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Wednesday 2 October 2024







Wednesday 25 September 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-17 (Final Ending)

 At first, Shaun was unable to comprehend the use of the incense. "As far as I am aware, incense is used to summon something," thought Shaun. "But it's not necessary to summon the wizard's mummy, as he is already here."

Nevertheless, as time drew on, Shaun began to understand Blythe's ritual. After Blythe began to chant a spell, Shaun noticed that the spirits of the dead which he had perceived inside the hotel began to gather together one by one. 

Without warning, the wizard casted a spell and aimed it directly at Blythe. Immediately, Blythe held out her prayer beads and an invisible shield formed around her, reflecting off the wizard's spell. All this while, Blythe never stopped chanting her spell and more and more ghosts started to fly out from the hotel to gather around the wizard, forming a circle of barrier around him. 

"What are you doing? Attack her!" shouted Mr Park in Korean. 

Nevertheless, it was all in vain. The wizard's mummy was by now completely surrounded by the spirits of the people whom he had killed in his past life. The spirits grabbed hold of the mummy's limbs so the latter was unable to move no matter how hard he tried.

Wednesday 18 September 2024






Wednesday 11 September 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-16

After following Jeffrey through the secret passage, the detectives and Blythe discovered themselves emerging from a trapdoor hidden by some bushes at the front of the hotel. Soon, they perceived the familiar figure of Mr Park standing by the entrance, beside whom stood a pale figure wearing a black, traditional Korean hanbok, with a long beard and hair tied into a bun. 

"Hahahaha! It's ALIVE! IT'S ALIVE!" laughed Mr Park as he looked proudly at his own handiwork. Oh no! The evil wizard's mummy had been resurrected! 

Obstructing the warm rays of sunshine, grey, cumbersome clouds began to rapidly gather across the sky. Immediately, they were plunged into total darkness, as if night had befallen prematurely. Lightning flashed violently across the sky, while strong gusts of wind blew destructively across the garden. Without warning, a coconut tree was hit by a flash of lightning and instantaneously bursted into flames. 

"Ahhh!" The thrill sound of people screaming filled the air, which was chill and vibrant with rich tension as large droplets of rain began pelting down. All of a sudden, the detectives noticed people pointing towards the far distance, but they couldn't make out what they were saying. Whirling around, the detectives were aghast to discover that behind them at the coastal area, the tide was beginning to gather up to form an enormous tsunami wave, which was moving towards the beach at a shocking speed.

"Holy Molly, what do we do now? It feels like an apocalypse!" exclaimed Jeffrey at the top of his voice in order to be heard among the deafening background noises.   

Wednesday 4 September 2024








Wednesday 28 August 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-15

After Shaun and Blythe arrived at the haunted hotel, Blythe left her luggage in her hotel room. 

"We have to find Jeff first," said Blythe. "I have a hunch that Jeff has somehow discovered Mr Park's secret, so Mr Park had kidnapped him. But I don't think Mr Park will do any harm to Jeff."

"Look, that was the ghost Jeff followed before he disappeared," exclaimed Shaun as he spotted the spirit again. "Let's follow it. Perhaps he'll lead us to Jeff."

Following the same ghost that had led Jeffrey to Mr Park's secret study, Shaun and Blythe arrived at the old abandoned well in the deserted region of the hotel's back garden. 

"This looks very deep," exclaimed Shaun as he peered into the well. "How did Jeff get down there?"

"Don't worry, I've got a rope," answered Blythe as she tied one end to a tree. Then, they took it in turns climbing down the well using the rope.

Wednesday 21 August 2024




Wednesday 14 August 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-14

After having discovered that someone was about to enter the room, Shaun quickly glanced around and his eyes rested on a large wardrobe on the far side of the room. As agile as a cat, Shaun dashed across the room, opened the door of the wardrobe and hid inside. Just when Shaun had barely closed the door of the wardrobe, he perceived the sound of the hotel room door opening. Peering from a tiny crack of the wardrobe door, Shaun perceived Mr Park entering the room, flicking through his books and appearing to be searching for something. Shaun could hear his own heartbeat thudding deafeningly like a stampede of buffaloes as he tried his best to quieten his own sound of breathing. 

"Shibal, where has the damned book gone?" cursed the frustrated Mr Park in Korean. "I remember I left it on my desk." In fact, Shaun had grabbed hold of the ancient manuscript and brought it with him inside the wardrobe.  

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Playmobil Custom Figures: Aug24-1-Taiwanese table tennis player- Chuang Chih-yuan 摩比人偶改造:24.8-1-台灣桌球教父-莊智淵






Wednesday 31 July 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-13

A couple of hours after Jeffrey's apparent disappearance, Shaun, who already had a hunch that something was amiss before, was now completely certain that Jeffrey had encountered some danger. Therefore, after locating one of the spirits, Shaun quickly followed it and was about to communicate with the ghost when his hand accidentally touched its figure. 

Without warning, Shaun was plunged into the past memories of the ghost, who had been a mere child of ten years old before his death. The boy's family was too poor, so his parents had sold him to an evil wizard, who performed cruel experiments involving black magic on the poor boy. Eventually, the boy died after being tortured by the wizard in a sinister ritual to summon the dead. 

Waking up from the trance consisted of the ghost's past memories, Shaun's face was full of tears and his heart ached with pity.

"Gosh! I didn't realise that the reason why the actions of these ghosts were so childish was because they were mere kids before they died," thought Shaun. "In order to free their spirits, we have to find that wicked wizard."

"Wait, is it just me, or does that wicked wizard look somehow familiar? Where have I seen a familiar face before? But how is that possible? Surely, the wizard must have died several hundreds of years ago." After some thorough examination, Shaun suddenly realised where exactly he had perceived a similar appearance to the wizard. "Mr. Park! He looks almost identical to the wizard! I have a hunch he's up to no good. But I'll need solid proof before I start accusing him." 

Wednesday 24 July 2024



Wednesday 17 July 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-12

 In accordance with the King's command, after defeating the evil wizard Park, the Taoist priest sucked out all of Park's blood and soaked a piece of jade with the blood. Then, the priest mummified Park's body and buried it in a coffin covered with magic charms so that even if Park became a zombie, he would not be able to escape. Afterwards, the Taoist priest sealed the spirits of the people that had been cruelly killed by Park by sticking a charm on a coconut tree inside the garden of Park's house and took the jade soaked with Park's blood away with him back to China. 

Wednesday 10 July 2024











Wednesday 3 July 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-11

Slowly opening his eyes, Jeffrey discovered that his hands were tied up from behind. 

"Where am I? How did I get here?" thought Jeffrey whilst touching his aching head. Then, gradually, his memory came back to him and he recalled the horrific manuscripts he had been perusing just before he became unconscious. 

Suddenly, he perceived footsteps, and the creak of a door opening in the near distance. Then, a blinding light was shone into the room, which made Jeffrey cover his eyes.

"Glad to see you again, Mr. Donovan! I hope you are well?" A voice spoke.

"Mr Park!” exclaimed Jeffrey, who immediately recognised the familiar voice of the man they met in the dining hall. "Thank god you're here! Please help me out of this awkward position!"

By this time, his eyes were already accustomed to the light, and Jeffrey could see clearly Mr Park standing in front of them, with a crooked smile on his face, holding a necklace with a dangling red jade on his hand.

"Wait a sec, why aren't you surprised to see me tied up? You're not here to help me, are you? You're the one that tied me up!" deduced Jeffrey. 

"Bingo!" laughed Mr Park sinisterly. "Not bad! Mr Great Detective! Hahahaha!"

"Wait, is that Madame Sadjian's necklace? Why do you have it?" asked Jeffrey. "And why do you have all those horrific books?"

"I thought you're such a great detective, you should've had it all figured out ages ago, right?" smirked Mr Park. "You know too much of my secret already, so I am gonna have to get rid of you anyways. There's no point in concealing the rest of the secret from you. I will satisfy your curiosity and won't let you die ignorant, you curious cat. Hahahaha!"

Wednesday 26 June 2024



Wednesday 19 June 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-10

 As Jeffrey's eyes gradually grew accustomed to the dark room, he discovered that the flickering light he had perceived appeared to be seeping out from the cracks of a wooden door with a metal lock. He quickly got up on his feet and walked towards the door. Like some wild animal being slaughtered, the hinges screeched deafeningly as Jeffrey used all his might to pull open the cumbersome door. 

Wednesday 12 June 2024



Wednesday 5 June 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-9

 After perceiving the ghostly figure inside their hotel room, Jeffrey decided to pursue the ghost in order to discover more about the secret behind this mysterious hotel. Following the ghost, Jeffrey dashed out of the room and nearly lost sight of it until he caught a quick glimpse of the transparent figure gliding down the staircase. Jeffrey followed the spirit all the way downstairs into a deserted part of the hotel's back garden. Just when he thought that he had lost sight of it again, Jeffrey turned a corner and was just in time to catch a glimpse of the ghost entering an old well.

Wednesday 29 May 2024









Wednesday 22 May 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-8

 "Tiffany, where are you? What's going on?" enquired Jeffrey after picking up Tiffany's call. 

"Jeffie, come to the reception now! I need your help!" exclaimed Tiffany, after which she hung up. 

Fearing Tiffany's safety, the detectives dashed downstairs and arrived at the lobby, only to discover that Tiffany was safe and sound, standing behind the reception counter, rolling her eyes. 

"Tiffany, are you okay?" asked Shaun. 

"Well, I'm fine! But they're not!" answered Tiffany whilst referring to a French couple standing in front of the reception counter, who had their eyebrows knitted and hands crossed. "Apparently, Madame Sadjian claimed that she lost her necklace, which has got a piece of red jade on it. She kept insisting that it's been stolen by a ghost, 'cause she was in her room the whole time before and after it went missing. OMG, she is soooo stubborn! I've legit been telling her there're no ghosts in this hotel for the past thirty minutes and she still doesn't believe me."

"Well, I have to admit that, after what happened in the dining hall just now, we're not entirely surprised to hear this," responded Shaun before he started to recount their encounters whilst Tiffany was absent. 

"Shaun, you're absolutely right! This is way more serious than I'd thought," declared Jeffrey pensively. "We've gotta solve this mystery before all the guests are frightened away!"

Wednesday 15 May 2024








Wednesday 8 May 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-7

 Shaun and Jeffrey were happily enjoying their buffet dinner whilst chatting about their previous cases when they heard a shrill scream coming from behind them. Turning around, they perceived that the rest of the customers in the dining hall were all motionless, staring with their mouths wide open towards the buffet area, where they saw trays, plates and cutlery appearing to float in mid-air. In fact, Shaun and Jeffrey, who had supernatural abilities, spotted several ghosts carrying the trays and dishes around, having a great time. Only after a few minutes did people begin to come to their senses and dashed out of the dining hall whilst others were so petrified that they appeared to be rooted to the spot. 

"What happened?" whispered Jeffrey to Shaun. "I don't remember sensing any ghosts when we first entered the hotel."

"It must've been the magic charm!" responded Shaun, referring to the Taoist charm which Tiffany had ripped off the coconut tree trunk on their way back from the beach that afternoon. "Every magic charm must have its purpose and I guess we now know why it was there. It must've been there to seal the spirits in that tree. Now that the charm is gone, the ghosts can roam freely around the hotel."

"In order to send these ghosts away, we'll have to at least find out a bit about the history of this hotel," mumbled Jeffrey pensively. 

"Exactly! We'd better also discover who those ghosts were before they died and why they're still here!" replied Shaun. "We could ask Tiffany. Her father is a shareholder of this hotel, so perhaps he'd know something about its past. Speaking of whom, where's Tiffany?"

"I remember she mumbled about going to the toilet around half an hour or so ago," answered Jeffrey. "That's odd! She should've been back ages ago! What's taking her so long?"

Wednesday 1 May 2024



Eliza 一邊泡著澡,一邊聽著喜歡的音樂,心想:「這次的旅行簡直太讚了!」

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-6

They returned to their hotel rooms and took in turns to take a bath in the luxurious corner bath with the magnificent view. 

"This is the best trip ever!" thought Eliza to herself as she listened to her favourite music whilst immersing herself in the warm and fragrant bathwater. 

Wednesday 17 April 2024


大家一整個下午都在海灘渡過。Eliza 和蒂芬尼懶洋洋地躺在陽光下作日光浴,孝恩則是在溫暖的海水裡游泳。雖然海灘頗為擁擠,但是大夥找到了一處安靜的角落,可以一邊做日光浴、一邊聊天。傑佛瑞坐在一旁的躺椅上,看著最愛看的福爾摩斯系列小說。

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-5

The afternoon of the group of friends was spent entirely at the beach. Eliza and Tiffany lay cozily under the pleasant sunshine whilst Shaun swam in the warm sea water. Despite the beach being exceedingly crowded at that time of the day, they were fortunate enough to find a quiet spot where they could tan themselves and chat at the same time. Jeffrey, on the other hand, was sitting on a deckchair, drinking a cocktail and rereading one of his favourite novels – Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet

Wednesday 3 April 2024





「哇!這太讚了啦!」Eliza 迫不及待地跳到沙發上說。



「看來,蒂芬尼,妳被討厭囉!」Eliza 笑著說。



Wednesday 27 March 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-4

 After arriving on the topmost floor of the hotel, the manager led the group of friends along a straight corridor with a terrace on one side. Approaching the first room on the corridor, Mr. Kim swiped the key card and opened the door for them. 

"This is your friends' room, miss," said Mr. Kim addressing Tiffany. "Your room is room 202, which is right next door."

As the door of the room opened, what came into view was a spacious presidential suite furnished with two luxurious double beds, a comfortable-looking sofa set, in front of which was a large flat-screen LED television. 

"OMG! This is amazing!" exclaimed Eliza as she sat down on the armchair and put her feet up. 

"Whoa, the bed is so soft it's like lying on a piece of cloud," exclaimed Jeffrey as he jumped onto the double bed closer to the door. 

"Well, technically, it's not possible to lie on a piece of cloud, as it's just precipitation of water vapour and....." Shaun was about to explain the science to his friend when he was interrupted by Tiffany. 

"Shut up, nerd! How dare you contradict ma dear Jeffie!" snapped Tiffany. "Jeffie, you're staying with me in my room! I'm sure it's gonna be even better than this! Mr. What's-your-name, show me my room!" As Tiffany turned around, she was appalled to discover that Mr. Kim had already disappeared without taking leave, placing the key card to room 202 on a small table beside the door. 

"Well, it looks like he barely met you for half an hour and he hates you a lot already, Tiffany," joked Eliza. 

"Imma tell my dad about this!" wailed Tiffany.

Shaun was about to recount what he heard Mr. Kim saying about Tiffany in Korean at the reception, but thought better of it lest Tiffany would explode with fury and commit a crime.

Wednesday 20 March 2024









「天哪!這老闆真可怕!」Claire 對 Eliza 小聲地說。

「是啊!簡直就是黑心企業嘛!我突然覺得我打工的地方的老闆跟他比起來,簡直跟天使一樣!」Eliza 回應道。

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-3

 "You must be Ms. Tiffany! Extremely honoured to meet you. I am Mr. Kim, the manager of the hotel," said the hotel manager in English with a strong Korean accent as he approached Tiffany and her friends. "You look as beautiful as your social media profile photo! No, actually you look even prettier!" 

"Aw, thanks," answered Tiffany. "As my dad probably mentioned to you already, my friends will be staying at this hotel for a few days whilst visiting Busan. Have you prepared a room for them?"

"Of course, miss," replied the manager. "I have prepared the best VVIP suite in the entire hotel for your lovely friends. It is located on the topmost floor, with a magnificent scenery overlooking this amazing city. You can view the......"

"What about my room?" interrupted Tiffany. 

"Your room, Ms. Tiffany, is also situated on the topmost floor," responded Mr. Kim. 

"Do Hyun-Woo, hurry up with the luggage, you slow-poke! Are you going to take all day to take the luggage upstairs?" shouted Mr. Kim sternly in Korean at the poor bell boy, who had just finished unloading their luggage from the hotel bus. 

"I'm so sorry, miss," said the manager to Tiffany. "He is the new boy here and he doesn't know how to do nothing! He needs me to shout at him before he's willing to move his lazy ass."

"OMG, what a mean manager," whispered Claire to Eliza, whilst rolling her eyes. 

"I know right! I suddenly feel like my manager at my part-time job back home seems like an angel compared to this douchebag," responded Eliza. 

Wednesday 6 March 2024



「我們要怎麼前往旅館啊?」Eliza 在提領行李時隨口問道。




Wednesday 28 February 2024








Wednesday 21 February 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-2

After 12 hours of flight to Taipei, the friends transited at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, took another 2-hour flight and eventually arrived at Busan Gimhae International Airport. 

"How are we gonna get to the hotel?" asked Eliza after collecting their luggage at the conveyor belt. 

"The hotel bus is coming to pick us up, of course," responded Tiffany. 

In fact, after leaving the airport terminal, they perceived a hotel bus parked on the side. 

"Ms. Tiffany!" exclaimed the chauffeur whilst waving his hand. The group of friends handed their baggage to the chauffeur, who helped to put them away at the back of the bus, and boarded the luxurious hotel bus. 

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Playmobil Detectives: The Demon's Jade-1

 One rainy, summer afternoon, a group of friends met up at London Heathrow Airport, ready for their summer vacation trip to Busan, Korea. 

"OMG! I totally need a vacation!" exclaimed Eliza. "This has been by far the hardest year at uni, and if I don't take this opportunity to get some time out, I think I'm gonna get crushed by all this stress soon."

"Yeah, I can't agree more," answered Claire, who studied at the same university as Eliza. "Thank you so much, Tiffany, for inviting us over to stay at your seaside resort! It's gonna be the best trip ever!"

"I betcha it'll be!" responded Tiffany, Claire and Eliza's high school classmate. "Our resort is one of the best in Busan! Oh yeah, and d'you guys remember Na-Young? The Korean girl from KS4 who moved back to Korea with her parents in Year 12? She lives in Busan!"

"OMG, really?" cried Claire. "We can totally go visit her! Although I don't really remember her. She was always very quiet and seldom talked, right?" 

"Um, guys, are you sure you got our flight details right?" asked Jeffrey, Eliza's cousin, as he stared at the screen. "I don't see any flights to Busan."