Tiffany, still annoyed by the fact that Jeffrey gave Nadia a birthday present, stomped downstairs. In her frustration, she forgot to enquire the location of the bathroom. "Oh well, I'll just ask Camilla!" she thought to herself.
However, when she arrived downstairs in the drawing room, neither Bosko nor Klaudia could be perceived. Just when Tiffany was about to go back upstairs to ask Nadia, without warning, Klaudia appeared by the doorway. The stout woman glanced briefly at Tiffany holding her toiletries and said monotonically and laconically, "The bathroom is in the tiny hut outside." Afterwards, she disappeared into an adjoining room.
Tiffany, following Klaudia's instructions, soon arrived at a tiny, Mediaeval-styled wooden hut just outside the castle entrance, situated in the garden.
"What kind of weird castle has its bathroom outside?" Tiffany thought to herself. Too engrossed in her own thoughts, Tiffany did not perceive that overhead, the sky was half crystalline, half misty, and the atmosphere was chill and vibrant with rich tension. High above, ringed all about with a sickly yellow glare, the sinking moon struggled in vain to escape the merciless clutches of a dark, pursuing cloud.
Pushing open the moth-bitten wooden door, Tiffany noticed that there was a bolt on the outside of the door. Nevertheless, she couldn't care less as she was already shivering from the cold from standing outside for too long.

What came into view after the hinges of the door screeched loudly like some wild animal being slaughtered was a dimly-lit room, which the sole sources of illumination consisted of two torches placed on the wooden floor and a candle-holder with three candles placed in one corner of the square room. Moreover, in the furthermost corner of the room was a seemingly white towel holder.
In the dim light, Tiffany could just about make out that, situated in the middle of the room was a wooden bathtub already filled with water.
After hanging her towel on the white towel holder, Tiffany dipped her index finger into the water and was extremely surprised to discover that the its temperature was perfect for her. So, without further ado, she hastily undressed and emerged into the warm bath.

Slapping all her drowsiness away, just when Tiffany was relaxing and about to doze off, she sensed something hairy climbing across her right arm, which she placed on the brim of the bathtub. In the feeble, flickering ray of the torches, Tiffany perceived a gigantic, black and hairy spider about the size of her face crawling on her arm!
~To be Continued~