Without warning, the ghost, which had helped them, glided into the dungeon through the stone wall, then followed by another, and another. Soon, the vampire couple were surrounded by ghosts. In fact, these ghosts were that of the people of whom the evil couple had drunk the blood.
"What do you want? Get lost from here!" howled Kradula.
Bosko tried to flick them away, but all was in vain, as there were just too many of them.
At this very instant, Shaun finally reached a nearby candle. After successfully freeing himself from the rope, which bound his hands together, by burning it with a candle, Shaun forced himself to stand up in spite of his numb legs caused by sitting in the same position for too long. He stumbled a few steps but felt something tucking at his trousers. Shaun glanced down only to see that it was Jeffrey.
"Please don't hurt my Klaudia!" pleaded Jeffrey with hypnotised eyes.
"Wake up, Jeff. Her real name's Kradula and she already has a boyfriend," responded Shaun, trying to free himself from Jeffrey's grasp.
However, after seeing that Jeffrey was determined not to let go, he punched the latter in the face. Jeffrey was immediately knocked unconscious. "I'm sorry Jeff, but it's only for your own good," mumbled Shaun as he grabbed the Mediaeval candlestick, pointed it at Kradula and shouted: "Be gone evil spirit, thou hast already done enough evil deeds!"
In fact, according to the golden book which Shaun found on top of the cupboard, the only way to dispel a vampire forever is to burn it alive.
Suddenly, Tiffany also struggled free from the ropes binding her hands and picked up a candle from the floor.
"Die b*tch!" yelled Tiffany as she flung the candle at Kradula, "This'll teachya not to mess with ma Jeffie!"
Will the vampire couple finally be exterminated for good?
As Kradula and Bosko's clothes caught fire, a piercing scream cut through the stuffy air of the dungeon like a keen knife, eager for blood. Soon, the vampire couple were burnt into ashes, leaving their hair behind. Suddenly, two mists arose from the ashes and transformed into the shapes of Kradula and Bosko.
"Thank you for freeing us from this evil shell," a voice emerged from Kradula's spirit. "We were consumed by our malicious will for revenge, which has turned us into vampires for eternity. Our spirits would've been trapped in this body forever if you hadn't saved us by destroying this body. Now, our spirits can finally rest in peace."
In the conclusion of this speech, the spirits of Kradula and Bosko, along with all the ghosts which had helped the friends, gradually rose upwards, following a warm ray of light coming from heaven. Then, they disappeared into the dark sky.
By this time, Nadia has finally freed herself from the ropes which had tied her hands together and stood up, staring at the remaining ashes in awe. 

"Jeffie!" Tiffany suddenly remembered Jeffrey, who was lying unconscious on the cold floor. "OMG, Jeffie, are you okay?" Tiffany shouted as she shook Jeffrey violently.
"Uh? Wha-at ha-appened?" After regaining his consciousness, Jeffrey murmured as he put his hands on his aching head. "Where are we? What're we doing here?"
"Look what you did to ma Jeffie, you nerd!" Tiffany accused Shaun, thinking that Shaun's punch had given Jeffrey a concussion. "Don't worry, a forgetful Jeffie is still cute, lolz."
"Don't you remember anything?" enquired Nadia, bewildered.
"Noo.... all I can recall is us going to the South of France for a holiday together, my last piece of memory was me sitting on the plane....." In fact, after Jeffrey met Klaudia on the plane, she had already targeted him as her prey and had used her sinister magic to hypnotise him. In this way, she could trace exactly where they were, hence the coincidental encounter at the supermarket was not a coincidence at all.
"Gosh, Shaun, what happened to your face?" queried Jeffrey after seeing a bruise on his best friend's face.
"Thanks a lot for punching me, mate," replied Shaun sarcastically.
"No way! Did I punch you?" Jeffrey exclaimed in astonishment. "Dude, I'm so sorry......I.....how come I can't remember anything? Was I drunk or something?"
"Nah, no worries, Jeff, I've already taken my revenge," responded Shaun as he took out his phone and showed it to Jeffrey, on the screen of which reflected the bruise on the latter's face.
"Great! Cos I bet I deserved it," answered Jeffrey as the four friends all bursted out laughing.
~The End~
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