"Spies, I've come to help you," said Tom as he jumped down from the windowsill. "It seems like the mission is too hard for you to complete on your own. Let's arrest Ms. Verinder together."
"Don't you dare come anywhere near her!" Suddenly, Eliza jumped in front of Tom, trying to protect the Maths teacher.
"Eliza!? What are you talking about?" questioned the bewildered Tom.
"Ms. Verinder is such a good teacher, she hasn't done anything wrong," shouted Eliza. "Even if she has done something wrong, she has done it for the benefits of her students."
"Eliza, are you mad? You're supposed to help me. We represent the PMSSO, have you forgotten?" demanded Tom.
"I don't care," yelled Eliza. "Ms. Verinder has given me the hope of improving my current situation. She told me that the reason why I'm unsatisfied now was because I didn't do well enough in my GCSEs."
"What on earth are you talking about, Eliza?" retorted Tom. "You cannot possibly relive your life again. You only live once. When your chance is gone, it's gone forever. It's impossible to start all over again! You've got to learn to like and live with your current situation."
"You're wrong, Tom," said Claire, who took off the helmet and slowly walked towards her boss. "Ms. Verinder has promised us that she'll help us redo our GCSE qualifications as the identity of a 15-year-old. Then, we'll do better at our A-Levels, we'll then get into better universities, and lots more opportunities will be open to us than what we have right now. We're about to graduate, yet we still feel at a loss of our next steps. It was all because we didn't do so well back school."
"No, don't listen to her. She's lying to you, you cannot possibly......."