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Monday, 29 August 2016
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Sunday, 21 August 2016
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-15 (Final Ending) 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-15(完結篇)
After the delicious meal was over, Claire led the two boys further into the house. "Come on! Let's explore the place!" she said. Suddenly, Shaun exclaimed. "Wait! Who are you? You are not my sister Claire! Nice try! But don't think you can fool me. I would know my sister anywhere. Who are you? What do you want? Reveal yourself!" Without warning, in a puff of smoke, Claire's figure in front of them transformed into that of a Chinese old man, with white hair and beard. "Bingo! Clever young man, you are right! I am not your sister!" the old man said. "In fact, I am a fox, but for the convenience of talking to you, I have changed into something you would be more accustomed to."
吃完了豐盛的餐點,Claire 帶著兩個男生進去屋內參觀。「來吧!咱們來探險!」她說。突然,孝恩喊道:「等等!你是誰?你不是我妹妹李可萊。雖然裝得不錯,可是還是騙不了我。身為哥哥怎麼可能認不出自己的妹妹?你是誰?有何貴幹?現身吧!」說時遲那時快,在一陣白煙中,他們眼前 Claire 的身影頓時變成了一位滿頭白髮、留著鬍鬚的老人。「賓苟!答對啦,年輕人!我不是你妹妹!」老人說。「事實上,我是一隻狐狸,但是為了跟你們說話,我變成了你們所熟悉的樣子!」
"What do you want, old man? Why did you pretend to be Claire?" Jeffrey shouted angrily. Shaun nudged him to remind him to show some respect to the elder.
「你想幹嘛,老人?你為什麼假扮成 Claire?」傑佛瑞氣憤的問道。孝恩推了推他的朋友,提醒他不要忘了有禮貌。
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-14 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-14
The scene that came into view was no other than an oriental mansion, with a luxurious Chinese garden, a grand porch, Chinese couplets stuck on doors, and, last but not least, it was buzzing in and out with people. It was just like a carnival, visitors were swarming everywhere, celebrating, with people playing drums, horns and trumpets.
"I didn't know there was a house here!" Jeffrey whispered.
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-13 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-13
After some time, Shaun, after glancing at his watch, announced. "Guys, I think it's about time to head back. It's 4pm already, and we've got to get back before dark."
Nevertheless, the friends soon found themselves quite lost in this dense forest.
"I think it's this way!" Claire suggested.
"No, I'm sure it's that way!" Nadia replied, pointing to the exact opposite direction.
然而,大家很快地發現自己已經徹底在農密的森林裏迷了路。「是這邊!」Claire 提議道。
At around 6pm, the group was not only completely exhausted, but also, more confused than ever about how to escape. "I'm starving!" Tiffany complained after her stomach grumbled deafeningly, "I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast! And all I had was an apple!"

Nevertheless, the friends soon found themselves quite lost in this dense forest.
"I think it's this way!" Claire suggested.
"No, I'm sure it's that way!" Nadia replied, pointing to the exact opposite direction.
然而,大家很快地發現自己已經徹底在農密的森林裏迷了路。「是這邊!」Claire 提議道。
At around 6pm, the group was not only completely exhausted, but also, more confused than ever about how to escape. "I'm starving!" Tiffany complained after her stomach grumbled deafeningly, "I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast! And all I had was an apple!"

Monday, 15 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-12 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-12
Eliza searched thoroughly through the bushes, but neither did she find anything, nor did the sound repeat itself again. Eventually, she decided to give up, and returned to the tree where she left Tiffany. However, the latter was nowhere to be found. "She must have finished and returned to the group, thinking that I have ditched her." Eliza thought to herself.
Eliza 仔細地找遍了樹叢;然而,不但她什麼也沒找到,而且,聲音也沒再出現。最後,Eliza 還是決定打道回府,回到了蒂芬尼剛剛上廁所的樹那裡。可是,後者已經不見蹤影了。「她一定是以為我拋棄了她,所以自己歸隊了。」Eliza 心想。
Sunday, 14 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-11 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-11
After Tiffany twisted her ankle, the group was forced to take a rest there. "I don't see how this forest has anything to do with our dream." Claire broke the silence, "I mean, it might just be pure coincidence that we had the same dream."
蒂芬尼扭到腳後,大夥兒便被迫暫停。「我不懂,這座森林跟我們的夢會有何關?」Claire 打破了寧靜說。「我是說,我們作了同一個夢可能只是巧合啊!」
"But it's definitely not coincidence that our dream was a continuation of yours." Shaun replied.
"Yeah, the dream took place in a similar setting, right, Nadia?" Jeffrey affirmed.
"To be honest, I didn't dream about anything at all last night!" Nadia responded, "Though I did not experience your dream, I can be certain that it has something to do with those foxes. I think Lina agrees, too. Look! She is getting very agitated."
Shaun glanced at his watch and announced, "Well, that's not surprising, as it's half past two in the afternoon. Whatever is going to happen, it won't take long."
Saturday, 13 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-10 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-10
After breakfast, the friends have had a change of clothes and decided that they'll go and explore their surroundings. "To understand the dream, it is vital to know where we are, so we can acknowledge its cause." Shaun explained.
"Alright, I'll set Lina on the track for foxes, their tracks might lead us to our destination, wherever that may be." Nadia announced, after which Lina started sniffing the ground and led them on a path leading towards a dense and eerie forest. The trees were so tightly packed that although it was a bright and sunny day, after the group entered the forest, they lost any sense of time, as it seemed it was always night in the forest. "We have to keep together, guys!" Jeffrey called, "It's best if we walk in twos, Nadia and I will lead with Lina at the front, Shaun, you go with Claire; and Eliza, you go with Stephanie."
「好吧!那我就叫麗娜找尋狐狸的蹤跡,說不定狐狸就是關鍵。」娜迪雅宣佈完畢,麗娜便開始聞著地上,尋找狐狸的氣味,帶領著大家走到一片陰森的森林內。森林裏的樹密度很高,就算那天有晴空萬里的好天氣,大夥兒走進森林內彷彿已經晚上了一般。「我們大家得走在一起。」傑佛瑞喊道。「最好是兩人併排走:娜迪雅和我走在前面,麗娜帶路;孝恩,你和 Claire 一起走;Eliza,你跟史蒂芬尼。」
"My name is..." Tiffany opened her mouth to speak, but was hushed by Nadia. "We don't know what's in this forest, let's keep as silent as possible so we don't lure anything out."
Friday, 12 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-9 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-9
Next morning, the group of friends crowded around the breakfast table, chatting. The girls, after getting used to the dream for two days, were surprised to state that they didn't dream about anything last night.
"It was the best night of sleep I've had ever since I've arrived on this island!" Claire admitted.
「這是我自從來到這個島嶼睡得最好的一晚了!」Claire 說。
"Yeah, now I feel much more refreshed and ready to do some work." Eliza smiled.
「對呀!我現在感到疲勞全消,可以開始幹活兒了!」Eliza 笑著說。
"Well, not for me!" Tiffany said sulkily, with even worse panda eyes, "Although I didn't dream at all last night, I couldn't sleep cos of a demmed fly, buzzing all the time!"
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-8 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-8
Then, Tiffany went over to the sink, pretending to do some introduction, but actually peering at her own reflection in the mirror. "Wow! There's a washing machine!" Shaun exclaimed.
After perceiving a sudden scream, they all turned around to see Tiffany jumping around. "What's the matter, again?" Eliza inquired, annoyed.
聽到了一個尖叫聲後,大家轉頭看到蒂芬尼跳來跳去的。「這次又怎麼了?」Eliza 問道。
"That dog! It peed on my foot!" Tiffany screamed, after pointing at Nadia's dalmatian, which looked back at her innocently. Nadia immediately kneeled down beside the dog, and after looking at it for several minutes, stood up laughing. "Hahaha, Lina thought you were a tree, Tiffany!"
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Nadia has the ability to communicate with animals." Claire explained to the unconvinced Tiffany, who eyed her suspiciously.
「噢,對了!我忘了告訴你,娜迪雅有和動物溝通的能力!」Claire 解釋道,蒂芬尼用著懷疑的眼神看著她。
After perceiving a sudden scream, they all turned around to see Tiffany jumping around. "What's the matter, again?" Eliza inquired, annoyed.
聽到了一個尖叫聲後,大家轉頭看到蒂芬尼跳來跳去的。「這次又怎麼了?」Eliza 問道。
"That dog! It peed on my foot!" Tiffany screamed, after pointing at Nadia's dalmatian, which looked back at her innocently. Nadia immediately kneeled down beside the dog, and after looking at it for several minutes, stood up laughing. "Hahaha, Lina thought you were a tree, Tiffany!"
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Nadia has the ability to communicate with animals." Claire explained to the unconvinced Tiffany, who eyed her suspiciously.
「噢,對了!我忘了告訴你,娜迪雅有和動物溝通的能力!」Claire 解釋道,蒂芬尼用著懷疑的眼神看著她。
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-7 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-7
That afternoon, the detectives- Shaun and Jeffrey arrived at the island where the three girls were staying, boarding Tiffany's luxurious private jet, with an air hostess taking care of their needs. The moment Jeffrey's face appeared at the entrance, Tiffany dashed to welcome him.
"Long time no see, my dear Jeffie!" Tiffany said with her high-pitched voice, "I hope you had a pleasant flight! Welcome to my island!"
"Oh, um, thanks, um, Daphne, it was very nice!" Jeffrey replied, a bit taken a back by Tiffany's passionate welcome.
"No probs, Jeffie, actually my name is....." Tiffany stopped mid-sentence when she perceived a beautiful lady with braided golden hair, holding a dalmatian appearing at the entrance after the boys. "Who is that b.....I mean beautiful woman?" Tiffany took in a deep breath.
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-6 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-6
That day was spent drowsily by the three girls: Tiffany simply lay on the sofa-bed all day, dozing in and out of sleep. Claire, on the other hand, kept making coffee to keep herself awake. As for Eliza, she was continuously getting in and out of a cold shower to refresh herself. Seems like the productivity on the first day for them was zero. All they hoped for was that the following day would turn out better, so they could make up for their undone work.
那天女孩兒們都過得昏昏沈沈的:蒂芬尼整天躺在沙發床上;Claire 則一直泡咖啡提神;Eliza 是一直沖冷水澡讓自己清醒。那天的生產力是零。她們只希望明天會好轉,這樣好補回今天該做卻没做的事情。
那天女孩兒們都過得昏昏沈沈的:蒂芬尼整天躺在沙發床上;Claire 則一直泡咖啡提神;Eliza 是一直沖冷水澡讓自己清醒。那天的生產力是零。她們只希望明天會好轉,這樣好補回今天該做卻没做的事情。
Monday, 8 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-5 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-5
On the following morning, Claire and Eliza both woke up at midday from a restless night. Claire made themselves some coffee whilst Eliza went looking for canned food for brunch.
隔天早上,Claire 和 Eliza 中午時才醒來,兩人整晚都沒睡好。Claire 起來後便開始泡咖啡,Eliza 則是去尋找一些罐頭食品來當早午餐吃。
"I'm so tired," Eliza yawned as she sat down.
「我好累啊!」Eliza 打著哈欠說。
"Same here!" Claire took out her mirror and glanced at her panda eyes. "Must be because I was too seasick from the yacht trip."
「我也是!」Claire 拿出鏡子看著自己的熊貓眼說。「一定是昨天我暈船暈得太厲害了!」
"Maybe we were simply exhausted." Eliza muttered as she munched on some peas.
「可能是我們都累壞了吧!」Eliza 邊吃著豆子邊說。
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-4 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-4
After putting their luggage on the car, they all hopped onto it and the handsome driver drove them to their destination~ a camping caravan in the middle of nowhere.
On the trip there, Tiffany was talking all the time. "I bet you don't know how much pain it took my dad after I asked him to go on this island to do my case study." Tiffany boasted, "As this is an abandoned little island, there were no inhabitants, so there was practically nothing on it. My dad had to transport all this here, including this car and caravan."
Saturday, 6 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-3 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-3
Claire and Eliza were chatting when they suddenly discovered that Tiffany was nowhere to be found. "Where's that spoiled girl gone?" Eliza inquired, annoyed.
Claire 和 Eliza 正興高采烈地在聊天時,赫然發現蒂芬尼不見蹤影了。「那個大小姐又跑去哪兒了?」Eliza 很煩的問道。
"I don't know......look, she's there!" Claire pointed to Tiffany, whom she perceived to be standing at the front of the yacht, holding her arms apart. "WTF is she doing?" Eliza queried.
「我也不知.....你看!她在那兒!」Claire 這時才發現蒂芬尼正雙手張開地站在快艇的前端。「噢買尬她在幹嘛啊?」Eliza 問道。
"Oh no! Don't tell me she's gonna do something silly!?" Claire exclaimed as she started screaming Tiffany's name. However, as the wind was blowing fast in the opposite direction, the latter was unable to hear it no matter how loudly Claire cried.
「噢,不!不要告訴我她想做什麼儍事兒吧?!」Claire 說畢便大聲嚷嚷著蒂芬尼的名字,然而,處在逆風位置的她什麼也聽不見。
Friday, 5 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-2 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-2
After boarding Tiffany's luxury yacht, Tiffany decided to take them around for a tour.
"OMG! It's like a mini-house!" Claire exclaimed in awe as she glanced here and there, "There's practically everything one could ever wish for! I could almost live here for the rest of my life!"
「噢買尬!這根本就是一間小屋子嘛!」Claire 驚歎道。「裏面東西應有盡有!要我住在這兒一輩子都行!」
"Except that you'll be seasick for the rest of your life!" Eliza replied calmly as she placed their luggage on the side.
「那我看你會一輩子都暈船吧!」Eliza 一邊將行李箱放在一旁,一邊冷冷地答道。
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-1 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-1
One cloudy afternoon, Eliza, who had just received her driving license, was driving her convertible to the gym with her best friend Claire.
一個烏雲罩頂的下午,剛拿到駕照的 Eliza 正開著她的敞篷車,和好朋友一起去健身房。
"What a perfect weather to go to the gym," Claire said, "We wouldn't be able to go jogging in this weather."
「今天真是去健身房的最好時機!」Claire 說。「要不然這種天氣我們就不能去慢跑了!」
"Looks like it's going to rain very soon!" Eliza agreed.
「看來很快地就會開始飄雨了!」Eliza 答道。
Suddenly, Eliza's phone rang, and she picked up only to discover that it was their classmate- Tiffany calling. "Hello! What's up? I'm driving now, if it's nothing urgent, I'll hang up." Eliza said impatiently.
突然,Eliza 的手機響了,她接起電話後發現是她們的同學~蒂芬尼打來的。「喂!有事嗎?我現在在開車,若不是急事,我要掛斷嘍!」
"OMG OMG OMG!" Tiffany exclaimed, "Of course it's urgent! Look, I found a place where we can do our geography project!"
Monday, 1 August 2016
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