Claire and Eliza couldn't believe their eyes after they've put on the contact lenses. In fact, after glancing around, they noticed that the office workers who had heretofore looked completely normal now looked like aliens. Some of the office workers now had green faces, others had no noses.

"Uh!" Claire and Eliza gasped in horror as they turned around, perceiving two aliens talking to a blond-haired lady, who seemed to have completely no idea that she was talking to aliens.
"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" whispered Claire to Eliza, who just nodded in acquiescence.
"Quick! To the restroom!" murmured Eliza as she signalled Claire to follow her.
Only after they have arrived in the restroom did they start discussing what they had just seen.
"OMG, that was insane!" exclaimed Claire. "What could all this mean? I mean....are they really aliens or are these contacts showing us an illusion?"
Just at that very moment, they both received a voice message followed by a text message from Tom. "Only open the voice message with your earphones on, and make sure nobody is near you to overhear!"
The spies sighed, tired of being bossed around by the new bossy Tom, as they grabbed their wireless earphones and clicked on the message: "I see that you've finally discovered your mission after 63 minutes and 47 seconds. Yes! 'Aliens' from Planet Galileo-438x, which is 692 light-years away from Earth have invaded this energy company under the disguise of being normal human beings. As the sun of their galaxy has long been destroyed hundreds of years ago, this alien race has been plunged into complete darkness ever since. Thus, they are plotting to steal the energy of the sun in the milky way to 'resurrect' their sun. This drainage of the sun's energy will lead to the death of every single life on Earth and result in the extinction of humanity. This is the reason why the sun has been so hot these few months, causing heat waves all over the world – it's because the sun is about to die. Your mission this time is to stop the aliens from draining the sun of its energy and thus save humanity from extinction."
"What the actual heck?" said Eliza after they've both finished listening to Tom's voice message. "What's all this thing about? This honestly sounds like some sci-fi movie plot or something! I mean....I didn't know that the sun's energy can be sucked out of it. Tom's definitely not acting normally these days, but I didn't know he's that out of his mind!"
"I know, right?" responded Claire, bewildered. "And what's all this about their sun and our sun? I thought there were only one sun in the entire universe! Since when did we have two suns?"
At that instant, the spies perceived someone's phone ringing inside one of the cubicles, and they immediately stopped talking to listen.
"Oh bother! Is it my turn to take care of the captive?" said a raspy female voice after she answered her phone. "But I'm really busy right now!......Fine! Whatever! Bad things always land on me, anyways!"
The spies perceived the sound of a toilet flushing and they immediately hid behind a pillar. Just then, a woman walked out of the cubicle, holding a mobile phone in her hand. The spies almost betrayed their presence by gasping out loud, as the woman had an alien's face!
"I didn't know there were female aliens, too!" mouthed Eliza.
~To be Continued~
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