"It must've been the other alien race," mumbled Tom under his breath.
"What d'you mean? I thought there's only one type of alien?" enquired Claire.
"No, actually this is a war of the universe - one alien race is plotting to steal the energy of our sun, whilst the other alien race is on our side, trying to protect us," elucidated Tom patiently.
"OMG, this is like star wars! How cool is that!" exclaimed Eliza in excitement.
"Yes, something like that," responded Tom, nodding.
"But why is the other alien race protecting us?" questioned Claire. "There must be some benefit to them. Or else there is no reason to be on our side."
"Yes, you're absolutely right, Claire," answered Tom. "This is because our allies are the Plutonians, who are the inhabitants of Pluto, another dwarf planet with which we share our solar system and hence, the sun."
"Wait a sec, so that means the destruction of the sun will also lead to their extinction?" queried Claire. "I feel like I'm actually starting to get something here!"
"Yes, indeed! Bravo, Claire!" laughed Tom as he clapped sarcastically. "Looks like you're not as hopeless as I thought! Hahaha!"

"Anyways, jokes aside," said Tom, suddenly putting on his serious expression again. "As we're closer to the sun than the Plutonians, it's up to us to stop the Galileans from attaining their goal."
"Spies, do you have your gadgets with you?" asked Tom. The spies nodded. "Then, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you what to do to get us outta here?"
Without the need of a second hint, Eliza immediately took our her laser pencil - the newest gadget invented by the headquarters, which concentrates laser light into one spot to cut open objects - and pointed it at the latch of the metal door.
"What d'you mean? I thought there's only one type of alien?" enquired Claire.
"No, actually this is a war of the universe - one alien race is plotting to steal the energy of our sun, whilst the other alien race is on our side, trying to protect us," elucidated Tom patiently.
"OMG, this is like star wars! How cool is that!" exclaimed Eliza in excitement.
"Yes, something like that," responded Tom, nodding.
"But why is the other alien race protecting us?" questioned Claire. "There must be some benefit to them. Or else there is no reason to be on our side."
"Yes, you're absolutely right, Claire," answered Tom. "This is because our allies are the Plutonians, who are the inhabitants of Pluto, another dwarf planet with which we share our solar system and hence, the sun."
"Wait a sec, so that means the destruction of the sun will also lead to their extinction?" queried Claire. "I feel like I'm actually starting to get something here!"
"Yes, indeed! Bravo, Claire!" laughed Tom as he clapped sarcastically. "Looks like you're not as hopeless as I thought! Hahaha!"
"Anyways, jokes aside," said Tom, suddenly putting on his serious expression again. "As we're closer to the sun than the Plutonians, it's up to us to stop the Galileans from attaining their goal."
"Spies, do you have your gadgets with you?" asked Tom. The spies nodded. "Then, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you what to do to get us outta here?"
Without the need of a second hint, Eliza immediately took our her laser pencil - the newest gadget invented by the headquarters, which concentrates laser light into one spot to cut open objects - and pointed it at the latch of the metal door.
In the blink of an eye, the latch gave way under the strong laser light, and Eliza kicked open the metal door and jumped out, followed by Claire.
Only then did the female alien, who was supposed to be guarding them but was in fact dozing in the corner, discover that something was up and ran towards them. Nevertheless, it was all too late as the spies and Tom were already out.
"Hurry! We have to stop everything before all the energy of the sun is drained," said Tom as he motioned for the spies to go up the stairs.
"Hahahaha!" Suddenly, the female alien appeared in front of them and barred their path. "There's no way I'm letting you pass. Just a bit more time, then everything will be complete. I will not let anyone ruin the great plan that has taken our great leaders and ancestors hundreds of years to plot."
"What's your problem?" Suddenly, Eliza said. "I mean, just because your sun has died, doesn't mean that you can come and steal ours! Plus, even if you want us to share half the energy of our sun with you, I'm sure if you ask kindly, no one will say no!"
"No. We don't want half of your sun's energy. We want all of it, because that way humans, in fear of being extinct, will be willing to become our slaves," elucidated the female alien with a horrible smirk on her face. "Only those of you that have agreed to become our slaves will we transport you back to our planet. Whoever has refused, we'll simply let them die a slow painful death on this sunless planet. Just like what some of our ancestors have experienced hundreds of years ago. Hahahah!"
Without warning, Eliza dashed forwards and raised her hand to slap the female alien. However, it was easily stopped by the latter.
"Huh! Weak human beings," she sneered whilst gripping Eliza's arm with such strength that Eliza thought her bones might actually fracture. "Don't think that all the creatures in this universe are as fragile and stupid as you. It is mere luck that you can survive up to this point. Do you know how many other civilisations that were way smarter and stronger than you have already been destroyed by countless wars of the universe? There is no one else in this universe to blame other than yourselves for your destruction. You don't need other races to destroy you, because you've already been corrupted and devoured by your own selfishness, greed and hatred amongst your own kind!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about," said Eliza, gritting her teeth to overcome the violent pain in her arm. "But you're still too naive!" Then, all of a sudden, she slapped the alien's face as hard as she could with her left hand, causing the alien to stagger backwards and loosen her grip on Eliza's hand. "Don't forget that I have two hands!"
"How dare you!" screamed the alien whilst clutching her face. In her fury, she flicked Eliza away with such strength that the latter landed several feet away from her original position.
Now that the spies have truly angered the alien, who was clearly much stronger than them, how are they going to defeat her and stop their evil plan?
~To be Continued~
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