"Having confirmed her to be the owner, I courteously welcomed her in. After I have prepared two cups of warm herbal tea for us both, the old lady commenced the topic of conversation on the necklace, requesting to see it in order to verify its identity. Until then, I hadn’t noticed that all this time, I was gripping the necklace firmly in my hand, as if protecting something precious. Gradually, I drew it out as the old lady extended her hand. To my distress and amazement, my hand swiftly retreated and a feeling of extreme reluctance to return it empowered me, until my senses snapped back and I maladroitly dropped the necklace on the table. Then, everything returned to normal.
"Excruciatingly, the old lady began weeping the moment she set her eyes upon the necklace. Like a keen knife eager for blood, the noise pierced through the moonless night. Just when I was racing through my mind in search of the words to comfort her and inquire after the cause of her sudden misery, she responded, in between her pitiful sobs, that the necklace belonged to her only daughter, whose life was taken by a car crash several years ago.
"On watching her crooked, crouching figure huddling herself, trembling, I naively began to sob as well in sympathy for her. Tears blinded my sight as well as my caution.

"Instantaneously, the old lady recovered and smiled at me queerly. 'Since my daughter won’t need the necklace anymore, and it would just bring up mournful memories every time I see it, I will give it to you!' The shadow fell on me again, and a powerful voice from deep within commanded me to snatch the necklace away from that loathsome creature.
"As if reading my thought, she gradually opened the lid of the case and purred with a silky tone, “Look! The necklace wants you to be its owner. Do you consent?”
"Hypnotised, I imprudently blurted out, “Yes, I do!” After which she swiftly slipped it on my neck as I fervently leaned forward.

"Immediately, the room began to swirl around me until I lost all consciousness. It was impossible to tell how long afterwards, when I woke up on the street with a sore back, I glanced around for the old lady, who was nowhere to be found. I painfully stood up and as I glanced through a puddle, which originated from the melted snow of the previous evening, I saw with horror that the wrinkled, old lady's face was staring back at me from the reflection."
The old lady finished her story, wiping her eyes with her handkerchief, whilst Shaun and Jeffrey was made speechless by her extraordinary tale. "And this is why I came here to ask for your advice and assistance, I have heard that you were famous for solving many strange cases, such as the Phantom of the Restaurant, the Witch's Wraith and the Hospital Scandal." the old lady said, "I cannot possibly live with this body, it's aching all over. Oh, what have I done wrong to receive this dilapidated body? Is God trying to punish my sins? Oh, poor me, poor poor me!" the old lady soon got winded up into another violent fit of sobbing.
Just when Shaun and Jeffrey had quite lost the words to comfort her, the doorbell rang. When Shaun stood up to open the door, he discovered that his sister- Claire was already inside, looking at him like he's some sort of an idiot.
正當孝恩和傑佛瑞不知所措時,門鈴響了。孝恩正要起身應門時,他看見他的妹妹~Claire 已經進來了。
"Shaun, are you serious? I know it's Christmas, but that doesn't mean that you can leave your door unlocked like that. Did you know that delinquency rates actually increases at Christmas?" Claire snapped, but when she perceived the visitor in their living room, she paused and said, "Oh, um I'm sorry. Who is this? Am I disturbing you? Please, continue.....I'll, um, I'll make myself comfortable, don't worry about me!"
「你真的太扯了!就算是聖誕節也不應該不鎖門吧?難道你不知道聖誕節的犯罪率是一年當中最高的嗎?」Claire 說完便看見老太太坐在客廳裡。「噢,嗯,抱歉。這是誰呀?我有打擾到你嗎?請繼續吧!你們....你們不用管我!」
"It's ok, Claire, she's our client!" Shaun replied, and to the old lady, he said, "Um....Mrs....?"
「Claire, 沒關係的,她是我們的客人!」孝恩說。「請問貴姓?」
"Ms Foster, well I mean, Foster was my name before, but I don't know what this old witch is called." the old lady responded.
"Ms Foster, she's my sister." Shaun finished his sentence.
"I know!" she replied, but after perceiving the shocked expression on Shaun's face, she said, "Oh um, you look alike!"
"So, how can we possibly help you?" Jeffrey inquired.
"I think the only thing to do now is to go and find the witch that had stolen my body and ask her to return it." Ms Foster replied.
"But where will we be able to find her?" Jeffrey asked.
"This was my old address," Ms Foster said as she scribbled on a piece of paper and handed it to Jeffrey, "I advice that you both go. She is a cunning old witch, and she'll probably deny everything. But, hopefully, after seeing that both of you knew the secret, she'll probably agree to come here with you."
~To be Continued~
The old lady finished her story, wiping her eyes with her handkerchief, whilst Shaun and Jeffrey was made speechless by her extraordinary tale. "And this is why I came here to ask for your advice and assistance, I have heard that you were famous for solving many strange cases, such as the Phantom of the Restaurant, the Witch's Wraith and the Hospital Scandal." the old lady said, "I cannot possibly live with this body, it's aching all over. Oh, what have I done wrong to receive this dilapidated body? Is God trying to punish my sins? Oh, poor me, poor poor me!" the old lady soon got winded up into another violent fit of sobbing.
Just when Shaun and Jeffrey had quite lost the words to comfort her, the doorbell rang. When Shaun stood up to open the door, he discovered that his sister- Claire was already inside, looking at him like he's some sort of an idiot.
正當孝恩和傑佛瑞不知所措時,門鈴響了。孝恩正要起身應門時,他看見他的妹妹~Claire 已經進來了。
"Shaun, are you serious? I know it's Christmas, but that doesn't mean that you can leave your door unlocked like that. Did you know that delinquency rates actually increases at Christmas?" Claire snapped, but when she perceived the visitor in their living room, she paused and said, "Oh, um I'm sorry. Who is this? Am I disturbing you? Please, continue.....I'll, um, I'll make myself comfortable, don't worry about me!"
「你真的太扯了!就算是聖誕節也不應該不鎖門吧?難道你不知道聖誕節的犯罪率是一年當中最高的嗎?」Claire 說完便看見老太太坐在客廳裡。「噢,嗯,抱歉。這是誰呀?我有打擾到你嗎?請繼續吧!你們....你們不用管我!」
"It's ok, Claire, she's our client!" Shaun replied, and to the old lady, he said, "Um....Mrs....?"
「Claire, 沒關係的,她是我們的客人!」孝恩說。「請問貴姓?」
"Ms Foster, well I mean, Foster was my name before, but I don't know what this old witch is called." the old lady responded.
"Ms Foster, she's my sister." Shaun finished his sentence.
"I know!" she replied, but after perceiving the shocked expression on Shaun's face, she said, "Oh um, you look alike!"
"So, how can we possibly help you?" Jeffrey inquired.
"I think the only thing to do now is to go and find the witch that had stolen my body and ask her to return it." Ms Foster replied.
"But where will we be able to find her?" Jeffrey asked.
"This was my old address," Ms Foster said as she scribbled on a piece of paper and handed it to Jeffrey, "I advice that you both go. She is a cunning old witch, and she'll probably deny everything. But, hopefully, after seeing that both of you knew the secret, she'll probably agree to come here with you."
~To be Continued~
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