After accomplishing their mission, the spies returned to the headquarters.
"Brilliant accomplishment, spies! Well done!" Tom complimented as they high-fived each other.
After the criminals were arrested, the four spies returned to the headquarters to report their success.
"Wonderfully done, you should be proud of yourselves for saving the day again!" Tom applauded.

After the new spies left, Eliza finally took up her courage and inquired, "Tom, there's something that we're dying to know, could you please answer our question honestly?"
新嬌娃們離開後,Eliza 終於鼓起勇氣問道:「湯姆,有件事情一直困擾著我們,請你一定要誠實地回答我們!」
"Ask away!" the astonished Tom replied.
"Are you going to fire us?" Claire said.
「你要把我們開除了嗎?」Claire 問道。
"Absolutely not! Who put this thought into your pretty little heads?" Tom responded, "Oh, you were wondering why we hired new spies, right? It's because the organisation is expanding, and we need new spies as, unfortunately, the world is not diminishing in crime rates, but on the contrary, the rates are rising! You two are the best spies we've ever had! Why would I fire you?"
The reassurance of Tom brought the spies into their lively moods again, and they continued with their shopping on the following day.
~The End~
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