continued~