"If we're gonna stay here overnight, we'll need to find another bedroom," answered Shaun. "Since there are only two beds here, it won't be enough for four people."
"I wonder what's upstairs?" said Jeffrey. "Let's go and find out!"
The group ascended the flight of staircase leading upwards, with each step, the wooden boards creaked deafeningly and the flickering light coming from the oil lamp casted sinister, dancing shadows on the walls. As they reached the top, a larger bedroom than the previous one came into view, it was decorated with pink, floral-patterned wallpapers and white, lace curtains. Situated in the middle of the room was a luxurious Victorian mahogany bed, with violet, velvet duvets, and on the farthest corner was a Victorian long-chaise and a tea table. Underneath their feet was a posh Persian carpet.
"Wow, this room is really posh!" admired Blythe.
"And it's surprisingly clean, too," added Jeffrey. "It's even cleaner than the wooden cabin! It almost feels like there's still someone living here." 

"Finally, a decent bed!" Suddenly, after not having said a word for a long while, Tiffany finally spoke. "This is ma bed for tonight! Imma go to bed now!" Before she even finished speaking, Tiffany dashed towards the bed and when she was about to jump on it, she discovered a white doll lying on top.
"Ewww, whose cheap, ugly doll is this?" exclaimed Tiffany as she disdainfully threw the doll onto the floor. "That'll teach ya not to sleep on ma bed!"
"Hey! You're meant share this bed with Blythe, Tiffany!" said Jeffrey. "There's only one bed in this room - where is Blythe gonna sleep, then?"
"Who cares about her?" responded Tiffany, shrugging. "She can sleep downstairs with Shaun. Jeffrey, this is your place for tonight!" Tiffany said as she patted the space on the bed next to her.
"It's alright, Jeffrey. I'll just sleep on this coach for tonight," replied Blythe, pointing to the Victorian long-chaise. "It must've been more than a hundred years since they've changed the bed-clothes. I'd rather not share my bed with billions of dust-mites and who-knows-what-else!" In response, Tiffany stuck out her tongue at Blythe.
"Cool then, me and Shaun will sleep in the bedroom downstairs," remarked Jeffrey.
Meanwhile, Shaun was closely examining the white doll, which had been thrown onto the carpet by Tiffany. He held his oil-lamp next to the doll and was scrutinising it pensively.
"Alright, let's go, Shaun! It's time for us to hit the hay, too," said Jeffrey as he left one oil-lamp next to the foot of the bed for the girls. "We need to get an early start on our investigations tomorrow, although we haven't formally started, I feel we're already behind." On the conclusion of his speech, Jeffrey led the way downstairs, followed by Shaun, who was still lost in his own thoughts.
"NO! Don't leave me, Jeffie! I'm gonna be scared!" exclaimed Tiffany. "There's still room on this bed, you can sleep next to me tonight."
"No, thank you! I'm fine sleeping downstairs," answered Jeffrey coolly whilst descending the stairs. "You have Blythe to keep you company."
"I don't want her, I want youuuuuu!" shouted Tiffany, whose words were ignored by Jeffrey this time.
After the boys have undressed, they lay on their respective beds, waiting for sleep to come.
"So, not much progress today, huh?" said Jeffrey. "We haven't even discovered if this place is indeed haunted, let along get rid of any ghosts. In my opinion, that Mr Rogers is way too fishy for my liking. I bet he's trying to hide something from us."
"I reckon you're quite right about Mr Rogers," replied Shaun. "But I'm sure this case will turn out to be more complicated than we've imagined. Let's hope tomorrow's investigations will help shed some light on it."
~To be Continued~
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