One chilly November morning, Claire and Eliza, who had just become freshers in university, were doing some grocery shopping in the local supermarket.
一個涼爽的十一月早晨,不久前才剛升大學一年級的 Claire 和 Eliza 正在超市買菜。
Suddenly, both Claire and Eliza's phones sounded, receiving an E-mail from their boss- Tom. In fact, Claire and Eliza weren't just any ordinary university students, they work as spies for the PMSSO (Playmobil Secret Spies Organisation). "Invitation to My Wedding," read Claire, "OMG! Tom's getting married!"
突然,Claire 和 Eliza 的手機都有提示聲。她們收到了一封來自老闆~湯姆的電郵。原來,Claire 和 Eliza 不只是普通的大學生,還是『摩比秘密間諜組織』的嬌娃。「婚禮邀請卡,」Claire 讀道。「天啊!湯姆要結婚了!」
"OMG, you're right!" Eliza responded, "And it says the wedding is this afternoon at his backyard!" At this instant, their phones rang, receiving a video-call from Tom.
「對耶!」Eliza 答道。「邀請函上還說婚禮就在今天下午,在湯姆家的後花園!」就在這時,她們的手機響了,接到湯姆的視訊來電。

突然,Claire 和 Eliza 的手機都有提示聲。她們收到了一封來自老闆~湯姆的電郵。原來,Claire 和 Eliza 不只是普通的大學生,還是『摩比秘密間諜組織』的嬌娃。「婚禮邀請卡,」Claire 讀道。「天啊!湯姆要結婚了!」
"OMG, you're right!" Eliza responded, "And it says the wedding is this afternoon at his backyard!" At this instant, their phones rang, receiving a video-call from Tom.
「對耶!」Eliza 答道。「邀請函上還說婚禮就在今天下午,在湯姆家的後花園!」就在這時,她們的手機響了,接到湯姆的視訊來電。
"Good morning, ladies," said Tom, "I see that you have read my E-mail. Sorry to interrupt your grocery shopping time for such a trivial thing, but I am wondering whether you have class this afternoon? If not, would you care to come to your boss' wedding?"
"OMG, Tom, congratulations!" The two girls exclaimed jubilantly in one voice, then Claire continued, "How is this a trivial thing? Thanks for the invitation, of course we'll go! It's our pleasure to be able to attend your wedding. We have to meet that lucky girl." Tom smiled a shy smile.
「噢買尬,湯姆,恭喜恭喜!」女孩們異口同聲地說,Claire 繼續說:「這怎麼會是小事呢?謝謝你的邀請函,我們當然會去嘍!能參加你的婚禮是我們的榮幸~真想見見那個幸運的女孩。」湯姆害羞地笑了。
"Awww, don't be shy, look at you!" Eliza said, "But, is the location wrong? Why is it in your backyard? Don't we get to see the vowing part in church? Surely, we can't miss the most romantic part!"
「唉唷,瞧瞧你~害羞什麼?」Eliza 說。「只是,地點是不是寫錯啦?怎麼會在你家後院呢?難道我們看不到在教堂說誓言的那段嗎?那是最浪漫的耶!」
"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed, girls," replied Tom, "But we'll have to miss 'the most romantic part', as I am an atheist and you know me, I don't like to make a fuss over such a trivial thing. I like to keep things as simple as possible, hence, I've only invited some close friends and staff from the PMSSO. Oops, the headquarters have just received some news. Anyways, good-bye girls, hope to see you this afternoon!"
"Tom works too hard!" concluded Claire as she hung up, "It's his big day and he's still working his head off!"
「湯姆真是個工作狂!」Claire 掛斷後說。「連自己的大日子那天都還拼命工作。」
"Now, we have to start thinking about what to wear....." said Eliza pensively.
「我們得開始想下午要穿什麼了!」Eliza 沉思著。
~To be Continued~
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