One chilly November afternoon in London, Claire, a final-year university student, was endeavouring to start her dissertation. Nevertheless, try as she might, Claire was unable to leave off procrastination and stop her own thoughts from wandering as she stared blankly at the computer screen.
Glancing at the calendar on her desk, Claire started as she perceived the date - 25th November - one month before Christmas and one week before she was due to present the draft of the first section of her dissertation to her supervisor.
Just as Claire was about to start typing on her laptop, her phone rang. Claire wasn’t just any ordinary university students. She worked as a spy agent for the PMSSO (Playmobil Secret Spies Organisation).
"Bad timing, Tom! I'm trying to start my dissertation." said Claire, annoyed.
"What d'you want, Tom?" said Eliza, Claire's best friend and spy colleague. "I told you that I'm on holiday in Taiwan so can't start any new missions!"
"Yes, but this is an emergency," answered Tom calmly. "The headquarters need you to come back to London tonight. You'll arrive tomorrow morning. I've just emailed you your ticket."
"Wait, what!" exclaimed Eliza in astonishment. "But....but that's not fair! I've literally just started my holiday. Plus, you should at least tell me what the mission is first?"
"No, my dear, I'm afraid there's no time," responded Tom, shrugging. "Your flight departs in three hours time. You'll benefit more if you start packing now and get yourself to the airport rather than arguing with me and ending up missing your flight."
"No, wait, Tom....."
"See you in London tomorrow! Have a safe flight!" said Tom, then he hung up.

The following morning, Claire picked Eliza up at the airport and they headed straight to the headquarters for their mission.

~To be Continued~
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