"Jake asked me to add a certain chemical, which he labelled X with a pink pen, to another chemical Y when the timer goes. He said that it'll be a slow reaction, and he'll be back just in time to record its results. However, it turned out that it was no other than concentrated sulfuric acid to hydrochloric acid, as you know, the result was disastrous, it exploded and went all over my face, and I nearly lost my sight. I knew that this was all deliberate as I found out later that on the bottle next to the one which I saw was labelled X, was also another one labelled with a cross, but in a lighter shade of pink, which was turned so that I won't be able to see the label. So, even if I tried to claim that Jake did it on purpose, he would have reason to say that I got the wrong chemical myself. And I have loved him too much to reveal his evil deed, so I went away and hid myself, determined never to see him again."

"However," the faceless bride continued, "About a year ago, I have heard that he was into a new relationship with this Vietnamese girl- Jennifer Le, whom I discovered to be the daughter of Mrs Le, my father's colleague, then I knew that he was up to no good again. How could I let another innocent girl endure what I have gone through? So, I decided to warn her off by appearing as the faceless bride to scare her. However, she seemed to be a headstrong girl, or one who is simply unafraid. Therefore, I got their old maid Hoa into my confidence, and lived in Hoa’s room, concealed in her wardrobe so I'll have a chance to speak to Jennifer about my painful experiences. But I have never had the opportunity, as Jake always seemed to appear immediately in each of my attempt."
"I knew your warning sign since your first appearance," Jennifer responded, "But my aim was to reveal this villain, and I know that the soft-hearted girl like you would definitely not permit me to do so. So, I used you by appearing to be ignorant of your aim, so you would keep appearing, which will then convince Jake to hire some detectives to solve this case; which, thanks to Shaun and Jeffrey, has concluded perfectly.
"I knew you were hiding in the house all along, which was why I deliberately missed Hoa's room and the kitchen when I took them for a tour in case you'll accidentally reveal yourself prematurely. In fact, I purposefully left our bedroom door unlocked the night before the wedding, as I knew that you would attempt to warn me, which will then increase the urgency of the affair to persuade Jake to call some detectives. However, I had to wait until the detectives have found out, then I can make you reveal everything. Actually, I saw you following us out of the house to the train station after Shaun called. Jake, you knew it was Cynthia all along, didn't you? But you were afraid of me knowing the truth, so you decided to call in the detectives, according to my wish."
Jake, who had been silent all this while, nodded guiltily in acquiescence.
"What? And you deliberately threw us off the wrong scent by telling us the story of the bride who committed suicide!" Jeffrey exclaimed.
"What I don't understand is: how did you guys find out the truth?" Jennifer inquired.
~To be Continued~
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