Without warning, an unknown man who was even taller than Klaudia entered the room.
"Wait a sec, who're you?" questioned Tiffany.
As an answer, Klaudia picked up the doll which Tiffany dropped by the doorway and held it out in front of her. Immediately, everyone felt a sudden dizziness overcoming them, the room began to swirl violently, and they lost all consciousness just after they perceived the deafening cackle of Klaudia.
After an unknown amount of time, the four friends awoke to find that the coffin in which Jeffrey lay was gone, instead, they were all sitting on the cold stone floor, tightly bound by ropes around their hands.
"What happened? Where are we?" muttered Tiffany, touching her head.
"I don't remember anything.....I feel so dizzy!" responded Nadia.

Abruptly, they discovered two shadows looming over them, then all the memories returned.
"Klaudia, WTF are you doing here? Release the ropes NOW!" shouted Tiffany as she tried in vain to wriggle free from the ropes around her wrist. "And who the hell are you, anyway? Don't just stand there, stop that crazy b*tch and come and help us!" she demanded, alluding to the tall, handsome man with neatly combed-back brown hair standing next to Klaudia.
As if in response to Tiffany's question, the facial features of the couple transformed under the dim, flickering light of the torches. Their eyes turned into a blood red colour and their canines sharpened into pointed fangs. Without uttering a word, the two began to slowly advance towards the group.
"WAIT!" Suddenly, Tiffany yelled. "You haven't answered my question, yet. Who're you?"
Then, the man finally replied, "Seeing that you will die soon, we will satisfy your curiosity. To you, I am Bosko the butler, but to Princess Kradula, I am her husband."
"I don't believe you!" responded Tiffany, "How can a cute guy like you be that old man? Prove it to me."
The man sighed, and in a split second, he was transformed into the form of Bosko standing in front of them. "Now, do you believe me?" he boomed.
"Then, who's Princess Kradula?" enquired Nadia.
"Me." responded Klaudia laconically.
~To be Continued~
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