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Saturday 26 November 2016

Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-5 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-5

Tom showed them the drivers' seats at the front of the vehicle. "Claire and Margaret, you sit in front of the main control panel; Eliza, you sit beside them," elucidated Tom to Eliza, "Claire and Margaret have to start getting used to collaborating with each other, and we haven't found a partner for you yet. So, in the meantime, you should try not to participate as much as you used to. Understood?"

湯姆告訴她們駕駛座的位置。「Claire 和瑪格麗特,妳們坐在主要控制板前面;Eliza,你坐在旁邊就好。」湯姆對Eliza說。「Claire 和瑪格麗特得慢慢習慣互相合作,我們還尚未幫你找到合作夥伴。所以,目前,別像以往那樣那麼投入的參與這次的任務。理解嗎?」

After they boarded the vehicle, the three spies were ready to commence their journey across the Pacific Ocean. Once they arrived on water, the four wheels immediately rotated so that they're flat against the water surface, which was designed to enhance buoyancy.


"Woohoo, this is fantastic!" Margaret exclaimed as she turned the steering wheel.


"Do you know where we're going, Claire?" Eliza inquired.

「Claire,你知道我們要去哪兒嗎?」Eliza 問道。

"Don't worry, I know the way," Margaret interrupted, "You two seniors do not have to worry about such an insignificant thing as steering. You can leave it to me, the newbie."


Having ensured that they were well underway in their journey, Claire and Eliza excused themselves by claiming to be going to the toilet; when, in fact, they secretly met at the back of the vehicle, out of Margaret's earshot.

確認她們的旅程已告某一個階段後,Claire 和 Eliza 聲稱要去洗手間,事實上,跑到機器的後面,到瑪格麗特聽不到的範圍。

"Okay, that know-it-all Margaret is just getting a bit too far," whispered Claire as she fought for her friend, "And Tom, too. He is purposefully secluding you out from the team. That's so unfair!"

「那個萬事通瑪格利特真的太得寸進尺了!」Claire 小聲地為朋友抱不平。「還有湯姆也是。他故意把你排除在外~真不公平!」

"It must be because I messed up so much in our previous missions," Eliza sighed, "Remember how I accidentally let the criminal escape by losing track of him cos I forgot to activate the system? OMG, I bet that Tom wants to fire me, but is using this method to make me leave by my own will!"

「一定是我前幾次任務都失手搞砸了的關係。」Eliza 嘆氣道。「你還記得我上次不小心讓犯人逃跑,因為沒有開啟追蹤器嗎?噢買尬,湯姆一定是要辭退我,只是用這種方法來逼我自己請辭。」

"I'm sure that's not why," replied Claire, trying to calm her friend, "It must be because of his wife! She is such a show-off that Tom thinks she can replace both of us!"

「唉唷~不是這樣的啦!」Claire 安慰道。「一定是因為他老婆啦!那個女人這麼愛現,讓湯姆覺得她一個人能抵我們兩個!」

"But Margaret really is very intelligent," responded Eliza, "She knows all these things that we don't. I'm sure she is fit enough to replace me, if not both of us. Besides, obviously, you're still in the game as Tom said you're going to work with Margaret from now on. But if he doesn't want me to participate, why tell me about the mission in the first place?"

「可是,瑪格麗特真的很聰明啊!」Eliza 答道。「她知道太多我們所不知道的事情。我想她若不能同時取代我們兩人,至少也能取代我。再說,很顯然的你就沒事啊~湯姆不是說以後你要跟她合作?如果湯姆不想我參與,那幹嘛叫我來?」

"In our spies career, we've never worked apart, and we never will," said Claire with much determination, "I've made up my mind: after this mission, we'll tell Tom that we have to work together; and if he insists on separating us, then we'll resign together."

「我們當嬌娃那麼多年,從來沒有分開行動過,以後也不要!」Claire 堅決地說。「我決定了:這次任務結束後,我們就去告訴湯姆說我們不想被拆散,如果他堅持,大不了我們一起請辭!」

"Thank you so much, Claire," sobbed Eliza, "You really are my BFF!"

「Claire,真是謝謝妳!」Eliza 哭著說。「妳真是我的好姐妹!」

~To be Continued


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