Suddenly, an old gentleman from the audience shouted: "Stop making up nonsense, you old witch! Huh! The Water of Judgement? Very funny indeed! Did you ask who would like to try? Alright, I'll try and see what you're up to!"
After he has finished, he stood up, raised both his hands and shouted towards the audience: "Look carefully, God will certainly judge me to be a good person! I think that indeed this Water of Judgement will judge everyone to be good! Ahahahaha!"
The old gentleman walked behind the table and waited for the instructions of the Fairy Godmother.
The Fairy Godmother said: "In order to be fair, I will put my hands into the basin of water along with this old gentleman."
And then, the Fairy Godmother said to the old gentleman: "When you're ready, we may begin." She submerged her hands into the basin of water with the old gentleman and then took it out again.
There was another deadly silence amongst the audience, everyone seemed to be holding their breaths in order not to miss out on the final result.
Suddenly, an old gentleman from the audience shouted: "Stop making up nonsense, you old witch! Huh! The Water of Judgement? Very funny indeed! Did you ask who would like to try? Alright, I'll try and see what you're up to!"
After he has finished, he stood up, raised both his hands and shouted towards the audience: "Look carefully, God will certainly judge me to be a good person! I think that indeed this Water of Judgement will judge everyone to be good! Ahahahaha!"
The old gentleman walked behind the table and waited for the instructions of the Fairy Godmother.
The Fairy Godmother said: "In order to be fair, I will put my hands into the basin of water along with this old gentleman."
And then, the Fairy Godmother said to the old gentleman: "When you're ready, we may begin." She submerged her hands into the basin of water with the old gentleman and then took it out again.
There was another deadly silence amongst the audience, everyone seemed to be holding their breaths in order not to miss out on the final result.
After about one minute has elapsed, the Fairy Godmother informed the old gentleman to withdraw his hand.
The old gentleman walked in front of the audience, raised both of his hands and shouted: "Look! God has judged me to be a good person! Hahahaha, in fact, I think that the Fairy Godmother's power has failed! Wahahaha!"
Just after the old gentleman has finished, he suddenly screamed, fell on the floor and whined deafeningly; then, eventually, his breathing stopped altogether.
所有的觀眾都不知所措、驚慌失色,Claire 和 Eliza 也趕緊離開座位,上前查看一下。
The audience was extremely shocked and didn't know what to do, Claire and Eliza left their seat in order to investigate.
The Fairy Godmother said: "God seemed to have judged this old gentleman to be bad, by looking at the rate of his suffering, only if he has committed many sins in his life would God punish him so severely! Don't ever assume that God is ignorant of your sins, it's just that the time has not come yet; but one day, karma will come around to knock on your door! Hahahahaha!"
The Fairy Godmother continued: "Alright, now, who would like to be next?"
The audience, one by one, hastily left the conference; it seemed that all of them were afraid of ending up like the old gentleman, so they daren't give it a go.
How exactly did the old gentleman die so suddenly without any previous signs? Does this Water of Judgement really possess such great powers? What will the spies discover in the next episode?
~To be Continued~
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