Seeing danger, Claire immediately leapt out of her hiding place and pointed a gun at the burglar, only to discover the burglar was also pointing a gun at her.
看到危險後,Claire 立馬跳出藏身出,拿著槍指著盜匪,然而,對方也不甘示弱,拿出槍對準著她。
"How d'ye know our plans, meddling kid?" the burglar inquired.
"Oh, a woman, I see, "Claire thought to herself and replied, "That's none of your business!"
「是女的啊?」Claire 心想後便答道:「要你管!」
Agilely, she turned and landed a kick on the face of the female burglar.
說時遲那時快,Claire 敏捷地給盜匪一個飛踢,不偏不倚就踢在她臉上。

Claire and Mary gasped as they perceived that the burglar walked towards the safe, pressed some combination lock, and opened it to reveal chunks of gold bars lying inside.
Claire 和 Mary 驚訝地發現小偷竟走向保險箱,輕輕鬆鬆地就解開了密碼鎖,將其打開,露出裏面滿滿的金條。
"Don't move, put your hands up!" Mary screamed at the burglar, who also got his gun out. Claire was so scared that she didn't know what to do at first, but then, seeing that the burglar had his back to her, she struck his head with her stick.
「別動!把手舉起來!」Mary 對著小偷叫到,小偷也趁機拿出了槍。Claire 被嚇得驚慌失措,但是看著小偷背對著自己,就拿起了棍棒往他頭上狠狠地敲下去。

The female burglar didn't have time to escape the kick and landed on the floor, Claire immediately kicked the burglar's gun away and placed her at gun point.
女賊防不慎防,被踢中了臉,躺在地上,Claire 趕緊把女賊的槍踢開,拿著槍對準她。
Then, Alessia returned, "What's going o....."
She didn't have time to finish her question when the other burglar clasped her mouth from behind, pointed a gun at her and threatened Claire. "If you don't release my comrade, then I'll kill this hot chick here!"
Alessia struggled in vain.
Meanwhile, down in the vault, Jane and Eliza perceived a sound, signifying the entrance of the burglar.
這時,Jane 和 Eliza 在地下室聽到了聲音,代表匪賊進來了!

They rushed out, only to discover that the burglar, who couldn't figure out the combination lock, was trying to blast open the safe.
Jane landed a blow on the surprised burglar and Eliza immediately went to stop the explosive.
Jane 拿著棍把揮向匪賊,Eliza 則趕緊衝去試圖解除炸藥。

But Eliza was too late. Without warning, the safe was blasted open, both Eliza and Jane were forced down by the pressure and the burglar was about to escape with the gold bars!
然而,Eliza 太遲了。突然,金庫被炸開了。Jane 和 Eliza 都被壓力弄倒於地上,匪賊準備要帶著金塊逃跑了!

~To be Continued~
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