After the formal greetings were over, Ms Smith directed them across a stone arch-bridge into another part of the restaurant building.
The group entered the Medieval-style room, marveling at the nostalgic feeling. Suddenly, Claire and Eliza heard a familiar voice talking, as they turned their head around, they perceived their classmate- Tiffany was also in the room!
他們一邊欣賞復古風情,一邊走進中古世紀的建築物內部。突然,Claire 和 Eliza 聽到了一個熟悉的聲音,轉過頭一看,才赫然發現他們的同學~蒂芬尼也在場!
"Tiffany! Fancy meeting you here!" Eliza exclaimed in astonishment as she perceived her classmate dressed all in yellow, wearing a yellow nightgown, a yellow hat and holding a yellow handbag, which was very typical of her dress code.
「帝芬尼!你怎麼會在這兒?」Eliza 驚訝地問道。蒂芬尼穿著全身黃色~黃色的晚禮服、黃色的帽子、黃色的手拿包,這就是她的風格。
"OMG! That's what I was gonna say!" Tiffany returned them an awkward smile and explained, "My dad knows this actress, so he was invited here, but, you know, he's always really busy, so I came here instead. How about you guys? Do your dads also know her and they were too busy, too? Wow, I looooove your dresses, they're so purtyyyy!"
Claire and Eliza just smiled and nodded as, on one hand, they could not think of an excuse for their being here; and on the other hand, they did not have much to say to their classmate.
Claire 和 Eliza 只是微笑著點點頭兒,因為一方面,他們想不到一個來這裡的藉口,另一方面是他們和蒂芬尼平時就沒什麼話好講的。
Without warning, they heard the deep voice belonging to Ms Nagel starting to complain again, "I am hungry, I want to eat! Tell the waiters to serve me right now! Smith! Smith? Hateful woman, where is she?"
"Non, eet ees not right!" Mademoiselle Laverte said, "Un, deux, trois, quatre.........treize. There are thirteen chairs butt onleee eleven peopelle......"
「這不對呀!」拉維特小姐說:「Un, deux, trois, quatre.........treize. 者麗有史三張椅子,柯史祗有史一個忍!」
"You forgot to count Natasha, you foolish woman!" Ms Nagel shouted from the other side of the room.
"Then eet ees twelve peopelle......still nott right! Oh no! C'est le nombre malheureux! Eet's the unluckie nombre!" Ms Laverte continued.
「可施也還師不對啊~這樣芝有師爾忍!噢,不!C'est le nombre malheureuse! 失不吉利的暑字!」拉維特小姐繼續說道。
"Who gives a dam about your unlucky numbers? I want my food!" Ms Nagel screamed at the top of her voice.
At this moment, Natasha Saunders appeared at the door, she has finally arrived!
"Oh! Thank goodness!" Ms Nagel yelled impatiently, "I can finally have my food!"
~To be Continued~
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