Claire and Eliza quickly dashed to the metal door, but by then, the Ghost Bride has already disappeared.
Claire 和 Eliza 趕緊跑向鐵門,可是鬼新娘早已不見蹤影了。
Eliza tried to push open the door whilst Claire reached out to the lock, nevertheless, all was in vain, as, without the key, the door wouldn't even budge.
Eliza 試圖將鐵門推開,Claire 則是伸手出去試圖打開外面的鎖;但是,沒有鑰匙,鐵門仍然絲毫一動也不動。
"Help!! HELP!" Eliza screamed at the top of her voice but as they were the only ones in the Castle, no one came to their rescue.
「救命呀!救命啊!」Eliza 大叫。可是,這整個城堡裏除嬌娃們空無一人,因此並沒有任何人能來幫助他們。
"There must be some other way to get out of here....." Claire muttered to herself as she groped around in the darkness, "Surely, there must be some kind of secret passage like in the movies....."
「一定有什麼別的辦法可以出去的!」Claire 一邊喃喃自語,一邊摸黑尋找出路。「電影裏都會有什麼秘密通道之類的呀!」
Just then, Eliza bumped into the wooden stick in the middle of the floor, then Claire and Eliza fell into a hole that suddenly opened beneath their feet.
就在這個時候,Eliza 撞到了房間中間的木桿子,然後嬌娃們便掉入了一個突然出現在她們腳下的大洞。
After some time of falling, which seemed like ages to the spies, an opening appeared beneath them and they found themselves outside of the castle.
Suddenly, the spies heard a high-pitched laugh coming from above.
They quickly struggled onto their feet and looked in the direction of the voice. To their horror, they perceived the Ghost Bride looking down at them from a balcony.
"I warneth thee....." the icy-cold voice of the Ghost Bride penetrated through the air like a sharp knife, thirsty for blood, "Doest not tryeth to investigate this myst'ry, 'else calamity will befall on thy heads! Hahahaha!"
Then, she disappeared!
What will the spies find out about the Ghost Bride in the next episode?
~To be Continued~
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