Eliza 和 Freddy 掉進大洞裏後,便進入了一個彎曲的隧道。在隧道了轉了好久,終於有一個小門打開了,Eliza 和 Freddy 掉入了一個暗暗的小房間。
After Eliza and Freddy were pulled into the hole, they began sliding down a twisting tunnel. After falling for some time, eventually, a small trapdoor opened beneath them and they fell through it into a small, dark room.
Eliza 和 Freddy 趕緊查看了一下房間的周遭,發現它似乎是一個小型儲藏室,因為裏面置有兩個大籃子。
Eliza and Freddy quickly stood up on their feet and began to investigate their surroundings. They concluded that the room must be a small storage room as there were two large baskets in it.
突然,他們聽到有腳步聲以及有人說話的聲音急速向他的方向移動過來。Freddy 靈機一動,指著籃子,暗示 Eliza 趕緊躱進去。剛好籃子很大,一人躱一個剛剛好,一點兒都不會覺得擁擠。
Suddenly, they heard footsteps and a voice advancing closer towards them. Freddy quickly motioned to Eliza to hide in the baskets. Fortunately, the baskets were very large, there were still plenty of room inside the basket after they've each occupied one.
就在 Eliza 和 Freddy 躲好後,腳步聲來到了儲藏室。原來是一個年紀約五十歲的男人,頭戴著紅色鴨舌帽,嘴裏還不停的在碎碎念。
Just when they've closed the lid of the basket, the footsteps arrived at the storage room. The footsteps belong to a man of around fifty, who wore a red cap and was muttering to himself.
"I am quite sure that I've heard things landing or I am hallucinating. But I remember that there were some this morning, surely it couldn't be that soon before I have to transport more things? My mysterious boss seems to be a very odd person, I've worked for her for so many years and I haven't even seen her appearance once. Our only communication was by telephone, which was how I figured out that she is a woman. She always tells me to transport things to the port, not only do I never know what those things were, but also their final destination was ever a mystery to me....."
Whilst muttering to himself, he lifted the baskets up onto a lorry. "Oh my......what exactly is in here that makes it so heavy? The load this morning have already given me a severe back pain, now she tells me to lift more! If this continues, I will certainly quit!"
聽著他那邊碎碎念,Eliza 和 Freddy 突然覺得昏昏沈沈的,於是他們漸漸地睡著了!
Eliza and Freddy suddenly felt extremely exhausted after hearing his mutterings, and they gradually dozed off into a sleep.
Eliza 和 Freddy 究竟要被載到哪兒去呢?
Where will Eliza and Freddy be transported to?
~To be Continued~
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