Claire and Alessia hid behind the counter in the dark, whilst keeping a watch-out on any slight movements.
Claire 和雅莉莎躲到櫃台後面,仔細聆聽任何動靜。
Suddenly, Claire heard some noise and said, "What's that noise?"
突然,Claire 聽到一個聲音後說:「那是什麼聲音?」
Alessia replied calmly, "Oh, it's just me putting my make-up on." She said as she was putting some eye-shadow and eye-liner.
"Alessia, you're not here to be pretty, we're in an urgent situation here!" Claire snapped.
「雅莉莎,現在不是打扮的時候,你難道不知道現在情況緊急嗎?」Claire 唸道。
"Well, I'm sorry, but don't you know that putting on make-up increases self-awareness and confidence? It's essential for me to have my make-up on during the mission!" Alessia insisted.
Claire 和雅莉莎躲到櫃台後面,仔細聆聽任何動靜。
Suddenly, Claire heard some noise and said, "What's that noise?"
突然,Claire 聽到一個聲音後說:「那是什麼聲音?」
Alessia replied calmly, "Oh, it's just me putting my make-up on." She said as she was putting some eye-shadow and eye-liner.
"Alessia, you're not here to be pretty, we're in an urgent situation here!" Claire snapped.
「雅莉莎,現在不是打扮的時候,你難道不知道現在情況緊急嗎?」Claire 唸道。
"Well, I'm sorry, but don't you know that putting on make-up increases self-awareness and confidence? It's essential for me to have my make-up on during the mission!" Alessia insisted.
Mary and Claire were hiding behind the counter to guard the safe, after a while, Claire yawned, "It's so boring!"
Mary 和 Claire 躲在銀行櫃台後面一陣子後,Claire 打著哈欠說:「好無聊啊!」
"Do not relax, always be on your guard!" Mary scolded.
「別鬆懈!」Mary 叮嚀道。
Meanwhile, Eliza and Luna were guarding the necklace upstairs when Eliza heard a giggle, "Did you hear that?"
這時,Eliza 和露娜正在看守樓上的項鍊,突然Eliza聽到笑聲。「你有聽到什麼嗎?」
"Oh my cute Nathan.....oh it's just me," Luna replied casually.
"It's not the time to talk to your boyfriend!" Eliza scolded, "We can't afford to lose our attention!"
「現在不是跟男友聊天的時候!」Eliza 罵道。「我們不能分散注意力!」
Jane and Eliza hid behind the large safe to guard it.
Jane 和 Eliza 躲在大保險櫃的後面。
"Wow, look at this! It's made of super hard material!" Eliza said as she began knocking on the safe.
「哇!你看!這個保險櫃的材質好硬啊!」Eliza 邊說邊開始東敲敲西敲敲。
"Shhhh, don't make unnecessary noises!" Jane said sternly.
「噓~別製造噪音!」Jane 嚴厲地說。

Suddenly, Alessia stood up.
"Where are you going?" Claire whispered.
「你要去哪兒?」Claire 小聲地說。
"To the loo! Will be right back!" Alessia said as she strode off humming a tune.
"Shhhh!" Claire snapped.
「噓~」Claire 說。
Not long after Alessia was gone, Claire heard a soft sound and some noises of metal.
雅莉莎走沒多久後,Claire 就聽到了一個細小的聲音。
Claire, thinking that it was Alessia who has returned, stood up, but was horrified to see in the dim light that the burglars have appeared!
起初,Claire 以為是雅莉莎回來了,便站了起來,想不到,竟在薄弱的燈光下看到歹徒已經出現了!
After some time of waiting in the dark, Mary heard a rumbling sound, glancing sideways to make sure that it wasn't Claire's stomach, she looked back and was terrified to discover that the burglar had entered through a secret tunnel from the cabinet!
在漆黑中等了片刻,Mary 聽到了一個聲音。她轉頭確認不是 Claire 的肚子在叫後,便往後一望。她赫然發現歹徒從櫃子後面的秘密通道爬了出來!

~To be Continued~
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