"It seems like you know it all already, there is no need for me to say anything else."
"No! We do not know all," Nadia took up her courage and replied, "All we know is that you are the Siberian tigress that escaped the zoo, and kidnapped many children to turn them into cats. But we're still in the dark concerning your motive. What is the meaning of all this?"
"Well, well, seeing that you have known most already, unlike your ignorant, blond friend, I guess it doesn't hurt to enhance your knowledge just a teeny bit more." Madame Tigresse replied, "I had been a free tiger roaming on the lands of Siberia for nearly a thousand years, when I was caught and transported to the zoo, where I was imprisoned for many years. It wasn't until several months ago that I had a chance of escape as the place was flooded after a tempest. After living in the world for a thousand years, I have acquired the knowledge of performing magic, so I turned myself into a human and escaped. However, this is all temporary, as my magic powers are limited. From an ancient spell book of black magic, I have learnt that if one could consume forty-nine humans alive, one could become an immortal human permanently. And children are the easiest to kidnap, as they're so innocent they won't suspect a thing!"
"Wait, I still don't get the cat part, though..." Nadia responded.
"Stupid girl!" Madame Tigresse snapped, "How else am I supposed to hide the children? People will soon get suspicious and I will go into jail as a kidnapper. The only way is to turn them all into cats, so no one will suspect, then after my collection is complete, I can eat them alive. Ahahahaha!" her deafening laugh filled the entire room, "Right, enough chit chat. It's time for you to be added to my collection of cats. Wait....let me see.....hahahaha, what a lucky couple! You two are the last two required for me to complete my collection!"
With a wave of her hand, Madame Tigresse began to cast the spell to turn Nadia and Shaun into cats. Suddenly, there was a blinding light, both covered their eyes, all they could hear was a deafening scream, which was muffled, as if from far far away.
"No! We do not know all," Nadia took up her courage and replied, "All we know is that you are the Siberian tigress that escaped the zoo, and kidnapped many children to turn them into cats. But we're still in the dark concerning your motive. What is the meaning of all this?"
"Well, well, seeing that you have known most already, unlike your ignorant, blond friend, I guess it doesn't hurt to enhance your knowledge just a teeny bit more." Madame Tigresse replied, "I had been a free tiger roaming on the lands of Siberia for nearly a thousand years, when I was caught and transported to the zoo, where I was imprisoned for many years. It wasn't until several months ago that I had a chance of escape as the place was flooded after a tempest. After living in the world for a thousand years, I have acquired the knowledge of performing magic, so I turned myself into a human and escaped. However, this is all temporary, as my magic powers are limited. From an ancient spell book of black magic, I have learnt that if one could consume forty-nine humans alive, one could become an immortal human permanently. And children are the easiest to kidnap, as they're so innocent they won't suspect a thing!"
"Wait, I still don't get the cat part, though..." Nadia responded.
"Stupid girl!" Madame Tigresse snapped, "How else am I supposed to hide the children? People will soon get suspicious and I will go into jail as a kidnapper. The only way is to turn them all into cats, so no one will suspect, then after my collection is complete, I can eat them alive. Ahahahaha!" her deafening laugh filled the entire room, "Right, enough chit chat. It's time for you to be added to my collection of cats. Wait....let me see.....hahahaha, what a lucky couple! You two are the last two required for me to complete my collection!"
With a wave of her hand, Madame Tigresse began to cast the spell to turn Nadia and Shaun into cats. Suddenly, there was a blinding light, both covered their eyes, all they could hear was a deafening scream, which was muffled, as if from far far away.
Shaun was the first to awake. As he sat up rubbing his eyes, trying to recollect what had happened, he was astonished to find himself sitting on the ground next to their house, which had formerly been the place of Madame Tigresse's shabby cottage, amidst many children lying on the floor, scattered everywhere. Beside him was Nadia and Jeffrey, who was lying face-down on the ground, no longer a cat.
In fact, the shabby cottage of Madame Tigresse was, in fact, non-existent from the start, and was only the result of the sorceress' powerful spell.
In fact, the shabby cottage of Madame Tigresse was, in fact, non-existent from the start, and was only the result of the sorceress' powerful spell.

Shaun immediately stood up and woke everyone up, Jeffrey called the police whilst Nadia calmed the children; however, Madame Tigresse was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, they heard a sound coming from a nearby bush, as Shaun came closer, he perceived the figure of Madame Tigresse, who was weeping pitifully behind the bush. In fact, somehow, Madame Tigresse's own spell was reflected back onto her, and was successful in transforming her into a permanent human being; but, as a result, she lost all her magic powers, which was the reason why the children had all returned to their former figures.
The police soon arrived and arrested Madame Tigresse for kidnapping children. Whilst Madame Tigresse was escorted to the police car, she stopped in front of Shaun and said. "I have to thank you! You have made my wish come true, I am now a human. But now, I am still going to be put behind bars for the evil deeds I have done. As a tigress, I was put in a cage, and as I human, I ended up in prison. Then, what is the difference? Oh! My sad, sad life. I am such a lone, ruined creature, everything seems to go against me."
After Madame Tigresse had left, one of the police asked Shaun, "What did she say to you?"
"Oh, it's nothing!" Shaun replied casually, "Please pay no heed to what she has said, I think, she is quite out of her mind."
"Thank you, we will take her mental health into account whilst she is put to trial!"
On the following morning, the boys' doorbell rang. After Jeffrey went to open the door, he was extremely amazed to discover Nadia standing behind the door, holding a cat basket, within which sat a yellow, striped cat, staring at Jeffrey with its round eyes. "Tiffy!" Jeffrey exclaimed in awe as he perceived their lost cat in the basket, "OMG, how and where on Earth did you find it?"
"Mrs Yamada's dog-Nana told me that she saw a yellow, striped cat at the pet salon the other day when she was taken for a hair cut, I suspected that it must be Tiffy, so I went and checked. And BINGO, I was right!" Nadia responded as she chuckled, "Tiffy must have been so unaccustomed to your place that he ran back to the pet salon overnight."
"Phew, thanks SO much, Nadia! How can I ever repay you?" Shaun exclaimed in gratitude, "My sister- Claire is coming back this afternoon, and she will definitely kill me if she knew I lost her cat!"
"She knows already," Nadia replied laconically, "After Tiffy went back to the pet salon, they telephoned Ms Lee immediately to inform her, and only with her permission did they dare let Tiffy stay there for the while."
"I thought Claire called you to check on her cat?" inquired Jeffrey.
「咦?Claire 不是有打電話問候貓咪的情況嗎?」傑佛瑞問道。
"Oh gosh! She must have called to see if I'll tell her the truth!" Shaun slapped his forehead as he recalled the phone call, and the three friends laughed.
~The End~
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