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Saturday 3 December 2016

Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-7 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-7

"HELP!" Margaret cried as she banged the petals, but all was in vain, as it wouldn't even budge. 


"Shush! Do you want Banana to notice us?" Eliza snapped. 

「噓~難道你想讓香蕉頭發現我們嗎?」Eliza 罵道。

"Might as well try the headquarter's new weapon," said Claire as she took out the laser gun and shot at one of the petals. To her astonishment, it actually worked, and the petal fell back, but the whole tower started to shake violently. The spies jumped out agilely only to discover that a siren is sounding somewhere. 

「不如咱們來試試總部的新武器吧!」Claire 邊說邊拿出雷射槍射了一下花瓣。果然,花瓣就掉了下來。然而,整棟塔也開始在猛力地晃動。嬌娃們敏捷地跳出來後才發現某處有警鈴聲響起。

"Where did that come from?" Before Claire could finish her question, they perceived a white robot gliding towards them.

「那時從哪裡傳出來的呀?」Claire 才剛說完,就發現一個白色的機器人朝她們的方向飛奔而來。

"Oh no! Banana's discovered us!" Eliza screamed.

「糟了,香蕉頭發現我們了!」Eliza 尖叫道。

"Take that!" Claire shouted as she pointed the laser-gun at the robot. Nevertheless, just like many other gadgets of the PMSSO, it has refused to work at the crucial moment.

「看招!」Claire 邊說邊用著雷射槍射機器人。然而,就和其他總部所發明的裝備一樣,就在緊要關頭時就不管用了。

As the robot advanced towards the spies, Eliza, in her fury, took hold of the robot and flung it over her shoulders, smashing it to the ground.

機器人快速地靠近,Eliza 一氣之下給機器人一個過肩摔,將其重重地摔在地上。

At that instant, the robot melted away and transformed into an ice cage, imprisoning Claire and Eliza. Only Margaret was left standing outside, staring at the trapped spies in horror.

就在這時,機器人融化掉,變成了一個冰籠,將 Claire 和 Eliza 困住了。只有瑪格麗特還留在外面,用著驚恐的表情眼睜睜地看著同伴。

"Quick! Margaret, get us out of here!" Eliza demanded.

「瑪格麗特,快點兒把我們救出去啊!」Eliza 喊道。

"I....I don't know how this works..." stammered Margaret, "The ice seems to be too thick to cut through."


"Well, hurry up! Coz the robot must have informed its boss, and Banana will be here any second," Claire exclaimed.

「我們再不趕快,機器人恐怕已通報上面,等一下香蕉頭就要出現了。」Claire 驚叫道。

~To be Continued~


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