Meanwhile, after Annie and Cathy returned to their windowless apartment room, the two girls sank down on the Victorian sofa, exhausted by their day's adventures. They glanced at the afternoon tea accessories which had barely been touched and sighed, thinking of their grandmas. Suddenly, Annie gasped whilst pointing to a chair nearby. As Cathy lazily turned her head, she was absolutely dazzled to discover that, perching on the Victorian chair, were the two purses which Claire and Eliza had accidentally left behind in their haste to arrive at Dr Dickinshfirtz's laboratory. Both Annie and Cathy smiled.
安妮和凱西回到了她們没有窗户的公寓後,累壞了的兩人攤在維多利亞長沙發上休息。她們凝視著幾乎沒被動過的下午茶用具後嘆了一口氣,想起了阿嬤們。突然,安妮指著一旁的椅子驚嘆了一聲。凱西轉頭一望,赫然發現 Claire 和 Eliza 那時在匆匆忙忙準備趕去迪肯弗博士的實驗室時,不慎遺忘在椅子上的兩個晚宴包。兩人都笑了。
安妮和凱西回到了她們没有窗户的公寓後,累壞了的兩人攤在維多利亞長沙發上休息。她們凝視著幾乎沒被動過的下午茶用具後嘆了一口氣,想起了阿嬤們。突然,安妮指著一旁的椅子驚嘆了一聲。凱西轉頭一望,赫然發現 Claire 和 Eliza 那時在匆匆忙忙準備趕去迪肯弗博士的實驗室時,不慎遺忘在椅子上的兩個晚宴包。兩人都笑了。

In the hall of the Graduation Ball, the headmaster- Mr Bob was just finishing off his speech, which seemed to have lasted an age to everyone, "...most important of all, enjoy yourselves, have fun, and cherish every second of your High School lives, that are about to terminate. Afterwards, you will all be embarking on a new but exciting journey towards the next milestone in your life. Thank you.....Now, please put your hands together to invite our Deputy Head Student- Eliza up onto the stage to make a speech." There was a huge pause, as everyone looked around for Eliza. However, the girl was nowhere to be found.
在畢業舞會的現場,校長寶伯先生正在結束他『一世紀長的』演講:「....最重要的是:活在當下、享受你們每一分、每一秒僅剩的高中生活,因為很快地,它將畫下完美的句點。之後,你們都要展翅高飛,邁向下一個人生的里程碑。謝謝大家.....現在,我們請我們的學生會副會長~Eliza 同學來為我們演講。」頓時,宴會廳鴉雀無聲,大家都東張西望的在找 Eliza。
All of a sudden, the door of the hall opened, revealing the breathless Claire and Eliza, who had ran all the way from the restrooms, panting. "!" Eliza shouted as she struggled to get her breath back, just in time to make her speech. At first, she could hear the disdainful snickering of some enemies from the back, but it was soon drowned by the uproar of claps and encouragement.
突然,宴會廳的門被打開了,後面站著氣喘吁吁的 Claire 和 Eliza。「Eliza.....Eliza....在這兒!」Eliza 大叫道。起初,她可以隱隱約約聽到從後面傳出了一些嘲笑聲;然而,很快地,取而代之的是熱烈的鼓掌聲。
Eliza slowly walked up onto the stage, exploiting this opportunity to fully get her breath back, so she wouldn't be panting. As she stood on the stage, her mind which had hitherto been blank, suddenly seemed to remember all the words from her speech, thanks to all the hours of practice. "Ladies and gentlemen, respected teachers, honoured guests, and last but not least, Class of 2016, good evening....."
Eliza 緩緩地走上台,藉機讓自己冷靜下來。當她站上台後,本來腦子一片空白的她頓時想起了所有的台詞。之前的努力都不是白費的!「各位老師、各位同學、以及在場的所有2016年畢業生們:大家好.....」
As she finished her perfect speech, without a single stutter, Eliza bowed to the deafening claps of the audience, amongst whom many could be perceived to be wiping their eyes with their handkerchiefs, extremely touched by the emotional speech.
當她結束了完美的致詞後,Eliza 在全場熱烈的掌聲下深深的一鞠躬。可以看到台下很多人被感人的致詞感動到頻頻擦著眼淚。
"Now, please welcome our Head Student onto the stage," announced Mr Bob after glancing at his watch and discovered that they were behind the schedule. However, to everyone's dismay, the head student was nowhere to be found. "Who's the head student anyway?" Someone in the audience shouted.
Abruptly, the door to the hall opened, and in stepped a girl dressed completely in white, as if she's a bride, which was none other than their classmate- Tiffany. "Ah! There she is......" said Mr Bob, wiping some sweat from his forehead, "Please clap again for our Head Student- Tiffany."
~The End~
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