The four friends strolled along the Golden Brick Road merrily as they chatted away.
"How long have you been trying to make friends with the three little dwarves?" enquired Cinderella inquisitively.
"Since they moved into the little wooden cottage," answered the Wolf. "I've heard from the previous owner of the cottage, a benevolent old lady, that she was going to sell the cottage to three little dwarves. So, I thought I should say hello to my new neighbours. But, who knows? They probably thought I was trying to eat them up or something and didn't even dare to come out."
"I wouldn't blame them," joked Mr. Knight. "I mean...your expression is pretty terrifying."
"Wait a minute, did you say you knew the previous owner of the little cottage?" queried Cinderella.
"Yes, she's such a nice old lady," responded the Wolf nodding its head. "Once, I was being pursued by an evil hunter who wanted to kill me to obtain my fur. I bumped into the old lady, who was in her garden watering the flowers, and I told her my situation. She was so kind that she let me into her house to escape from the hunter."
"Wasn't the old lady afraid of you? Did she not doubt your words?" enquired the scarecrow.
"No, she looked into my eyes and it seemed like she could tell that I wasn't lying," answered the Wolf.
"Do you know where the old lady has moved to?" questioned Cinderella.
"No," replied the Wolf shaking its head. "She was my only friend here, so naturally I was anxious to know where she will be moving to so I can visit her. But, every time I asked, she merely smiled and shook her head."
Suddenly, they heard a loud, grumbling noise.
"What was that?" enquired the cowardly knight, trembling. "I hope it wasn't some wild beast howling."
"Don't worry," answered Cinderella. "It was only my stomach. I just noticed that I hadn't eaten anything since the three little dwarves offered me those pastries."
"Look, there seems to be a restaurant yonder," said the scarecrow as he pointed at a green building with a sign saying 'Delicious Restaurant', located some distance in front of them along the golden brick road. "Why not let's go in and see if they offer any food. Not that I need any, for if I eat anything, it'll just come out of my straw."