After taking the oil lamp from Mr Rogers, the group alighted the ship using the stairs by the side.
"Careful, guys, there's a huge ga....." Before Jeffrey could finish his sentence, Tiffany had tripped on the gap between the stairs and the deck, falling face-forward for the second time that day.

After they have all boarded the ship, they found another oil lamp hanging on the mast.
"Who has a lighter? We need to illuminate this thing," said Jeffrey.
"No need for lighters, Jeffrey," replied Blythe, taking the lamp from his hand. "This is a flashlight powered by batteries, it's just shaped like an oil lamp." Then, Blythe turned it on by pressing a button situated at the bottom of the oil lamp.
Jeffrey stared in wonder, "Wow! Can't believe I was totally fooled into believing that it was actually an oil lamp! What kind of sorcery is this?"
Suddenly, Shaun had an idea. "Now that we have two lamps, let's split up to look for clues! It's also a good idea to familiarise ourselves with our surroundings before starting any investigation."
"Seems like it's the first time you've ever had a good idea, nerd!" replied Tiffany, curling up the side of her lips to form a wicked smile. "I'll go with Jeffie and you go with Britney."
Just when Blythe opened her mouth to remind Tiffany that her name was not 'Britney', Tiffany grabbed hold of Jeffrey's arm and turned around, pulling him away. Jeffrey didn't even have the chance to complain.

Shaun and Blythe began their investigation with the fake canons placed on either side of the ship, used to imitate a pirate ship. The flickering light coming from the oil lamp in Shaun's hand casted sinister, dancing shadows on the wooden boards of the ship.
"Well, it seems like they have at least completed some of the decorations before everything was brought to a halt," murmured Blythe pensively whilst Shaun felt a sudden, unsubstantiated sensation that someone or something was spying on them.

Meanwhile, Jeffrey and Tiffany were investigating at the front of the ship.
"Hmmm, that's weird, this anchor is not at all rusty after having been around for so many years," thought Jeffrey. "I wonder if they've replaced the old one for a new one." Tiffany, on the other hand, was not being the least helpful in their investigation, but was instead admiring Jeffrey's handsome silhouette under the dim light of the oil lamp.
"Oh! I love your Roman nose!" muttered Tiffany.
"What?" enquired Jeffrey, who wasn't at all paying attention to Tiffany's words.
"Never mind!" replied Tiffany, giggling.
~To be Continued~
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