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Sunday, 12 December 2021
Sunday, 5 December 2021
Sunday, 28 November 2021
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
Sunday, 7 November 2021
Sunday, 31 October 2021
Monday, 25 October 2021
Sunday, 17 October 2021
Tuesday, 12 October 2021
Sunday, 3 October 2021
Saturday, 2 October 2021
Sunday, 19 September 2021
Sunday, 5 September 2021
Saturday, 4 September 2021
Wednesday, 1 September 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-29 (Final Ending)
Therefore, in order to buy time for Cinderella, Ms. Vandertramp decided to invite the prince for afternoon tea. However, Prince Charming, who was down to business, resolutely declined and enquired whether there were any other girls in the house.
"Well, um, yes, your highness......." stammered Ms. Vandertramp as she glanced towards the direction of Cinderella's room, of which the door was still firmly closed. "There are two girls - Dora and Cindy."
"Well, where is the other girl?" enquired Prince Charming, after glancing at Dora and seeing that she was not the pretty girl he met at the ball, for Dora was way too thin for his liking.
"She....she is getting ready, your highness" answered Ms. Vandertramp, who was afraid to let the prince wait for too long, yet did not wish Cinderella to miss her opportunity. "Why not let's try the shoe on Dora first and in the meantime, I will go and check up on her."
Thus, out of politeness, the prince commanded the herald to kneel down in order to fit the beautiful shoe on Dora's foot. Nevertheless, Dora's foot was way too small.
"This does not fit, your highness," said the herald.
"I don't need you to tell me, I have eyes of my own," snapped Prince Charming irritably.
Meanwhile, Ms. Vandertramp had had enough of Cinderella's tantrums. Grabbing hold of the spare key to Cinderella's room and unlocking her door, Ms. Vandertramp was both astonished and frustrated to see that Cinderella had escaped from the house through the window in her reluctance of meeting the prince. With heavy footsteps, Ms. Vandertramp entered the living room and informed the prince that Cindy, the other girl had left the house.
"Well, thank you for wasting my time, Ms. Vandertramp," answered Prince Charming sarcastically as he stomped out of Cinderella's house.

"Well, um, yes, your highness......." stammered Ms. Vandertramp as she glanced towards the direction of Cinderella's room, of which the door was still firmly closed. "There are two girls - Dora and Cindy."
"Well, where is the other girl?" enquired Prince Charming, after glancing at Dora and seeing that she was not the pretty girl he met at the ball, for Dora was way too thin for his liking.
"She....she is getting ready, your highness" answered Ms. Vandertramp, who was afraid to let the prince wait for too long, yet did not wish Cinderella to miss her opportunity. "Why not let's try the shoe on Dora first and in the meantime, I will go and check up on her."
Thus, out of politeness, the prince commanded the herald to kneel down in order to fit the beautiful shoe on Dora's foot. Nevertheless, Dora's foot was way too small.
"This does not fit, your highness," said the herald.
"I don't need you to tell me, I have eyes of my own," snapped Prince Charming irritably.
Meanwhile, Ms. Vandertramp had had enough of Cinderella's tantrums. Grabbing hold of the spare key to Cinderella's room and unlocking her door, Ms. Vandertramp was both astonished and frustrated to see that Cinderella had escaped from the house through the window in her reluctance of meeting the prince. With heavy footsteps, Ms. Vandertramp entered the living room and informed the prince that Cindy, the other girl had left the house.
"Well, thank you for wasting my time, Ms. Vandertramp," answered Prince Charming sarcastically as he stomped out of Cinderella's house.

Saturday, 28 August 2021

Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-28
After fleeing from the royal palace in fear of the prince seeing her in her plump physique, Cinderella returned home, where Ms. Vandertramp and her assistant Dora were already waiting for her. In fact, they had been following Cinderella the whole time inside the forest and was thus aware of her success in reaching the ball.
"Oh, Ms. Vandertramp! What shall I do?" cried Cinderella as she started sobbing and tried to elucidate her own situation.
"There is no need to say anything now, my dear," replied Ms. Vandertramp tenderly after glancing at Cinderella's missing shoe. "I know everything."
Only after perceiving Cinderella's astonished expression did Ms. Vandertramp begin to explain everything. "Dora and I have been following you around in the forest and thus know of your encounters. I found your grandmother before you did and paid her to act out everything."
"What do you mean?" exclaimed Cinderella in disbelieve. "No, I don't believe you! You liar! She was my fairy godmother!"
"Silly girl, do you really believe in fairy godmothers?" answered Ms. Vandertramp, shaking her head and rolling her eyes at the naivety of Cinderella. "It was all but a show! I paid for your dress, your coach, your jewellery and your shoes. Of course, they were taken from your inheritance."
"But....but it all seemed like magic!" cried the confused Cinderella as she gently wiped away large drops of tears on her cheeks.
"Yes, there was some magic involved, I won't deny that. I bet if I have personally given you all those presents, you wouldn't accept any of them," elucidated Ms. Vandertramp coolly. "Your grandmother happened to know a teeny weeny bit of magic, and after I went to see her, she promised to help her own granddaughter if I paid her a decent sum. So, I paid for everything, and she simply presented them with her magic."
"But....but how about the ball?" enquired Cinderella as she wiped away large drops of tears on her cheeks. "I......the prince saw......saw me like this!" The moment she got to this part, Cinderella started sobbing again.
"Yes, yes I know, I saw it. In fact, I was there the whole time at the ball, quietly observing you," responded Ms. Vandertramp. "Don't you worry, my dear. You are so hopeless that even magic cannot make you slender. That dress I bought you was especially designed to make you look slimmer - it was all but a psychological thing, you see. You definitely felt thinner, didn't you?"
"Ye...yes, I did feel a lot thinner," muttered Cinderella reluctantly as she grew calmer again. "But....but how do you explain the fact that my dress returned to normal after I ate that slice of chocolate cake?"
"Well, that's where the magic came in," shrugged Ms. Vandertramp. "That was deliberately done to punish you for eating. I still cannot believe that you were still tempted by the food despite your grandmother's warnings. It looks like you really are hopeless. But all that doesn't matter anymore now, for the past is the past. We have to look to the future. From his expression, I can positively assure you that Prince Charming had completely fallen in love with you the moment he set his eyes upon you. So, don't you worry, my dear! He will almost definitely come to our house looking for you in a few days' time."
"Wait a minute," exclaimed Cinderella with sudden realization. "Don't tell me that my losing my shoe was also a part of your plans?"
"Oh, yes, of course!" replied Ms. Vandertramp proudly. "I especially designed the shoe so that the material inside is very slippery and has very little friction. So when you start running away for whatever reason, it can easily slip from your foot so the prince can pick it up and use it to remember you!"

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Wednesday, 18 August 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-27
After perceiving the large table full of delicious food, Cinderella couldn't control her hunger and frustration for not finding the prince any longer. She grabbed a large piece of chocolate cake and stuffed it into her mouth. Just like her fairy godmother had forewarned, the moment Cinderella's mouth touched the piece of cake, her dress and physique immediately turned into her former form.
Nonetheless, Cinderella was utterly unaware of her own transformation and continued to stuff more food into her mouth. She was also unaware that a fat man wearing a crown was quietly standing beside her, also greedily stuffing his mouth with food.
Suddenly, they both stopped and noticed each other's presence. The moment their eyes met, they immediately fell in love with each other at first sight.
"Good evening, my lady," said the chubby man with his mouth full. "I am Prince Charming. May I have the honour of knowing your name?"
Cinderella gasped. She couldn't believe her own eyes as the Prince Charming in front of her did not at all resemble the picture hung in her bedchamber. In fact, Ms. Vandertramp had taken the picture off the internet from Prince Charming's social media page, which was not his true photo.
Then, Cinderella suddenly remembered her fairy godmother's words and looked down upon her own plump physique.
"Oh no! What have I done? What should I do now?" thought Cinderella. "How can I possibly let the prince see me like this?"

Saturday, 14 August 2021

Wednesday, 11 August 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-26
After Cinderella was unable to find the prince, she started to panic. Nonetheless, just when she was uncertain about her future course of action, the music stopped, indicating a change of partners.
"Now is my chance," thought Cinderella. "I will get acquainted with some random guy and ask him if he knows anything about where the prince is and what he's like."
Thus, after making up her mind, Cinderella grabbed hold of the perfect opportunity and glided elegantly towards a handsome fellow, whom she later discovered to be the son of a duke.
"Good evening," curtseyed Cinderella.
"Good evening, my lady," answered the man, who was so bad at dancing that his previous partner had quickly abandoned him after the music had stopped. He was struggling to find a new partner when Cinderella appeared. "May I have the honour of dancing with you?"
"Yes, of course, why not?" Cinderella replied as she placed her hand on the young fellow's shoulder just when the music commenced.
"May I have the honour of knowing your name?" enquired the young man as he became deeply attracted by Cinderella's boldness, which was unlike the pretended shyness of other girls.
"I'm Cindy, how about you?" answered Cinderella, who was busily glancing around the hall in search of the prince, obviously not interested in knowing the name of the handsome guy in front of her.
"My name is Joseph," responded the young man. Just when he was about to say something more, Cinderella interrupted him.
"Do you know where the host of this ball is? I mean the prince," questioned Cinderella.
"No, I am afraid I do not," replied Joseph. "At the beginning, his majesty the King announced that his highness the prince will be slightly late as he is detained by some personal business."

Sunday, 8 August 2021
Saturday, 7 August 2021
Wednesday, 4 August 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-25
After around half an hour in the luxurious coach, Cinderella in her dazzling dress arrived at the grand palace, where the royal ball would take place. Checking her watch, Cinderella let out a sigh of relief and thought to herself:
"Phew! I'm not late. In fact, I am half an hour early. There is still plenty of time for me to get ready, for first impressions are of the utmost importance."
Mr. Knight helped Cinderella alight the coach.
"Goodbye, my dear Ms. Cinderella. I wish you all the very best," said the knight jovially. "It was so great to meet such a good friend as you. I have learnt so much from you!"
"Thank you for your wishes, Mr. Knight," answered Cinderella. "I would say the same - it was great meeting you. Where are you going now?"
"I am going to rescue the sleeping princess from the nefarious enchantress," replied the knight with great determination. "I will wait for the good news from you - don't forget to invite me to your wedding, Ms. Cinderella."
"I definitely won't forget you," responded Cinderella as she blushed slightly. "Same for you - I will wait for your good news. Do let me know when you and the sleeping princess' wedding will be. I will be sure to attend it."
"Of course!" said Mr. Knight. "Well, I won't detain you any longer, Ms. Cinderella. Farewell and enjoy thyself!"
After bidding farewell to the knight, Cinderella followed one of the palace guards and walked elegantly into the grand hall, wherein the royal ball took place.
Saturday, 31 July 2021
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-24
"Oh really?" exclaimed Cinderella in ecstasy after hearing the excellent news. "I wish I could go, but.....but I'm too fat, and the dress I'm wearing is torn by the branches of the forest. I won't have time to get home and get dressed to be ready in time."
"Do not worry, my dear Cindy," said Lily LaLac. "Well, let's see what I have here to work with."
The fairy godmother mumbled as she glanced around her garden, then her eyes brightened when she spotted what she was looking for. After locating her target, which was nothing but a watermelon, the fairy godmother pointed her magic wand at it, and in the blink of an eye, the watermelon was instantly transformed into a luxurious coach, which was gilded all over with gold.
"Wow!" Cinderella, the scarecrow, Mr. Knight and the wolf exclaimed in one voice in astonishment.
Then, the fairy godmother spotted two squirrels on a pine tree. Again, with a wave of her magic wand, the squirrels turned into two horses neighing in front of the carriage.
"Now, we need a coachman," muttered Lily LaLac.
"May I have the honour of being Ms. Cinderella's coachman?" enquired Mr. Knight timidly.
"Of course, Mr. Knight, thank you so very much!" exclaimed Cinderella in joy as Lily LaLac transformed the knight's clothes into the uniform of the coach driver, with a livery all beset with gold.
"What about Cinderella's dress?" enquired the scarecrow.
"Hold on, I'm getting there," answered the fairy godmother good-humouredly as she touched Cinderella with her magic wand. In the blink of an eye, Cinderella's dress was turned into a dazzling gown as white as snow, decorated with luxurious diamonds. On her neck was an elegant pearl necklace. But that was not all! Cinderella's plump physique was immediately transformed into a slim, dainty figure.
"OMG, I feel so light and....and pretty!" exclaimed Cinderella in ecstasy.
Saturday, 24 July 2021
Wednesday, 21 July 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-23
"It's your turn now, Mr. Wolf," said Lily LaLac affectionately whilst she walked towards the wolf. "From this voyage, you have not only made some new friends, but have learnt to care for others them and stand-up for your friends when they need your help, just like when you tried to dash upstairs to save Cinderella when you thought she was in danger."
"But...but I still look frightening," said the wolf. "How do I make friends with this scary-looking face?"
"What's important is not one's expression but one's inner soul, as one cannot change one's appearance," responded Lily LaLac wisely. "It's true that people will be afraid of you at first due to your appearance, nevertheless after knowing you better, they will find your gentle, loving side. You don't have to befriend everyone, only those who care to understand your inner soul are worthy of being your friend. You should feel content that you already have such great friends." Lily LaLac said as she pointed at the scarecrow, Mr. Knight and Cinderella.
After hearing Lily LaLac's wise words, they all fell into a deep contemplation.
"But...but I still look frightening," said the wolf. "How do I make friends with this scary-looking face?"
"What's important is not one's expression but one's inner soul, as one cannot change one's appearance," responded Lily LaLac wisely. "It's true that people will be afraid of you at first due to your appearance, nevertheless after knowing you better, they will find your gentle, loving side. You don't have to befriend everyone, only those who care to understand your inner soul are worthy of being your friend. You should feel content that you already have such great friends." Lily LaLac said as she pointed at the scarecrow, Mr. Knight and Cinderella.
After hearing Lily LaLac's wise words, they all fell into a deep contemplation.
Saturday, 17 July 2021
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-22
After meeting Cinderella's grandmother Lily LaLac, who was also her fairy godmother, the group of friends were surprised to hear that their wishes have already come true.
"Scarecrow," continued Lily LaLac whilst addressing the astonished scarecrow. "Through this voyage in search of the great wizard Ali Buda, you have developed intelligence and wisdom by learning to think of ways to resolve the problems you have encountered. Thus, your wish has already come true, you are now intelligent and wise."
"But...but I don't feel intelligent and wise," replied the scarecrow.
"Well, that's a good sign," answered Lily LaLac. "Real wise men won't be completely content of oneself. They will acknowledge their deficiencies and strive to correct them."
Upon hearing Lily LaLac's words, the scarecrow fell into a deep contemplation.
Saturday, 10 July 2021

Wednesday, 7 July 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-21
After thanking the fake wizard Ali Buda, who had formerly been a magician, Cinderella and her friends left the castle and followed the wizard's direction in search for Cinderella's grandmother, whose name was Lily LaLac, according to the wizard.
After around half a day's walking, they finally arrived at the little house in the forest that belonged to Lily LaLac.
"I can see why she moved out of the wooden cottage," remarked the wolf thoughtfully as he looked on at the beautiful Victorian villa in front of them.
"Wait a minute!" Cinderella suddenly exclaimed, "Isn't this villa not far from the wooden cottage where I met the three little dwarves when I first entered this forest? I didn't know it was that close to the wizard Ali Buda's castle!"
"Does this mean that the Golden Brick Road is not the nearest road to Ali Buda's castle?" enquired the scarecrow.
"Yes! And I could have just gone to grandma's house in the first place instead of wasting so much time!" responded Cinderella. "OMG! What have I been doing?"

Sunday, 4 July 2021
Saturday, 3 July 2021
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-20
After Cinderella has discovered the real identity of the great wizard Ali Buda to be merely an ordinary man speaking into a microphone, her friends rushed into the room.
"Who are you and what did you do to the real wizard?" demanded the simple-minded scarecrow.
"No, he is the real wizard, but he's a fraud," elucidated Cinderella.
The wolf started snarling at the man in the red suit, which made him so frightened that he curled up in his luxurious velvet armchair and promised to tell them everything if only the wolf would stop snarling at him.
"You might not know me, indeed, very few people do. I am.....or was a comedy magician named John White," said the man with whiskers.
"No wonder I thought you looked familiar," exclaimed Cinderella in amazement. "I loved your shows as a child and I used to watch your live broadcasted shows every Saturday night with my mama."
"If you were a famous comedy magician on TV, then what are you doing here?" enquired the scarecrow.
"After I performed a trick incorrectly on stage whilst on live broadcast, causing my secret tricks to be revealed, I couldn't stand the humiliation, so I decided to hide myself in this forest," answered the former magician.
"Then, how did you become the great wizard Ali Buda?" queried Mr. Knight.
"After I arrived in the forest, I discovered that I was friendless and had nowhere to go when I discovered a little wooden cottage with a thatched roof, wherein lived a benevolent old lady," explained the wizard.
"That must've been my grandmother!" exclaimed Cinderella.
"I know that old lady, she was really nice," added the wolf.
"After seeing me wandering around in the forest with nowhere to go, she took me in for some days," continued Mr. White. "At that time, I was so depressed that I thought about ending my miserable life, but the kind-hearted old lady encouraged me and gave me hope. She told me that there was an abandoned castle deep inside the forest and that I could stay there if I wanted to."
"So, you moved in to this very castle and led a life isolation?" queried the scarecrow.
"Not at first," responded the wizard. "At first, I began performing some of my old tricks to the residents nearby. Those people were so isolated from this world that they didn't know me and couldn't have known my fatal failure. The residents were so amazed by my tricks that they started calling me a wizard. Extremely flattered by the name, I had an idea. I went along with that name and started to make a living by listening to the people's troubles and helping them solve these troubles by my 'magic'. Surprisingly, I was able to solve most of their problems easily, which was how I became so famous around here. As long as no one sees my true identity, no one will be able to recognise me! Or so I thought until that meddling girl barged in and discovered my secret." The magician said as he pointed at Cinderella.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to meddle," shrugged Cinderella apologetically. "I was only attracted by the smell of food."
"Wait, so the gigantic floating head in the throne room outside is just one of your tricks?" questioned Mr. Knight.
"Yes, that's right!" The wizard sighed. "That was just a large balloon that I inflated with helium, which was what caused it to float. And the voice was just another one o' my old tricks of adding a filter to the microphone so my voice would sound different."
"How about the two trolls guarding the gate to this castle?" asked the scarecrow. "Surely, that cannot be fake, too?"
"Nope, they're real," replied the wizard. "They once worked for a witch, but they lost their job after the witch moved to a castle in order to guard a sleeping princess. The only way I could solve their problem was by offering them a post as guards at my castle's gate."
"Wait, how about our wishes?" questioned Mr. Knight. "If you aren't a real wizard, then how are you going to grant us our wishes?"
"Well, I'm afraid I cannot help you much at all," responded the wizard. "Your wishes are too abstract - courage, wisdom and friendship! Those aren't things I can simply give you."
"Right, any more questions?" demanded the wizard after a pause of disappointment from the group. "If not, I shall get back to my food, which is starting to turn cold."
"Wait, just one last question," said Cinderella. "Do you know where the old lady that you met who was living in the little cottage moved to? She no longer lives in that wooden cottage."
"Yes, indeed I do," replied the former magician. "She told me her new address after she decided to move and told me to visit her in case I have any depressing thoughts again."
"OMG, could you give me her new address?" pleaded Cinderella eagerly.
"Of course, anything to stop your questions so I can get back to my lunch," answered the wizard jokingly. "Who knows? She might be able to help you with achieving your wishes too," said the wizard, looking at the scarecrow, Mr. Knight and the wolf.
~To be Continued~
Saturday, 26 June 2021
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-19
Suddenly, just when everyone was undecided upon who should speak first or how to express their wishes in words, Cinderella smelled a strong scent of food floating into the throne room.
Cinderella, who was always hungry, immediately began to follow the smell of food.
"Ms. Cinderella, where are you going?" enquired Mr. Knight. "Pray, don't leave us alone here with this gigantic head!"
"It's okay," responded Cinderella, still pursuing the smell. "You can stay here, I will be back shortly."
The wolf was about to protest, but the scarecrow intervened.
"It's alright, let her be," said the scarecrow. "In the meantime, we shall take it in turns to express our wishes to the wizard, and I believe that by the time we have finished, Cinderella will have returned."
Thus, commencing with the scarecrow, the group of friends began to recount their stories to the wizard Ali Buda. Cinderella, on the other hand, was led through a curtained door into an antechamber, and found herself to be standing in front of a half-opened small, wooden door with a metal lock.
"The smell must be coming from inside," concluded Cinderella.
Saturday, 19 June 2021
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-18
After Cinderella and her group of friends friends had 'destroyed' the Wicked Witch Mrs. Ouest by Cinderella emptying a pot of Taiwanese Oolong tea on her face, they continued their journey along the Golden Brick Road in search of the legendary Wizard Ali Buda.
"What day is it today?" enquired Cinderella one day, after seemingly countless nights spent in the forest since she had left home. "I wonder if it's been a week since I've left home. It felt like a year has gone by already."
"Indeed, it is hard to tell the time living in this forest," answered Mr. Knight after some deep contemplation.
"Well, according to my calculations, I've only met you for four days," replied the scarecrow after counting on his fingers. "So, it cannot possibly be a week since you've left home."
Suddenly, the group of friends noticed that they've reached the end of the Golden Brick Road and at the end stood a large stone castle, the gate of which was guarded by two aggressive trolls. One of the trolls had blue skin and the skin of the other was green and both of which had a weapon in its hand. The cowardly knight immediately started trembling at the sight of the gigantic trolls, which were twice his height, and hid behind Cinderella for protection.
"Oh, quit trembling," snapped Cinderella impatiently at the knight. "I'm sure they'll do us no harm."
Then, she asked the troll on the left with the blue skin: "Erm, excuse me. Is this the castle of the great wizard Ali Buda?"
The blue-skinned troll gently nodded its head and replied with a deep, booming voice louder than thunder. "What is the purpose of your visit?"
"We're here to see the wizard to see if he can grant us our wishes," responded Cinderella.
"Welcome," thundered the troll as the cumbersome metal gate of the castle gradually opened. A maid, who was waiting behind the gate, led them across a garden into the castle and entered a large throne room.
Monday, 14 June 2021
Saturday, 12 June 2021
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-17
Upon hearing that the wicked witch Mrs. Ouest was not going to keep her promise, Cinderella's temper rose again.
"How dare you break your own promise, you heartless old woman," snapped Cinderella, who remembered how Ms. Vandertramp once broke her promise to reward Cinderella with some cranberry cheese cake, which was Cinderella's favourite dessert, if she was able to stick to her diet plans for the whole week. In her utmost fury, Cinderella grabbed a jar of Taiwanese Oolong tea, which was cooling on a stove beside her, and emptied its contents on the wicked witch's face, wetting her from head to foot.
Instantaneously, Mrs. Ouest gave a deafening, shrill scream as if in agony, and then, as Cinderella stared at her in amazement, the evil enchantress covered her face and began sobbing. "Oh no! My make-up, my beauty, my magical powers!"
"What's wrong with you? Stop faking, I didn't do anything to you," said Cinderella as she rushed towards the wicked witch and ruthlessly tore away the witch's now wrinkly hands which were covering up her face. Only then did Cinderella suddenly realise that the wicked woman's appearance was completely transformed from an attractive lady into the wrinkled face of an old woman with grey hair. In fact, the wicked witch was as old as the forest, but her vanity prompted her to enhance her appearance by using her magical powers.
"Look what you've done, you violent girl!" screamed Mrs. Ouest in a despairing voice as she caressed her wrinkled face with her hands. "You knew that I was afraid of tea and it would wash away all my magical powers and, yet, you poured that pot of tea over my face! You....you naughty girl!"
"Ahahahaha!" Cinderella broke into a violent fit of laughter as she couldn't control herself any longer. "How should I know you're afraid of tea? If so, why did you put a pot of Taiwanese Oolong tea on the stove for?"
"They're for the guests, you stupid girl!" wailed Mrs. Ouest desperately. "You've ruined my shop and my life! Now, get out! I don't want to see you or your silly friends ever again! GET LOST!!"
Sunday, 6 June 2021
Saturday, 5 June 2021
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-16
In the blink of an eye, Cinderella had finished the table full of food that was served by Mrs. Ouest.
"Do you have anymore food, Mrs. Ouest? I'm still starving," enquired Cinderella, whose appetite was not so easy to fulfill.
"Yes, of course, my dear," answered the wicked witch, delighted that Cinderella had eaten all of the food which was intended to fatten her up so the witch could have a delicious supper by cooking Cinderella.
The wicked witch quickly served another table of food, including sundaes, peppermint ice creams, strawberry-flavoured doughnuts and a plate full of chocolate chip cookies.
"Let's make a bet," said Cinderella calmly, as she was slowly munching on the sweet chocolate chip cookies. "Don't assume that I am stupid enough to not notice what you're up to."
The pretentious witch looked at Cinderella innocently. "My darling, what are you talking about?"
"Do you think I haven't read the story of 'Hansel and Gretel'?" responded Cinderella, eyeing the witch suspiciously. "I can tell that you are just like the wicked witch in there. You're trying to fatten me up so you can cook me for supper. Am I not right?"
"No way, I'm.... I'm just a normal woman," stuttered Mrs. Ouest, surprised that Cinderella was clever enough to discover her secret.
"Don't try and fool me," responded Cinderella. "I saw you using magic to close the door of the patisserie after we came in. You were in here the whole time, but you simply used magic to make yourself invisible, right?"
Just when Mrs. Ouest was about to deny Cinderella's accusations, Cinderella continued. "Let's make a deal. If I'm able to finish every single pastry that you have to offer in your shop, then you set me and my friends free. If I am unable to do so, then I can become your supper, but you have to set my friends free."
At first, the sinister witch was reluctant to agree to the conditions set out by Cinderella. Nevertheless, after some serious contemplation, she thought to herself. "What are the chances that this girl can eat up all my pastries? Very low! I have so much food in this shop! Plus, I can always break my promise." Thus, the witch finally agreed in the end.
"Do you have anymore food, Mrs. Ouest? I'm still starving," enquired Cinderella, whose appetite was not so easy to fulfill.
"Yes, of course, my dear," answered the wicked witch, delighted that Cinderella had eaten all of the food which was intended to fatten her up so the witch could have a delicious supper by cooking Cinderella.
The wicked witch quickly served another table of food, including sundaes, peppermint ice creams, strawberry-flavoured doughnuts and a plate full of chocolate chip cookies.
"Let's make a bet," said Cinderella calmly, as she was slowly munching on the sweet chocolate chip cookies. "Don't assume that I am stupid enough to not notice what you're up to."
The pretentious witch looked at Cinderella innocently. "My darling, what are you talking about?"
"Do you think I haven't read the story of 'Hansel and Gretel'?" responded Cinderella, eyeing the witch suspiciously. "I can tell that you are just like the wicked witch in there. You're trying to fatten me up so you can cook me for supper. Am I not right?"
"No way, I'm.... I'm just a normal woman," stuttered Mrs. Ouest, surprised that Cinderella was clever enough to discover her secret.
"Don't try and fool me," responded Cinderella. "I saw you using magic to close the door of the patisserie after we came in. You were in here the whole time, but you simply used magic to make yourself invisible, right?"
Just when Mrs. Ouest was about to deny Cinderella's accusations, Cinderella continued. "Let's make a deal. If I'm able to finish every single pastry that you have to offer in your shop, then you set me and my friends free. If I am unable to do so, then I can become your supper, but you have to set my friends free."
At first, the sinister witch was reluctant to agree to the conditions set out by Cinderella. Nevertheless, after some serious contemplation, she thought to herself. "What are the chances that this girl can eat up all my pastries? Very low! I have so much food in this shop! Plus, I can always break my promise." Thus, the witch finally agreed in the end.
Saturday, 29 May 2021
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
Playmobil Fairy Tales: The Adventures of Cinderella-15
"Hello everyone, welcome to my patisserie!"
Suddenly, just when Cinderella was busily stuffing her mouth with a delicious suncake, a famous traditional Taiwanese dessert with maltose fillings, they heard a shrill voice say. Only when they turned around did they pursue a tall, stout woman dressed in black, with heavy make-up and a veil over her face, standing behind the counter, smiling at them with a bizarre, lopsided smile.
"We are so sorry for eating your dessert without your permission," apologised the polite scarecrow. "We kept calling but no one answered us."
"Do not worry, my dear friends," answered the woman in black with her shrill voice. "I am Mrs. Ouest, the owner of this little patisserie....."
"I thought it said 'restaurant' on the outside," interrupted Mr. Knight.
"Well, yes, let's say it's a restaurant and a patisserie," replied Mrs. Ouest, with a change of tone, apparently having lost her patience. Nevertheless, as if noticing her attitude, she quickly checked herself and changed back to her normal tone. "Now, who's hungry? Follow me, there are more delicious food upstairs!" Mrs. Ouest said, motioning them up the stairs.
"Oh, I'm starving," said Cinderella, starting to follow Mrs. Ouest up the stairs.
Just when Mr. Knight was about to say that he was hungry, too, the scarecrow grabbed his arm and whispered quietly: "I think there's something fishy with that woman there. We should stay down here so we can save Cinderella if anything happens to her."
Upon hearing the scarecrow's words, the knight nodded and replied. "No, I'm not hungry. I'll just stay here and wait for Cinderella to finish." 

Saturday, 22 May 2021

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