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Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Playmobil Spies: Oh My Game-3

After secretly entering the OMG! headquarters through the air-conditioning outlet of the building's ventilation system, the spies discovered themselves to be inside a large room in which there were a row of beds. Lying on the beds were all sorts of people from across the globe with varying ages. Their heads were covered by a helmet-like gadget with wires and chords attached to it.

"OMG! Who're these people and what're they doing here?" exclaimed Eliza as she tried to wake up a woman, but to no avail as these people appeared to be totally unconscious.

"I guess we've discovered where those missing people have gone!" murmured Claire. "We have to tell Tom!"

Suddenly, Eliza gasped. In fact, she had discovered her brother George lying on a bed in the corner. 

"George! George, wake up! What're you doing here?" shouted Eliza as she pushed and slapped her brother in vain to try and wake him up. 

"What have they done to him!" cried Claire in horror.

"Hahahaha!" Without warning, the spies perceived a thrill laugh coming from behind them. They turned around to perceive a freckled woman with glasses and short brown hair, who was wearing an orange jumper, red skirt and orange stockings, standing behind them. 

"Who're you and what're you doing here?" questioned Eliza. 

"Wait a sec, I seem to have seen you somewhere before," said Claire pensively. "OMG! I know! Are you one of our primary school classmates? Olivia, is that you?"

"Well, yes, my name is Olivia May Goodwin, and I am the founder and CEO of the OMG! But I don't remember you as my primary school classmate. Who're you?" responded the woman, bewildered.

"I'm Claire and she's Eliza! OMG, it's been so long, how're you doing!" exclaimed Claire.

"Um, Claire, this isn't important at the moment, ok? Olivia, what have you done to my brother and all these people?" demanded Eliza. "And what are those things on their heads?"

"These people are just playing a game that I've developed, called Virtual Life, where they've given up their lives in reality and moved to live inside the virtual world of my game," elucidated Olivia. 

"Why would you force them to do such a thing? You horrid witch!" screamed Eliza. "How dare you kidnap my brother and imprison him here to play your stupid game!"

"Nope, you got it all wrong! Nobody forced them to do any of this! They wanted to do this themselves," replied Olivia. "They've each signed a contract to do this, and if any of them want to quit at any point, they can do so and return to reality in a click. But they've all chosen to do this because they're all sick and tired of living in this cruel and ruthless world. I've given them a sense of belonging in a world I've created when this world could not."

~To be Continued~

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