Playmobil 4250 Royal Palace Custom 摩比皇宮~大改造
昨天心血來潮,決定將我的摩比4250 公主城堡來個大改造~來符合我個人的需求!
Whilst I was busy furnishing my 4250 Royal Palace yesterday, I found a great problem of not having enough floor space to put the furniture as the rooms on both sides of the first floor is just too strange to put any furniture with its 'Balcony' look! I wonder how one can possibly put the bathroom and nursery on the balcony, as the pictures on catalogues suggest. So, I decided to customise it according to my needs!!!
Tada~~~My finished project (front view)
One significant thing that I would like to point out is that I think the pillars in this Royal Palace looks a bit too 'weak' to be able to hold up everything if it was in real life~ therefore it looks a bit unreal!
So, in my customisation, I decided to 'thicken' up all the pillars so it looks stronger, and it actually looks prettier as well!!
Another thing is that I didn't exactly like the position of the stairway in the original design~it was placed at the back side of the palace, which made it extremely difficult to be seen from the front view, and also hard to play.
So, in my customisation, I moved the stairway to the side of the royal palace, this way, it is not 'hidden' anymore!!
The first floor~~this is the place that I had altered the most from its original design.
我將一進門的陽台區域放上了許多屏風,當作隔間;如此一來就不會感到太 open ,什麼都不能擺啦
Here, I managed to solve my problem of the room being too 'open' to place any furniture~~I placed the screens from the royal bathrooms onto the railings of the balcony, this way, it looks more like a room rather than a balcony area!!
The room next door also uses the same concept of the screens!
Last, but not least, is the Princess' Royal Bedroom!
I successfully increased floor space by connecting the additional floor board, originally for the roof, with the main one of the bedroom. This way, I can place more furniture!!
How do you like my customisation??
Now it's time to furnish my newly customised Royal Palace.
Front view~
I changed the position of the King's Throne to the left hand side of the ground floor, there is a bigger area here and it's more hidden; so we never have to be afraid of the sudden attacks from our enemies!! :P
I decided to place the Royal Dining Room in the former room of the throne, because I think the two huge mirrors on the wall made the layout of the room more like a Dining Room!
Next door is the Morning Room~enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Royal Garden whilst having your breakfast!
The First Floor~
On the right side, I decided to place the Royal Dressing room, after I added on the screens, there will be no worries of it being too cold whilst dressing up!
The Royal Bathroom~
Last, but not least, the Princess' Royal Bedroom! Now that it has an extended floor space, I'm able to put the Royal Nursery with it~~doesn't it look very luxurious?
~The End~
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