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Thursday, 24 July 2014

Playmobil Spies: The Fairy Godmother's Wish I 摩比嬌娃之神仙教母的心願-1

某天放學回家的路上,Claire, Eliza 和她們的朋友 Selena 正在聊天。

One afternoon, Claire, Eliza and their friend Selena were chatting on their way home from school.


The popular talk at their school recently has been about fortune-telling, therefore, naturally, their topic of conversation was not far from it.


Selena suddenly said: "Speaking about fortune-telling, do you want to come with me to the fortune-teller that became famous recently to have your fortunes told? I have heard that she has many followers who calls her "Fairy Godmother", hmmmm, seems like she is very skillful!"

「神仙教母?Eliza,妳有聽說過嗎?」Claire 趕緊問她博學多聞的朋友。

"Fairy Godmother? Eliza, have you heard of her?" Claire inquired her knowledgeable friend- Eliza.

Eliza 正準備回答說她也没有聽說過時,她們聽到一個聲音~【叮叮噹、叮叮噹】。

Eliza was about to reply in the negative when they heard a ringing sound.

Claire 和 Eliza 趕緊和 Selena 說她們要去上廁所,走到一旁較隱密的地方,拿出了她們的【通訊鏡】,發現她們又有任務要出了。

Claire and Eliza quickly excused themselves from Selena, walked to a place with fewer people nearby and got out their Contact Mirror to discover that they have a new mission.


In fact, they aren't just any ordinary high school girls, they work as spies for the P.M. Secret Spies Organisation!


Their boss- Tom video-called them using his laptop.


Tom said: "Good afternoon ladies! The headquarter has just received a report that the skills of the famous fortune-teller "Fairy Godmother" are suspected to be fake and has malevolent intentions. Your mission this time is to investigate further and discover the truth about this Fairy Godmother. I have just E-mailed you a newspaper article on her for your reference. Please contact the headquarters in case of any news! Good luck!"


The Spies quickly opened the attachment, with the newspaper article: 


The famous fortune-teller "Fairy Godmother"s prophecy has came true again! This morning, around 8 am, the well-known superstar Pretty Pink Lady was driving her expensive automobile on the road, towards the destination of her next concert when suddenly a gust of wind blew a branch, with dimensions of 1 metre in length and 10cm in diameter, straight at her windscreen, which immediately shattered into many pieces. In the action of trying to avoid being hit by the glass pieces, Pretty Pink Lady accidentally touched the steering wheel, steering the car to the opposite driveway, and was hit by a red automobile. Pretty Pink Lady was badly injured and is still currently in the Intensive Care Unit. Her family members claimed that on the previous day, she went to the Fairy Godmother to have her fortune told and was warned not to drive in the coming days, as there would be an accident. As for whether the Fairy Godmother actually foresaw this accident or it was pure coincidence, we leave to you entirely to judge for yourself.

Claire 和 Eliza 讀完新聞後,回到 Selena 等待她們的地方,並約好晚上一起去【神仙教母】那兒算命,好執行任務。

After they've finished reading the article, Claire and Eliza went back to their waiting friend and agreed to go with her that night to go and have their fortune told in order to investigate further into this Fairy Godmother. 


At the appointed time, the three friends met up in front of the Fairy Godmother's place.


How will the case develop in the next episode?


~To be Continued~


  1. 粉紅美少女沒有車禍圖啊!XDD

    1. 哈哈~車禍圖太血腥、暴力,小朋友不宜觀賞啦!XDDD
