On the last episode: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/mysf-happytime/article?mid=2880&prev=2090&next=2852, Snow White was furious when her governess still gave her a lot of study work to do even on the day of her sixteenth birthday, so she decided to run away from home.
Snow White did not have any plans to where she could go, she aimlessly wondered in the forest. Before she knew it, the sky was gradually darkening. She was extremely terrified and anxious, because her governess told her that there are wild beasts in the forest.
"HOWL~~~~" From not very far came the howl of a wolf!!
Snow White was very regretful: "I shouldn't have ran away! That old witch can only force me to study before I am married, once I'm married, I don't even need to see her face anymore. But.....if I was eaten alive by wild beasts now~my ambition of matrimony will all shatter into millions of pieces. What should I do??" She began weeping.
Even until now, Snow White was unable to acknowledge the kind intentions of her governess.
Snow White walked on, soon she caught a glimpse of smoke in the far distance.
"My governess told me that if there is smoke, there must be people!" Unbelievably, in this life-or-death situation, the first words she thought of actually came from her governess!
So, she walked towards the direction of the smoke. As if by magic, there was a stone cottage standing there, as if waiting for her arrival.
Snow White was overwhelmed by happiness, she quickly knocked on the door.
A blacksmith came out to respond.
"May I help you?" Snow White was soon captivated by the sweet smile of the blacksmith and she instantly fell in love with him.
"I......I....." Tongue-tied, Snow White could not whisper any words!
"It's darkening outside, and freezing cold too~ your teeth must be chattering from the cold. If you don't mind, why not come in and warm yourself before you say anything?"
Snow White thanked the blacksmith and went into the house with him.
Once in the house, Snow White told the blacksmith her happenings.
The blacksmith felt sorry for Snow White and he kindly offered for her to stay in his house for the night.
Snow White was touched by his kindly disposition.
There was only one bed in the house as the house was very small and he lived by himself.
He offered Snow White the only bed and he only grabbed some blankets and moved downstairs to sleep.
Snow White thought: "Such a nice man! I should just marry him and never go back!"
But.......is this a long-term plan or just a sudden urge??
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