"It was 1980, five years after the end of the Vietnam War (or the American war, as we Vietnamese call it), my mother, Jake's father and Cynthia's father, who were spies working for the Americans, were caught by the Vietnamese government, of which the crime is punishable by death.
"However, Jake's father- Mr Nguyen threw all the blame on my mother and Cynthia's father, and escaped to the UK alone after changing his name, leaving behind his comrades, who were soon executed. Their dying wish was to kill the traitor Nguyen, in revenge for his betrayal; in which my father succeeded, along with Cynthia's widowed mother, after some years of tracking him down in the UK. They had already paid their price by being punished severely by the law.
"We thought all this would come to an end, but I learnt afterwards that it was not the case. After I have seen in the news a few years back of the mysterious disappearance of a Vietnamese descendent- Jake Nguyen's fiancée- Cynthia Ngo; I had begun to suspect that the vindictive son of the traitor Nguyen had started his revenge.
"After some investigation, I discovered that Jake Nguyen was indeed the son of traitor Nguyen, and had decided to revenge on the daughter of Mrs Ngo, who killed his father. Jake found out that they have moved to England and met the unsuspecting Cynthia. He charmed her using his deceiving ways and soon they were about to get married. Then, suddenly, the night before their wedding, Jake, who worked in a chemistry lab, claimed that an urgent business called him out but he had to finish his experiment....."

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