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Wednesday 3 July 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-11

Slowly opening his eyes, Jeffrey discovered that his hands were tied up from behind. 

"Where am I? How did I get here?" thought Jeffrey whilst touching his aching head. Then, gradually, his memory came back to him and he recalled the horrific manuscripts he had been perusing just before he became unconscious. 

Suddenly, he perceived footsteps, and the creak of a door opening in the near distance. Then, a blinding light was shone into the room, which made Jeffrey cover his eyes.

"Glad to see you again, Mr. Donovan! I hope you are well?" A voice spoke.

"Mr Park!” exclaimed Jeffrey, who immediately recognised the familiar voice of the man they met in the dining hall. "Thank god you're here! Please help me out of this awkward position!"

By this time, his eyes were already accustomed to the light, and Jeffrey could see clearly Mr Park standing in front of them, with a crooked smile on his face, holding a necklace with a dangling red jade on his hand.

"Wait a sec, why aren't you surprised to see me tied up? You're not here to help me, are you? You're the one that tied me up!" deduced Jeffrey. 

"Bingo!" laughed Mr Park sinisterly. "Not bad! Mr Great Detective! Hahahaha!"

"Wait, is that Madame Sadjian's necklace? Why do you have it?" asked Jeffrey. "And why do you have all those horrific books?"

"I thought you're such a great detective, you should've had it all figured out ages ago, right?" smirked Mr Park. "You know too much of my secret already, so I am gonna have to get rid of you anyways. There's no point in concealing the rest of the secret from you. I will satisfy your curiosity and won't let you die ignorant, you curious cat. Hahahaha!"