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Sunday, 25 December 2016
Sunday, 18 December 2016
Saturday, 17 December 2016
Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-11 (Final Ending) 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-11(最終回)
The spies immediately perceived the figure of Banianiotto appearing with his sleigh. The instant the man's eyes fell on the fallen Christmas Tree, his face turned as red as his jacket. "Melanie! How dare you betray your own father!" he screamed.
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-10 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-10
Suddenly, Claire remembered another new gadget of the PMSSO. Taking out a hairdryer, she turned it on turbo and blew it on the walls of the ice cage, trying to melt them. However, all was in vain, as the ice was too thick to melt.
突然,Claire 想起了總部的新裝備。Claire 拿出一台吹風機,轉到最強風,往冰籠的牆壁吹,看能不能將其熔化掉。
Without warning, they perceived the figure of Margaret, or should we say Melanie, appeared in front of the Ice Cage. She touched a spot on the cage, a door appeared on the wall, and opened by itself. "Quick, come out, before my father finds out," Melanie whispered as she ushered Claire and Eliza out.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Saturday, 10 December 2016
Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-9 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-9
"Alright, enough of me talking, I am getting bored of my own voice," Banianiotto said, "Since you two are naughty children, you don't deserve any presents. Nonetheless, I am a generous Santa, and believe that everyone deserves a present. Here you go....open it!" Banianiotto took out a present wrapped in a cute green wrapper and gave it to the spies, who were busy tapping the Ice Cage to try and crack it.
"Oh, what a pity, I forgot you two cannot open your presents," Banianiotto said with a pretentious melancholy face, "Then, I'll open it for you. Tada......" He opened the wrapper to reveal a timer, which he pressed to reveal a twelve-minute countdown.
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-8 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-8
Without warning, they perceived a reindeer pulling a sleigh advancing towards them, behind which stood a man wearing Santa Claus' outfit with grey hair shaped like a bunch of bananas, with an evil grin on his face. The spies gasped at the dramatic appearance of Banianiotto. The reindeer halted and the man jumped off it.
"Melanie, look what you're wearing," Banianiotto looked at Margaret with recognition, and snapped, "Go and change them off."
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-7 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-7
"HELP!" Margaret cried as she banged the petals, but all was in vain, as it wouldn't even budge.
"Shush! Do you want Banana to notice us?" Eliza snapped.
「噓~難道你想讓香蕉頭發現我們嗎?」Eliza 罵道。
"Might as well try the headquarter's new weapon," said Claire as she took out the laser gun and shot at one of the petals. To her astonishment, it actually worked, and the petal fell back, but the whole tower started to shake violently. The spies jumped out agilely only to discover that a siren is sounding somewhere.
「不如咱們來試試總部的新武器吧!」Claire 邊說邊拿出雷射槍射了一下花瓣。果然,花瓣就掉了下來。然而,整棟塔也開始在猛力地晃動。嬌娃們敏捷地跳出來後才發現某處有警鈴聲響起。
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-6 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-6
The spies soon arrived in front of Banianiotto's laboratory building, which was shaped like a Frozen Palace, completely made out of ice and snow blocks.
"Wow!" Claire and Eliza exclaimed in astonishment as they stared in wonder at the Frozen Palace. "But how do we get in there without him noticing?"
「哇!」Claire 和 Eliza 驚訝地說。「只是我們要怎麼偷溜進去纔不會被他發現?」
"Follow me, I've studied the map, and there's a secret tunnel which he does not frequent," replied Margaret. Claire and Eliza rolled their eyes.
On emerging from the secret tunnel, they perceived a strange object, like a small tower, but with wings in the shape of flower petals. "I wonder where this leads to," muttered Eliza as she threw a sideways glance at Margaret.
從秘密通道出來後,映入眼簾的是一個物體,長得像一個塔一樣,卻有著花瓣樣子的翅膀。「這會通到哪兒去啊?」Eliza 一邊說一邊偷瞄著瑪格麗特的反應。
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-5 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-5
Tom showed them the drivers' seats at the front of the vehicle. "Claire and Margaret, you sit in front of the main control panel; Eliza, you sit beside them," elucidated Tom to Eliza, "Claire and Margaret have to start getting used to collaborating with each other, and we haven't found a partner for you yet. So, in the meantime, you should try not to participate as much as you used to. Understood?"
湯姆告訴她們駕駛座的位置。「Claire 和瑪格麗特,妳們坐在主要控制板前面;Eliza,你坐在旁邊就好。」湯姆對Eliza說。「Claire 和瑪格麗特得慢慢習慣互相合作,我們還尚未幫你找到合作夥伴。所以,目前,別像以往那樣那麼投入的參與這次的任務。理解嗎?」
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-4 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-4
The following morning, when the spies arrived at the headquarters of the PMSSO, they were immediately told by Tom that there was going to be a new spy joining their team. Nevertheless, when the 'new spy' walked out, their jaws dropped open as they discovered that she was no other than Margaret, Tom's wife!
"Very nice to meet you again," said Margaret in her sing-song voice, "It is really an honour to be able to collaborate with the best spies in the PMSSO. I have recently joined the PMSSO and have worked in the headquarters in America. But I have never seen such excellent spies as you before."
"Indeed, Claire and Eliza, you are currently the best spies here," affirmed Tom, "Furthermore, due to an augmentation of the recruitment of new spies, we cannot help but to let the seniors teach the newcomers. Therefore, I am afraid that, in the near future, we will have to split you two up, each working with a new spy."
「的確,Claire 和 Eliza 是總部目前最傑出的嬌娃。」湯姆確認道。「因為最近總部大量錄取新探員,所以我們得讓較資深的去教資淺的。因此,恐怕不久後,我們得將你們兩人拆散,各別和不同的新探員合作。」
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Saturday, 19 November 2016
Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-3 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-3
After the greetings were over, Claire and Eliza began wandering around the place. All of a sudden, they perceived yet another familiar face. "Tiffany!" They greeted their old high-school classmate, who had dyed her hair into a pale yellow. "OMG, how are you, Tiffany? We haven't heard from you for so long!"
打完招呼後,Claire 和 Eliza 便開始在後花園遊走。突然,她們又看到了另一個熟悉的面孔。「蒂芬妮!」兩人見到高中時代的老同學後異口同聲地喊道。「噢買尬,你好嗎,蒂芬妮?好久不見!」
"Hi, I miss you guys so much," responded Tiffany, "In fact, I just came back from a long holiday in the Bahamas. I am taking a gap year, and will be going to the US to study Fashion Design next year. How about you? How are uni lives for you?"
"We're just the same," replied Eliza, "We're barely finished with our first term in uni, and we're already overloaded with work. "
「我們和往常一樣啊!」Eliza 回答說。「我們大一第一學期還沒讀完,就已經有一堆課業要忙了。」
打完招呼後,Claire 和 Eliza 便開始在後花園遊走。突然,她們又看到了另一個熟悉的面孔。「蒂芬妮!」兩人見到高中時代的老同學後異口同聲地喊道。「噢買尬,你好嗎,蒂芬妮?好久不見!」
"Hi, I miss you guys so much," responded Tiffany, "In fact, I just came back from a long holiday in the Bahamas. I am taking a gap year, and will be going to the US to study Fashion Design next year. How about you? How are uni lives for you?"
"We're just the same," replied Eliza, "We're barely finished with our first term in uni, and we're already overloaded with work. "
「我們和往常一樣啊!」Eliza 回答說。「我們大一第一學期還沒讀完,就已經有一堆課業要忙了。」
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-2 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-2
That afternoon, Claire and Eliza arrived at Tom's mansion, where they were guided by the butler to his gigantic backyard, which was decorated in the simple yet luxurious festivities of a wedding. The place was buzzing in an out with people, before long, Claire and Eliza were completely lost in the crowd.
那天下午,Claire 和 Eliza 來到了湯姆的大豪宅。兩人被管家帶到了巨大的後院,也就是佈置得簡單卻奢華的婚禮會場。裏面有好多人,Claire 和 Eliza 很快地就走失了在人群中。
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Playmobil Spies: Christmas Cravings-1 摩比嬌娃之聖誕狂想-1
One chilly November morning, Claire and Eliza, who had just become freshers in university, were doing some grocery shopping in the local supermarket.
一個涼爽的十一月早晨,不久前才剛升大學一年級的 Claire 和 Eliza 正在超市買菜。
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Saturday, 5 November 2016
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Sunday, 23 October 2016
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-13 (Final Ending) 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-13(最終回)
Meanwhile, after Annie and Cathy returned to their windowless apartment room, the two girls sank down on the Victorian sofa, exhausted by their day's adventures. They glanced at the afternoon tea accessories which had barely been touched and sighed, thinking of their grandmas. Suddenly, Annie gasped whilst pointing to a chair nearby. As Cathy lazily turned her head, she was absolutely dazzled to discover that, perching on the Victorian chair, were the two purses which Claire and Eliza had accidentally left behind in their haste to arrive at Dr Dickinshfirtz's laboratory. Both Annie and Cathy smiled.
安妮和凱西回到了她們没有窗户的公寓後,累壞了的兩人攤在維多利亞長沙發上休息。她們凝視著幾乎沒被動過的下午茶用具後嘆了一口氣,想起了阿嬤們。突然,安妮指著一旁的椅子驚嘆了一聲。凱西轉頭一望,赫然發現 Claire 和 Eliza 那時在匆匆忙忙準備趕去迪肯弗博士的實驗室時,不慎遺忘在椅子上的兩個晚宴包。兩人都笑了。
安妮和凱西回到了她們没有窗户的公寓後,累壞了的兩人攤在維多利亞長沙發上休息。她們凝視著幾乎沒被動過的下午茶用具後嘆了一口氣,想起了阿嬤們。突然,安妮指著一旁的椅子驚嘆了一聲。凱西轉頭一望,赫然發現 Claire 和 Eliza 那時在匆匆忙忙準備趕去迪肯弗博士的實驗室時,不慎遺忘在椅子上的兩個晚宴包。兩人都笑了。
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Saturday, 15 October 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-12 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-12
"Albert!" Cathy and Annie exclaimed after perceiving the man with bushy eyebrows.
"Fantastic work, spies. Well done! You have successfully saved your grandmas," said Albert, then after perceiving Claire and Eliza staring at him, he quickly added. "Oh, I am sorry, ladies. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Albert Thompson, Agent Manager of the PMSSO, the boss of Annie and Cathy, although they don't treat me like a boss at all. Very pleasant to meet you, indeed you are by far my seniors, I have often heard my father mention your excellent work over the years."
「做得好,嬌娃們!妳們成功地拯救了阿嬤!」亞伯說,然後看到了 Claire 和 Eliza 正凝視著他後接著說:「很抱歉,女士們。我竟然忘了自我介紹了!我是亞伯・湯普森,PMSSO的探員經理,也就是安妮和凱西的老闆。很高興認識妳們!我應該稱呼你們一聲『前輩』,我小時後時常聽到爸爸講起你們的英勇事蹟。」
「做得好,嬌娃們!妳們成功地拯救了阿嬤!」亞伯說,然後看到了 Claire 和 Eliza 正凝視著他後接著說:「很抱歉,女士們。我竟然忘了自我介紹了!我是亞伯・湯普森,PMSSO的探員經理,也就是安妮和凱西的老闆。很高興認識妳們!我應該稱呼你們一聲『前輩』,我小時後時常聽到爸爸講起你們的英勇事蹟。」
After Claire and Eliza shook hands with the man and exchanged greetings, they said, "So Annie and Cathy are also spies working for the PMSSO? And, did you say Thompson? Does that mean you are.....?"
Claire 和 Eliza 和亞伯握手後,說:「所以安妮和凱西也是總部的探員嘍?還有,你剛剛說你姓『湯普森』,所以這代表你是.....?」
Claire 和 Eliza 和亞伯握手後,說:「所以安妮和凱西也是總部的探員嘍?還有,你剛剛說你姓『湯普森』,所以這代表你是.....?」
"Yes, indeed, I am Thomas Thompson's son. As this position is highly confidential, it can only be passed on from parent to child."
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-11 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-11
Just before little Claire and Eliza were about to enter the convenience store, they perceived the blowing of horns. After turning around, they discovered that two clowns stood behind them, as if selling balloons. "Didn't know there was a circus in town," remarked little Claire in her childish tones.
正當小 Claire 和 Eliza 準備進入便利店時,她們聽到了有人吹號角的聲音。轉身一看,赫然發現是兩個小丑在賣氣球。「咦?難道有馬戲團要來了?」小小Claire問道。
"I don't know, but it looks very fun," replied Eliza, mesmerised by the colourful balloons of all sorts of shapes and sizes, "Why not let's go get ourselves one before heading to school?"
「我也不知道,可是看起來好好玩兒喔!」被五彩繽紛、奇形怪狀的氣球所吸引的 Eliza 答道。「我們何不去買一個,再去上學?」
"Sure! Everyone else will envy our pretty balloons," responded Claire as they walked towards the two clowns.
「好啊,這樣大家就會很羨慕我們有氣球!」Claire 一邊走向小丑一邊回答道。
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Saturday, 8 October 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-10 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-10
Without warning, a man whom Claire and Eliza could only view the back seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, offering the two little girls a drink. "I'm sorry, sir, but mummy says not to accept anything from a stranger," replied little Claire in her childish tone.
毫無預警的,一名陌生的男子不知從哪裡冒了出來,並拿著飲料要給兩個小女孩喝。他背對著窗户,所以 Claire 和 Eliza 只能看見他的背影。「叔叔,很抱歉。馬麻說不能隨便接受陌生人的東西。」小 Claire 用著童言童語說。
"It's okay, me and your mummy know each other very well, why, I am the owner of this convenience store. I'm sure she won't object to that," the stranger persevered.
"Is it just me, or does that voice and figure sound familiar?" Claire whispered to Annie, who didn't seem to share the thought.
「是我的錯覺,還是我覺得這個人挺眼熟的?」Claire 對著安妮小聲說,可是安妮似乎不太認同。
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-9 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-9
"Oh no! What should we do?" panicked Cathy, "We're trapped, and I can feel the electric field getting closer to me."
"Calm down and think hard, there must be a way!" reassured Eliza as she looked around frantically, "Aha! The power box is over there, if only we could reach it, we can turn this dreaded machine off." All of a sudden, Claire took off a hair pin from her hair, and said, "That's our only hope!"
「冷靜下來想一想,一定有辦法!」Eliza 東張西望道。「有了!電箱就在那裡,如果我們可以搆到,我們就可以把機器關閉。」突然,Claire 從頭上拔下了一根髮夾,並說:「這是我們唯一的希望了!」
She kissed the pin and threw it in the direction of the power box, nonetheless, unfortunately, as the range was too great, the pin hadn't been able to hit the OFF button of the power box, and dropped below it. "Shoot!" In her fit of anger, Claire took of her high heels and aimed it towards the mocking power box. Whether it be due to the heavier weight of the shoe that did it or that fate had, at that instant, decided to be their friend; nevertheless, the trick worked. The OFF button has been hit, the room plunged into complete darkness, and the electric bubble around them exploded, leaving the girls scattered everywhere on the ground.
她親了髮夾後,便朝著電箱的方向丟去。然而,不料,髮夾太輕了,還來不及擊中按鈕就掉到地上了。「討厭!」Claire 一氣之下,脫掉高跟鞋,往電箱的方向奮力一抛。不知是因為鞋子的重量較重,還是命運決定幫助她們;鞋子不偏不倚打中了『關閉』的按鈕。頓時,整個房間陷入了漆黑,結界也破除了,女孩們散落了一地。
Sunday, 2 October 2016
Saturday, 1 October 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-8 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-8
As the enormous robot began its attack, Claire and Eliza agilely jumped away. Nonetheless, Cathy, who didn't have time to react, instantly became victim to the huge metal claw. "HELP!" the poor girl screamed as the clutch pressed tighter by the second.
巨大的機器人開始進行攻擊時,身手矯健的 Claire 和 Eliza 立馬就跳開了。然而,反應沒那麼好的凱西當場被金屬爪子抓了起來。「救命啊!」可憐的女孩尖叫道,爪子愈來愈緊。
"Don't worry, Cath! Grandma's here to rescue you!" In spite of her wearing high heels, in a leap, Claire jumped onto the top of the robot, and started beating it. "Come on! There must be a STOP button somewhere," she muttered under her breath. Nevertheless, all was in vain as however hard she searched, she could not find anything of the sort anywhere.
「別擔心,凱西!阿嬤來救你了!」雖然穿著高跟鞋,Claire 還是一躍就跳到了機器人的頭上,開始猛力地捶打。「這上面應該會有一個『停止』的按鈕啊!」她喃喃自語道。然而,找了半天,Claire 還是沒看到任何的按鈕。
"How dare you attack my granddaughter, you vile creature! Take that! Ouch!" Eliza, in her fit of anger, kicked the robot, but only resulted in hurting her foot after banging it on the hard metal. Without warning, a light shot out from the other arm of the robot. Immediately, Eliza lay there, transfixed. In fact, that was a hypnotiser!
「你竟敢攻擊我的孫女,你這個惡劣的機器人!看招!啊~好痛!」Eliza 一氣之下奮力地踢了機器人,結果機器人沒怎樣,反而她的腳在痛。突然間,一束光從機器人的另一隻手射出。頓時,Eliza 兩眼無神地躺在地上。原來,那束光有催眠的功效!
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-7 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-7
Without warning, Grandma Eliza spotted the two purses, which Claire and Eliza accidentally left on a chair nearby. "Hello! What's this? Claire, come and see this. Is my memory failing me, or are those two purses appear very familiar?"
毫無預警的,Eliza阿嬤看見了Claire 和 Eliza 在匆忙地躲起來時不小心遺留在椅子上的兩個晚宴包。「咦?這是什麼?Claire,趕快來看。是我有失憶症,還是這兩個包包看起來還挺面熟的?」
"Of course they look familiar!" Grandma Claire exclaimed in excitement, "Why, that's our purses, which we have used when we were young. If I recollect correctly, they were the exact ones which we took with us to our High School Graduation Ball!"
"And if I have not mistaken, we have lost them on the day of our Graduation Ball. I still remember I used the beige one," affirmed Eliza, "Annie and Cathy, how did these get here?" Annie and Cathy's heart seemed to have lost a beat and Claire and Eliza who were hiding behind the sofa glanced at each other in huge shock. Annie tried to open her mouth to respond, but it seemed that at that particular instant, her brain had frozen.
「對吼!而且它們就是畢業舞會那天不見的。我還記得我是用駝色的那個!」Eliza 確認道。「安妮、凱西,這兩個包怎麼會出現在你們這兒呢?」安妮和凱西緊張到心臟都快跳了出來,躲在沙發後面的 Claire 和 Eliza 也直冒冷汗。安妮正想開口回答,只是就在緊要關頭之時腦袋一片空白。
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Saturday, 24 September 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-6 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-6
This time, it was Claire's turn to press the button. "Let's see! This suits us better!" Claire had barely finished speaking when the room transformed into bare walls with Victorian furniture.
這次,換Claire走過去壓按鈕了。「我覺得這個挺適合我們的!」Claire 話還沒說完,房間的內裝頓時變成了素面的牆壁,裏面還放著維多利亞時期的傢俱。
"OMG! You're right! Enjoying afternoon tea in a victorian parlour has always been my dream!" Eliza exclaimed in excitement. Then, the four girls sat down to afternoon tea. They had barely taken a sip of the warm tea when they heard a feminine voice, "Incoming call! Incoming call from Grandma! Answer or not?"
「噢買尬!對耶!在維多利亞客廳裏喝著著下午茶一直都是我的夢想耶!」Eliza 興奮地叫道。然後,四個女孩們便坐下來,開始享用下午茶。她們才喝了一口暖暖的茶,就聽到了一個女人的聲音說:「有來電!有來自阿嬤的來電!要接嗎?」
"Who's that?" Claire and Eliza started up in shock.
「誰呀?」Claire 和 Eliza 嚇得跳了起來。
"Grandma, it's you calling. I mean....you from 2084 calling!" Annie hastily explained, "Quick! Hide yourselves behind the sofa. It's against the laws of time travel for the same individual in different time zones communicating in whatever form!"
"Plus, you'll scold us if we don't answer!" Cathy mumbled.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-5 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-5
After about a quarter of an hour, they started to lose height, and eventually landed on top of a tall building. Only then, did they discover that they had, in fact, been travelling extremely fast. "How fast is this Bubble?" inquired Eliza.
經過了約莫十五分鐘後,她們開始下降,最終停在一棟很高的建築物頂端。直到這時,她們才注意到原來飛行的速度這麼快。「泡泡的時速是多少呀?」Eliza 好奇地問道。
"Well, grandma, it's hard to say, but to give you an idea, we've roughly just travelled from London to Paris, as the names on the old maps," responded Annie.
"Wow! That's super fast!" Claire exclaimed, "How come I didn't see the English Channel?"
「哇!那好快喔!」Claire 驚叫道。「只是怎麼都沒看見英吉利海俠呢?」
"That has been gotten rid of a long time ago, grandma!" Cathy chuckled, "Now, many seas between countries have been covered up by artificial land to make more living space, only the ocean surrounding the big continents exist. Besides, most of the small islands that used to exist don't exist anymore, due to the rapid rise of sea levels caused by global warming. All the more reasons for artificial land."
Saturday, 17 September 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-4 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-4
After some time, both Claire and Eliza and their granddaughters arrived at the year 2084. Eliza felt a bit dizzy after the molecules in her body had been separated and regrouped together. The four girls descended the Time Booth, discovering themselves to be situated on a flat surface, the stuffy and polluted air soon reached their nostrils, and Claire and Eliza, who weren't at all accustomed to such a level of pollution, started coughing immediately, but soon stopped after they became quite used to it.
很快地, Claire 和 Eliza 以及他們的孫女們都紛紛來到了 2084年。Eliza 身體的分子被分解再組裝回來後,使她感到有些許的頭暈。四個女孩們走出了時光亭,發現自己站在一個平台上。充滿污染的空氣很快地飄到了 Claire 和 Eliza 的鼻孔裏,使得兩人不禁開始猛力地咳嗽。不過,過了一會兒,兩人也漸漸習慣了。
很快地, Claire 和 Eliza 以及他們的孫女們都紛紛來到了 2084年。Eliza 身體的分子被分解再組裝回來後,使她感到有些許的頭暈。四個女孩們走出了時光亭,發現自己站在一個平台上。充滿污染的空氣很快地飄到了 Claire 和 Eliza 的鼻孔裏,使得兩人不禁開始猛力地咳嗽。不過,過了一會兒,兩人也漸漸習慣了。
"We're now on top of a really tall building," explained Annie, "Now, we have to get to our apartment to make sure that Dickinshfirtz is in his laboratory." As she explained, she took out a capsule-shaped object out of a pocket in her dress, which soon disappeared after the object is taken out. Then, she threw it onto the floor. As if by magic, Claire and Eliza stared in awe as the capsule exploded into a huge and transparent bubble-shaped object, which has the capacity to hold four people. "Wow!" Claire and Eliza exclaimed in astonishment in one voice.
「我們正站在一棟高樓上。」安妮解釋道。「現在,我們得先回公寓,好確認迪肯弗還在他的實驗室裏。」她說畢便從衣服口袋裏取出了一個膠囊,說也奇怪,膠囊被取出後口袋自己就消失不見了。安妮將膠囊往地上一扔,彷彿魔法一般,Claire 和 Eliza 目瞪口呆地看著膠囊爆破後變成了一個泡泡形狀的物體,體積剛好可容納四人。「哇!」Claire 和 Eliza 異口同聲地說。
「我們正站在一棟高樓上。」安妮解釋道。「現在,我們得先回公寓,好確認迪肯弗還在他的實驗室裏。」她說畢便從衣服口袋裏取出了一個膠囊,說也奇怪,膠囊被取出後口袋自己就消失不見了。安妮將膠囊往地上一扔,彷彿魔法一般,Claire 和 Eliza 目瞪口呆地看著膠囊爆破後變成了一個泡泡形狀的物體,體積剛好可容納四人。「哇!」Claire 和 Eliza 異口同聲地說。
Friday, 16 September 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-3 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-3
Once they entered the strange machine, Eliza announced, "Right now is the time for you two to explain yourselves: What on Earth do you mean by calling us grandma?"
大夥兒都進入了奇怪的機器後,Eliza 宣佈道:「好啦!現在你們可以解釋了吧?你們為什麼叫我們阿嬤?」
"That's because we're really your granddaughters!" The golden-haired girl elucidate, "I'm number 1345987345, and she is 1384750186. Just call us Annie and Cathy. We come from the year 2084 AD, where you two- our grandmas are in danger from the grandson of Dr Dickinshfirtz, whom you have encountered in your mission of "Back to the Cretaceous", the one that tried to clone dinosaurs and bring them back to modern day. Well...."
"Whoa, whoa, wait a sec..." interrupted Claire. "One question: Why are your name numbers? What are you? Convicts?"
「等一下!」Claire 打斷道。「我有問題:你們的名字為什麼是數字啊?你們是犯人嗎?」
「等一下!」Claire 打斷道。「我有問題:你們的名字為什麼是數字啊?你們是犯人嗎?」
"No, because in 2084, aka the future for you, we have an unified international language, which is not English, consisting of numbers. Hence, all our names need to be numbers for us to be identified." Cathy- the dark-haired girl replied.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Saturday, 10 September 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-2 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-2
As they headed towards the hall for their Graduation Ball, Eliza suddenly wanted to go to the toilet, so Claire accompanied her there. At the entrance of the restrooms, they perceived their classmate- Jerry.
"OMG! Jerry's so handsome today!" Eliza whispered to her friend, who didn't seem to be convinced.
兩人走到舞會現場後,Eliza 突然想上廁所,於是,Claire 便陪著她去洗手間。在洗手間的門口,兩人看見了同學~傑瑞正從男士洗手間走出來。「噢買尬!傑瑞今天好帥喔!」Eliza 小聲地對她的朋友說,Claire 似乎顯得不以為意。
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Playmobil Spies: 2084 AD: Saving Grandma-1 摩比嬌娃之2084年:拯救阿嬤-1
One calm evening towards the end of June, Eliza and Claire were driving to their graduation ball in their white convertible. "OMG! I can't believe it's already the big day!" Claire exclaimed, "I remember we've just entered high school like it happened yesterday!"
一個寧靜的六月底傍晚,Claire 和 Eliza 正開著白色敞篷車前往他們畢業舞會的現場。「噢買尬!真不敢想像大日子這麼快就到了!」Claire 驚歎道。「我們不是昨天才剛進高中嗎?」
"Yeah, I know right! Everything whizzed past so fast!" Eliza affirmed, "Especially this year: school starts, then half-term break, then Christmas, then MOCK, then Easter and study leave and those annoying exams.....up to now! Whoa! What a ride!"
「對呀!時間真的過得好快!」Eliza 確認道。「尤其是今年:開學、放萬聖節假期、然後耶誕節、然後模擬考、復活節,再來就考試了!哇!真的太精彩了!」
"Are you ready for your speech, deputy head student?" inquired Claire.
「你的畢業致詞準備的怎樣啊,學生會副會長?」Claire 問道。
"Yep! Had plenty of time to practice that since my exams finished pretty early!" replied Eliza, "Now, I just have to make it extremely emotional."
「差不多了!因為我很早就考完了,所以有很多時間可以準備!」Eliza 答道。「我只要把它講的很感人就好!」
"OMG! I'm so gonna cry!" exclaimed Claire.
「屆時我一定會哭得!」Claire 說。
"Well, don't!" said Eliza, "Just think of the make-up you took three hours to put on!"
「別哭!別忘了你花了三小時畫妝耶!」Eliza 答道。
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Monday, 29 August 2016
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Sunday, 21 August 2016
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-15 (Final Ending) 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-15(完結篇)
After the delicious meal was over, Claire led the two boys further into the house. "Come on! Let's explore the place!" she said. Suddenly, Shaun exclaimed. "Wait! Who are you? You are not my sister Claire! Nice try! But don't think you can fool me. I would know my sister anywhere. Who are you? What do you want? Reveal yourself!" Without warning, in a puff of smoke, Claire's figure in front of them transformed into that of a Chinese old man, with white hair and beard. "Bingo! Clever young man, you are right! I am not your sister!" the old man said. "In fact, I am a fox, but for the convenience of talking to you, I have changed into something you would be more accustomed to."
吃完了豐盛的餐點,Claire 帶著兩個男生進去屋內參觀。「來吧!咱們來探險!」她說。突然,孝恩喊道:「等等!你是誰?你不是我妹妹李可萊。雖然裝得不錯,可是還是騙不了我。身為哥哥怎麼可能認不出自己的妹妹?你是誰?有何貴幹?現身吧!」說時遲那時快,在一陣白煙中,他們眼前 Claire 的身影頓時變成了一位滿頭白髮、留著鬍鬚的老人。「賓苟!答對啦,年輕人!我不是你妹妹!」老人說。「事實上,我是一隻狐狸,但是為了跟你們說話,我變成了你們所熟悉的樣子!」
"What do you want, old man? Why did you pretend to be Claire?" Jeffrey shouted angrily. Shaun nudged him to remind him to show some respect to the elder.
「你想幹嘛,老人?你為什麼假扮成 Claire?」傑佛瑞氣憤的問道。孝恩推了推他的朋友,提醒他不要忘了有禮貌。
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-14 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-14
The scene that came into view was no other than an oriental mansion, with a luxurious Chinese garden, a grand porch, Chinese couplets stuck on doors, and, last but not least, it was buzzing in and out with people. It was just like a carnival, visitors were swarming everywhere, celebrating, with people playing drums, horns and trumpets.
"I didn't know there was a house here!" Jeffrey whispered.
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-13 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-13
After some time, Shaun, after glancing at his watch, announced. "Guys, I think it's about time to head back. It's 4pm already, and we've got to get back before dark."
Nevertheless, the friends soon found themselves quite lost in this dense forest.
"I think it's this way!" Claire suggested.
"No, I'm sure it's that way!" Nadia replied, pointing to the exact opposite direction.
然而,大家很快地發現自己已經徹底在農密的森林裏迷了路。「是這邊!」Claire 提議道。
At around 6pm, the group was not only completely exhausted, but also, more confused than ever about how to escape. "I'm starving!" Tiffany complained after her stomach grumbled deafeningly, "I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast! And all I had was an apple!"

Nevertheless, the friends soon found themselves quite lost in this dense forest.
"I think it's this way!" Claire suggested.
"No, I'm sure it's that way!" Nadia replied, pointing to the exact opposite direction.
然而,大家很快地發現自己已經徹底在農密的森林裏迷了路。「是這邊!」Claire 提議道。
At around 6pm, the group was not only completely exhausted, but also, more confused than ever about how to escape. "I'm starving!" Tiffany complained after her stomach grumbled deafeningly, "I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast! And all I had was an apple!"

Monday, 15 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-12 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-12
Eliza searched thoroughly through the bushes, but neither did she find anything, nor did the sound repeat itself again. Eventually, she decided to give up, and returned to the tree where she left Tiffany. However, the latter was nowhere to be found. "She must have finished and returned to the group, thinking that I have ditched her." Eliza thought to herself.
Eliza 仔細地找遍了樹叢;然而,不但她什麼也沒找到,而且,聲音也沒再出現。最後,Eliza 還是決定打道回府,回到了蒂芬尼剛剛上廁所的樹那裡。可是,後者已經不見蹤影了。「她一定是以為我拋棄了她,所以自己歸隊了。」Eliza 心想。
Sunday, 14 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-11 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-11
After Tiffany twisted her ankle, the group was forced to take a rest there. "I don't see how this forest has anything to do with our dream." Claire broke the silence, "I mean, it might just be pure coincidence that we had the same dream."
蒂芬尼扭到腳後,大夥兒便被迫暫停。「我不懂,這座森林跟我們的夢會有何關?」Claire 打破了寧靜說。「我是說,我們作了同一個夢可能只是巧合啊!」
"But it's definitely not coincidence that our dream was a continuation of yours." Shaun replied.
"Yeah, the dream took place in a similar setting, right, Nadia?" Jeffrey affirmed.
"To be honest, I didn't dream about anything at all last night!" Nadia responded, "Though I did not experience your dream, I can be certain that it has something to do with those foxes. I think Lina agrees, too. Look! She is getting very agitated."
Shaun glanced at his watch and announced, "Well, that's not surprising, as it's half past two in the afternoon. Whatever is going to happen, it won't take long."
Saturday, 13 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-10 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-10
After breakfast, the friends have had a change of clothes and decided that they'll go and explore their surroundings. "To understand the dream, it is vital to know where we are, so we can acknowledge its cause." Shaun explained.
"Alright, I'll set Lina on the track for foxes, their tracks might lead us to our destination, wherever that may be." Nadia announced, after which Lina started sniffing the ground and led them on a path leading towards a dense and eerie forest. The trees were so tightly packed that although it was a bright and sunny day, after the group entered the forest, they lost any sense of time, as it seemed it was always night in the forest. "We have to keep together, guys!" Jeffrey called, "It's best if we walk in twos, Nadia and I will lead with Lina at the front, Shaun, you go with Claire; and Eliza, you go with Stephanie."
「好吧!那我就叫麗娜找尋狐狸的蹤跡,說不定狐狸就是關鍵。」娜迪雅宣佈完畢,麗娜便開始聞著地上,尋找狐狸的氣味,帶領著大家走到一片陰森的森林內。森林裏的樹密度很高,就算那天有晴空萬里的好天氣,大夥兒走進森林內彷彿已經晚上了一般。「我們大家得走在一起。」傑佛瑞喊道。「最好是兩人併排走:娜迪雅和我走在前面,麗娜帶路;孝恩,你和 Claire 一起走;Eliza,你跟史蒂芬尼。」
"My name is..." Tiffany opened her mouth to speak, but was hushed by Nadia. "We don't know what's in this forest, let's keep as silent as possible so we don't lure anything out."
Friday, 12 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-9 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-9
Next morning, the group of friends crowded around the breakfast table, chatting. The girls, after getting used to the dream for two days, were surprised to state that they didn't dream about anything last night.
"It was the best night of sleep I've had ever since I've arrived on this island!" Claire admitted.
「這是我自從來到這個島嶼睡得最好的一晚了!」Claire 說。
"Yeah, now I feel much more refreshed and ready to do some work." Eliza smiled.
「對呀!我現在感到疲勞全消,可以開始幹活兒了!」Eliza 笑著說。
"Well, not for me!" Tiffany said sulkily, with even worse panda eyes, "Although I didn't dream at all last night, I couldn't sleep cos of a demmed fly, buzzing all the time!"
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-8 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-8
Then, Tiffany went over to the sink, pretending to do some introduction, but actually peering at her own reflection in the mirror. "Wow! There's a washing machine!" Shaun exclaimed.
After perceiving a sudden scream, they all turned around to see Tiffany jumping around. "What's the matter, again?" Eliza inquired, annoyed.
聽到了一個尖叫聲後,大家轉頭看到蒂芬尼跳來跳去的。「這次又怎麼了?」Eliza 問道。
"That dog! It peed on my foot!" Tiffany screamed, after pointing at Nadia's dalmatian, which looked back at her innocently. Nadia immediately kneeled down beside the dog, and after looking at it for several minutes, stood up laughing. "Hahaha, Lina thought you were a tree, Tiffany!"
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Nadia has the ability to communicate with animals." Claire explained to the unconvinced Tiffany, who eyed her suspiciously.
「噢,對了!我忘了告訴你,娜迪雅有和動物溝通的能力!」Claire 解釋道,蒂芬尼用著懷疑的眼神看著她。
After perceiving a sudden scream, they all turned around to see Tiffany jumping around. "What's the matter, again?" Eliza inquired, annoyed.
聽到了一個尖叫聲後,大家轉頭看到蒂芬尼跳來跳去的。「這次又怎麼了?」Eliza 問道。
"That dog! It peed on my foot!" Tiffany screamed, after pointing at Nadia's dalmatian, which looked back at her innocently. Nadia immediately kneeled down beside the dog, and after looking at it for several minutes, stood up laughing. "Hahaha, Lina thought you were a tree, Tiffany!"
"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Nadia has the ability to communicate with animals." Claire explained to the unconvinced Tiffany, who eyed her suspiciously.
「噢,對了!我忘了告訴你,娜迪雅有和動物溝通的能力!」Claire 解釋道,蒂芬尼用著懷疑的眼神看著她。
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-7 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-7
That afternoon, the detectives- Shaun and Jeffrey arrived at the island where the three girls were staying, boarding Tiffany's luxurious private jet, with an air hostess taking care of their needs. The moment Jeffrey's face appeared at the entrance, Tiffany dashed to welcome him.
"Long time no see, my dear Jeffie!" Tiffany said with her high-pitched voice, "I hope you had a pleasant flight! Welcome to my island!"
"Oh, um, thanks, um, Daphne, it was very nice!" Jeffrey replied, a bit taken a back by Tiffany's passionate welcome.
"No probs, Jeffie, actually my name is....." Tiffany stopped mid-sentence when she perceived a beautiful lady with braided golden hair, holding a dalmatian appearing at the entrance after the boys. "Who is that b.....I mean beautiful woman?" Tiffany took in a deep breath.
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-6 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-6
That day was spent drowsily by the three girls: Tiffany simply lay on the sofa-bed all day, dozing in and out of sleep. Claire, on the other hand, kept making coffee to keep herself awake. As for Eliza, she was continuously getting in and out of a cold shower to refresh herself. Seems like the productivity on the first day for them was zero. All they hoped for was that the following day would turn out better, so they could make up for their undone work.
那天女孩兒們都過得昏昏沈沈的:蒂芬尼整天躺在沙發床上;Claire 則一直泡咖啡提神;Eliza 是一直沖冷水澡讓自己清醒。那天的生產力是零。她們只希望明天會好轉,這樣好補回今天該做卻没做的事情。
那天女孩兒們都過得昏昏沈沈的:蒂芬尼整天躺在沙發床上;Claire 則一直泡咖啡提神;Eliza 是一直沖冷水澡讓自己清醒。那天的生產力是零。她們只希望明天會好轉,這樣好補回今天該做卻没做的事情。
Monday, 8 August 2016
Playmobil Detectives: The Fox Wedding-5 摩比神探之狐仙嫁女-5
On the following morning, Claire and Eliza both woke up at midday from a restless night. Claire made themselves some coffee whilst Eliza went looking for canned food for brunch.
隔天早上,Claire 和 Eliza 中午時才醒來,兩人整晚都沒睡好。Claire 起來後便開始泡咖啡,Eliza 則是去尋找一些罐頭食品來當早午餐吃。
"I'm so tired," Eliza yawned as she sat down.
「我好累啊!」Eliza 打著哈欠說。
"Same here!" Claire took out her mirror and glanced at her panda eyes. "Must be because I was too seasick from the yacht trip."
「我也是!」Claire 拿出鏡子看著自己的熊貓眼說。「一定是昨天我暈船暈得太厲害了!」
"Maybe we were simply exhausted." Eliza muttered as she munched on some peas.
「可能是我們都累壞了吧!」Eliza 邊吃著豆子邊說。
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