Claire and Eliza were chatting when they suddenly discovered that Tiffany was nowhere to be found. "Where's that spoiled girl gone?" Eliza inquired, annoyed.
Claire 和 Eliza 正興高采烈地在聊天時,赫然發現蒂芬尼不見蹤影了。「那個大小姐又跑去哪兒了?」Eliza 很煩的問道。
"I don't know......look, she's there!" Claire pointed to Tiffany, whom she perceived to be standing at the front of the yacht, holding her arms apart. "WTF is she doing?" Eliza queried.
「我也不知.....你看!她在那兒!」Claire 這時才發現蒂芬尼正雙手張開地站在快艇的前端。「噢買尬她在幹嘛啊?」Eliza 問道。
"Oh no! Don't tell me she's gonna do something silly!?" Claire exclaimed as she started screaming Tiffany's name. However, as the wind was blowing fast in the opposite direction, the latter was unable to hear it no matter how loudly Claire cried.
「噢,不!不要告訴我她想做什麼儍事兒吧?!」Claire 說畢便大聲嚷嚷著蒂芬尼的名字,然而,處在逆風位置的她什麼也聽不見。
"What has she done in her life so far that is not silly?" Eliza remarked coolly, "We'll teach her a lesson!" Without warning, Eliza switched off the engine, and the momentum caused Tiffany to fall over the railings. Eliza burst out laughing.
「她這一生做過什麼事不傻的?」Eliza 冷冷地說。「我們給她來個教訓吧!」Eliza 說畢便關了引擎,頓時,蒂芬尼從快艇的欄杆掉了出去。Eliza 在一旁捧腹大笑。
Claire immediately dashed to the poor girl's rescue. Tiffany was holding on to the railing for her dear life and yelling for help at the same time. "Help! Help! I can't swim! Somebody help me!"
Claire 趕緊去拯救可憐的同學。蒂芬尼死命地抓著欄杆,並大叫著:「救命啊!救命啊!我不會游泳啊!」
Claire quickly grabbed hold of her arm and hauled her back onto the yacht. "What were you doing standing here?" Claire scolded.
Claire 奮力將她拖回快艇上後大聲斥責道:「妳剛剛站在這兒幹嘛呀?」
"I was only re-enacting The Titanic!" Tiffany responded innocently whilst brushing her messed-up hair, "I am such a fan that I was gonna name this yacht The Titanic, but my dad stopped me and said it was a bad omen. I swear, he can be so superstitious at times."
After some time, the three girls arrived at their destination and jumped off the the yacht.
"Welcome to MY island, ladies and gentlemen!" Tiffany announced.
"There's no gentlemen here!" Eliza replied.
「這裡沒有先生喔!」Eliza 答道。
"Oh how I wish there was! Especially Jeffrey!" Tiffany giggled.
"Welcome to MY island, ladies and gentlemen!" Tiffany announced.
"There's no gentlemen here!" Eliza replied.
「這裡沒有先生喔!」Eliza 答道。
"Oh how I wish there was! Especially Jeffrey!" Tiffany giggled.
Suddenly, they perceived the sound of machine and they noticed a red car driving towards them.
"That's my driver coming!" Tiffany said as she pointed to the vehicle.
The red car was parked and a handsome man in a suit jumped off it. He helped Claire and Eliza to put their suitcase in the luggage section, revealing two huge suitcases at the back.
車子停好後,一位身穿西裝的帥哥出現了,並幫 Claire 和 Eliza 的行李放置在已經裝著兩個大行李箱的後車廂內。
"I didn't know there was someone else coming?" Claire inquired.
「還有人要來嗎?」Claire 問道。
"No, there isn't! Just us! Why do you ask?" Tiffany replied, confused.
"Then why are there so much luggage at the back? Whose are those?"
"Oh that's only my luggage!" Tiffany responded.
"I thought you told us to pack for three days only!" Claire exclaimed, staring at the shared tiny suitcase between herself and Eliza.
「你不是叫我們打包三天的行李嗎?」Claire 看著她和 Eliza 共用的小行李箱問道。
"I did, we're only staying here for three days. How long do you think I can stand being away from civilisation? That's my luggage for three days!" Tiffany said.

~To be Continued~
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