Once upon a time, there was a stingy and snobbish girl whose name was Rapunzel. She always stayed at home all day and do nothing but sit in front of her mirror admiring at her own beauty.
She has long hair, because firstly, she is lazy to go to the hairdressers, also she said that going to the hairdressers need money as well; therefore, her hair grew longer and longer by the day.
Other than sitting in front of her mirror, she has another "hobby"~ that is staring out of the window from her bedroom, which is situated at the top of the building, and look down on the passerby. She loved this is this made her seem to be the best and everyone else is "below" her. Therefore, she often stared down from the window for many hours on end, daydreaming.
Due to her laziness of going outdoors, her old maid has to bring her food everyday.
Since the manor Rapunzel lived in dated back to many centuries before her time, so not long after she has moved in, the stairways have collapsed.
But Rapunzel has no inclination to repair them, she concluded: "Repair needs money, and it doesn't affect me anyway."
It might not affect Rapunzel, however it did have bring some inconveniences to her poor, old maid. Every entrance and exit to the manor she has to climb down a rope tied to the window; which was extremely dangerous as you never know when the window will collapse as well.
One day, a bored and short-sighted prince dressed up as a plumber to "tour" around his city. Having passed Rapunzel's manor, he discovered the hanging rope. However, he forgot to wear his contact lenses on that day, therefore he mistook the hanging rope as a hanging lock of hair!
What is waiting for the prince on top?
~To be Continued~
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