After some time, Shaun, after glancing at his watch, announced. "Guys, I think it's about time to head back. It's 4pm already, and we've got to get back before dark."
Nevertheless, the friends soon found themselves quite lost in this dense forest.
"I think it's this way!" Claire suggested.
"No, I'm sure it's that way!" Nadia replied, pointing to the exact opposite direction.
然而,大家很快地發現自己已經徹底在農密的森林裏迷了路。「是這邊!」Claire 提議道。
At around 6pm, the group was not only completely exhausted, but also, more confused than ever about how to escape. "I'm starving!" Tiffany complained after her stomach grumbled deafeningly, "I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast! And all I had was an apple!"

"Brrrr! And it's getting really chilly, too!" Eliza's trembled, rubbing her bare arms.
「而且這裡愈來愈冷了!」Eliza 一邊顫抖,一邊搓著自己的手臂說。
"How about let's sit down around a bonfire for a while?" Jeffrey suggested. "I think we must be overly exhausted. We have to calm ourselves down before we can find a way out."
"I don't wanna stay in this creepy forest for the night." Tiffany said. "Just like Lydia said earlier, we don't know what's in this forest."
"I'm sure we'll be fine, we have Lina here!" Claire soothed her, "Right, Shaun?"
「唉唷,沒事兒的啦!我們還有麗娜在呀!」Claire 安慰道。「對吧,孝恩?」
Shaun didn't seem to hear her question as he was in deep thought.
Nevertheless, the friends soon found themselves quite lost in this dense forest.
"I think it's this way!" Claire suggested.
"No, I'm sure it's that way!" Nadia replied, pointing to the exact opposite direction.
然而,大家很快地發現自己已經徹底在農密的森林裏迷了路。「是這邊!」Claire 提議道。
At around 6pm, the group was not only completely exhausted, but also, more confused than ever about how to escape. "I'm starving!" Tiffany complained after her stomach grumbled deafeningly, "I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast! And all I had was an apple!"

"Brrrr! And it's getting really chilly, too!" Eliza's trembled, rubbing her bare arms.
「而且這裡愈來愈冷了!」Eliza 一邊顫抖,一邊搓著自己的手臂說。
"How about let's sit down around a bonfire for a while?" Jeffrey suggested. "I think we must be overly exhausted. We have to calm ourselves down before we can find a way out."
"I don't wanna stay in this creepy forest for the night." Tiffany said. "Just like Lydia said earlier, we don't know what's in this forest."
"I'm sure we'll be fine, we have Lina here!" Claire soothed her, "Right, Shaun?"
「唉唷,沒事兒的啦!我們還有麗娜在呀!」Claire 安慰道。「對吧,孝恩?」
Shaun didn't seem to hear her question as he was in deep thought.
Soon, after chatting for a while, the group of friends dozed off one by one around the warm fire.
Suddenly, after an unknown amount of sleeping time, Shaun heard a sound. The sound of trumpets and horns blowing and the drumming of drums. He opened his eyes and listened, the noise seemed to be getting closer and closer to them as it got louder and louder. Shaun sat up to perceive that everyone else was still sleeping soundly, and no one seemed to be able to perceive any noise.
Without warning, Jeffrey sat up too. "Shaun, can you hear that too?" Jeffrey whispered.
"Yeah, I thought it was my imagination." Shaun responded.
"Well, it's as real as you and me!" Jeffrey replied, "Here it goes again."
The two boys, having decided to investigate, stood up and followed the source of the sound. They didn't walk long before they found what they were looking for. Peering from behind a huge tree trunk, Shaun and Jeffrey couldn't help but to exclaim in one voice, "OMG!"
~To be Continued~
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